, 28, 2009 |
slogans are becoming popular
Press Release, July 28, 2009
YABLOKO has been using its slogan
“Governments under Public Control!” since parliamentary
election in 2007, now it has turned into the key slogan
at the rally in protection of small businesses at
Cherkizovsky Market in Moscow (Ed. A popular Moscow
market with cheap goods recently closed by the authorities)
held by the youth organization of the Labour Russia
(Avangard Krasnoi Molodyozhi). |
, 24, 2009 |
constitute 43% in the list of YABLOKO’s candidates
to the Moscow City Duma
Galina Mikhalyova specially
web-site, July 24, 2009
Women constitute 43% (21 women out
of 49 candidates) in the list of candidates to the
Moscow City Duma approved by the conference of the
Moscow branch of YABLOKO’s on July 22. |
, 23, 2009 |
Sergei Mitrokhin
and Eugeni Bunimovich top the list of YABLOKO’s
candidates at the Moscow Duma election
Press Release, July 23, 2009
Sergei Mitrokhin and Eugeni Bunimovich
topped the list of candidates from the YABLOKO party
to the Moscow City Duma election. The
list of candidates was approved by the conference
of the Moscow branch of YABLOKO on July 22. |
Savva Yamschikov will always be personifying the best
traits of the nation
July 23, 2009
The death of Savva Yamschikov, a renowned
restorer and fine arts expert, is a severe loss for
the Russian art, culture and public life. His contribution
into preservation of historical and cultural heritage
of Russia, uncompromising stand and understanding
that it is necessary to spare no effort so that to
preserve all that is attributed to the specific traits
of the Russian history and culture are invaluable. |
Olga Zepilova visits the Northern Urals
July 22, 2009
On the commission of the head of the
Green Russia faction Alexei Yablokov, Olga Zepilova,
member of the YABLOKO Bureau and deputy head of the
Green Russia faction, visited Chelyabinsk, Ekaterinburg
and Severouralsk (Sverdlovsk region) on July 13-17,
2009. |
, 21, 2009 |
off from the Planet of Hope human rights organisation
Statement of the YABLOKO party,
July 21, 2009
The YABLOKO party expresses its strong
protest against boosting the atmosphere of spy scare
and provocations around the Planet of Hope (Planeta
Nadezhd) public organisation in the Chelyabinsk region
by security agencies. |
Russia HR
activist murdered
Liberal International, July
21, 2009
Reactions of outrage followed after
Natalya Estemirova, a prominent human rights activist
in Chechnya, was found murdered yesterday. Estemirova
is the third human rights activist killed in the Russian
federal republic in three years. Sergei Mitrokhin,
the leader of Russian LI Full Member party Yabloko
released a statement stressing that 'the murder of
Natalya Estemirova [is] a direct consequence of governmental
policies in the Northern Caucasus and in Russia in
general. |
, 20, 2009 |
must become a symbol of the European fight for freedom
of expression
ELDR, July 20, 2009
The ELDR Party, deeply shocked by
the murder of Natalya Estemirova, Russian journalist,
award winning human rights activist, and moral successor
of Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaia, urgently demands
a comprehensive investigation into this criminal act
which has its roots in censorship of information and
lack of freedom in Russia. |
, 19, 2009 |
Federal Security Service and OMON did not manage to
clear President Medvedev’s route from all YABLOKO’s
Press Release, July 19, 2009
Yesterday morning before the passage
of the presidential cortege in the Third Circular
Road, Moscow, the Federal Security and OMON (special
police forces) rushed into the garage complex at Podvoiskogo
street and torn off almost all YABLOKO’s banners and
broadsides "Return Our Property!" and "YABLOKO
Protects Our Rights" hanging on the facade. The
banners and broadsides were fixed by the owners of
the garages who together with YABLOKO continue fighting
for their property rights. |
, 17, 2009 |
on activities of foreign teachers represents restoration
of the iron curtain
Statement of the YABLOKO party,
July 17, 2009
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO is against introduction of changes into the
law “On the legal status of foreigners” restricting
the activities of foreign teachers and educators in
Russia. |
in memory of Natalya Estemirova
Press Release, July 17, 2009
A rally in memory of slain human rights
activist Natalya Estemirova took place in Novopuskinskii
Skver in Moscow. The participants held Natalya Estemirova
portraits and placards demanding to find and punish
those guilty of her murder. |
, 16, 2009 |
Russian authorities are fully responsible for another
political murder
Statement by the Party Chairman,
July 16, 2009
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO regards the murder of Natalya Estemirova as
a direct consequence of governmental policies in the
Northern Caucasus and in Russia in general. |
, 15, 2009 |
housing policy to be corrected
Press Release, July 15, 2009
The Moscow government acknowledged
YABLOKO’s criticism and withdrew from the agenda of
the Moscow City Duma draft law “The Basis of the Housing
Policy in Moscow”. Yesterday at a press conference
Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the YABLOKO party and
its faction in the Moscow Duma, criticized the draft
law for maintaining the provisions allowing for the
state to impose its methods of management over condominiums
and its prices and norms for communal services. |
, 14, 2009 |
Sergei Kryzhov
elected deputy of the Municipal Council of Sergiyev
Posad Area
Press Release, July 14, 2009
Member of the Bureau of the Moscow
Region branch of YABLOKO Sergei Kryzhov was elected
deputy of the Municipal Council of Sergiyev Posad
Area, Moscow Region. |
reports on its performance in the Moscow City Duma
Press Release, July 14, 2009
Press conference of the YABLOKO party
“What has been done and will be done by YABLOKO in
the Moscow City Duma” took place in the Independent
Press Centre on July 14. YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
and Chairman of the Commission on Science and Education
of the Moscow City Duma Eugeni Bunimovich reported
on YABLOKO’s performance in the Moscow parliament. |
Press conference
on the performance of the YABLOKO faction
Press Release, July 13, 2009
Press conference on the performance
of the YABLOKO faction in the Moscow City Duma will
take place in Nezavisimiy Press-Centr (Independent
Press Centre) on July 14 at 2.00 p.m. At the conference
the YABLOKO faction will report on its performance
in the Moscow City Duma and will present of its action
plan for the short term. |
, 13, 2009 |
Ignatieff delivers 2009 Isaiah Berlin Lecture
Liberal International Newsletter
No 143 Read
Addressing an audience of more than
200 guests, Michael Ignatieff MP, the leader of LI
Full Member the Liberal Party of Canada and leader
of the Canadian opposition, delivered the 2009 Liberal
International Isaiah Berlin Lecture in London's historical
National Liberal Club yesterday. In his lecture “Liberal
Values in Tough Times”, Ignatieff reminded liberals
that “liberalism should never lose its founding association
with generosity of heart and openness of mind. These
are the habits of heart that we need to keep to save
our beliefs from curdling into political correctness
or ideological dogmatism.” |
leader meets with president Obama
Liberal International, Newsletter
No 143 Read
During the visit of US president Barack
Obama to Russia this week, Sergei Mitorkhin, the leader
of Russian LI Full Member party Yabloko had an opportunity
to meet with the American president to speak about
a variety of issues, primarily discussing cooperation
in constructing a joint Russian-American anti-ballistic
missile system (ABM). |
, 10, 2009 |
Around - A view on the present conspiracy theory by
Boris Vishnevsky
Fontanka.ru, June 30, 2009
The Soviet Union collapsed due to
“ecological horror stories” of 1980s that provoked
“artificial schizophrenic attitudes”: thus, a fear
of salmonellosis led to a situation when Soviet citizens
stopped eating chicken and the corresponding ministry
responsible for provision of poultry collapsed, and
a “horror story” on nitrates filling vegetables grown
in the USSR killed our agriculture. After this the
country was crammed with US poultry and imported fruit
and vegetables. |
, 9, 2009 |
owners demand that the authorities should return their
Press Release, July 9, 2009
A meeting of deputy of the Moscow
City Duma Sergei Mitrokhin with owners of garages
pulled down at Podvsoiskogo street took place by the
municipal council building of the Presnya District,
Moscow. Sergei Mitrokhin informed the meeting that
he had received an answer on his deputy’s inquiry
addressed to the head of the property Department of
Moscow Vladimir Silkin. The answer, however, did not
clear up the point why some owners had been granted
property title while other had not. |
Obama admits conflict-prone nature of the American
ITAR TASS, July 8, 2009 00:09
US President Barack Obama admits that
deployment of the US ABM system in Europe is prone
of conflicts, said Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the
YABLOKO party, after today’s meeting of Barack Obama
with the Russian oppositions. |
, 7, 2009 |
Sergei Mitrokhin
and Barack Obama discussed the Russian ABM system
Press Release, July 7, 2009
“I am currently reconsidering the
issue of ABM deployment in Europe. I can not rule
out joint actions with Russia in this field. But that
will be another security architecture,” that’s how
US President reacted on the proposal of YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin to abolish plans of unilateral
deployment of ABM systems in Europe and consider organisation
of a joint Russian-American ABM system. |
leader proposes a joint Russia-US BMD project at the
meeting with Barack Obama
Press Release, July 7, 2009
Strategic partnership and a joint
Russia-US BMD system were the key points of Sergei Mitrokhin’s
speech at the meeting with US President Barack Obama
which took place in Moscow today, on July 7.
Speaking about the possibilities of implementation
of the strategic partnership idea Sergei Mitrokhin
noted that “today we have a favourable moment for
supporting the idea with real actions”. |
From a joint
ABM system to strategic partnership
Press Release, July 7, 2009
Supporting declarations of strategic
partnership by definite actions and improvement of understanding
of each other represent the urgent tasks of Russia-US
relations from the point of view of the YABLOKO party.
Such statements are made in the document handed by
Sergei Mitrokhin, YABLOKO’s leader, to President of
the USA Barack Obama during their meeting on July
7. |
on Some Important Strategic Issues of Russian-American
Moscow, July 7, 2009
Certainly, there are prerequisites
for full-scale cooperation, as both Russia and the
USA largely belong to the European culture and civilization.
The tragedies of the 20-th century have split our
world, however, the policies of the 21st century have
to bring it together again on the basis of shared
values. This requires much effort, but the result
is worth it. The good will of our society (rather
than a history’s whim or a blind chance) made possible
the deconstruction the totalitarian system. This fact
demonstrates that freedom and democracy are as important
for the Russian citizens, as for the Americans. Whatever
complicated situations we have to face in the future,
it should be borne in mind that Russians are the people
capable of understanding Americans. The main thing
which the US President can do here is to try to understand
Russia and its people. |
Key Notes
Moscow, July 7, 2009
Discussion of strategic partnership
between our countries has been held for a long time,
however, little has been done for realization of this
goal. Today we have a favourable moment for
filling the idea with real actions. Cooperation in
solution of international and global problems in many
fields is on the agenda now. We think that such cooperation
could become a real alternative to the neoimperialist
projects and approaches that are today “en vogue”
with the Russian political and military elite. |
, 6, 2009 |
Yavlinsky, "It’s good that Barack Obama and Dmitry
Medvedev have begun talking, however, I don’t think
that they can reach any special agreements here”
Inopressa.ru after ABC.es
ABC.es, Spain, published an interview
with economist and member of the liberal Yabloko party
Grigory Yavlinsky. |
Liberals in Russia
By Alexander Shishlov
Preparing an official visit of the
Yabloko party to Strasbourg, Alexander Shishlov, Member
of Yabloko Bureau and Vice-Chairman of the Liberal
Group in 1996-2003, addressed the ALDE in April. Long-standing
partners of the ALDE, the Yabloko party, represented
by the current and former chairmen, Sergei Mitrokhin
and Grigory Yavlinsky, and Alexander Shishlov should
attend the autumn session of the group. This article,
signed by Mr Shishlov, presents an introductory overview
of the state of liberal ideas and institutions in
today’s Russia. |
, 3, 2009 |
calls to change Russia’s foreign policy
July 3, 2009
“Current trends towards growth of
authoritarianism and corruption, neoimperialism, rehabilitation
of Stalin’s regime, unbridled anti-Western propaganda
in the mass media create a serious obstacle for efficient
foreign and defence policies, as well as domestic
and economic policies. This trend should be reversed,”
runs YABLOKO’s programme declaration on Russia’s foreign
policy. |
July 3, 2009
State officials’
poaching should be stopped!
Statement by the YABLOKO party
July 1, 2009
Mayor of Minusinsk (a city in the
Krasnoyarsk Area) got drowned in the Podkamennaya
Tunguska river on June 27. The circumstances of the
accident showed that this accident took place during
committing of a crime [by the Mayor] – unlawful fishing
(fishing is prohibited in this part of the river until
winter due to sturgeon spawning). |
The Third
March for Protection of Historical Part of St.Petersburg
to Take Place in September
Press Release July 1, 2009
A meeting of the Bureau of St.Petersburg
YABLOKO took place on June 30. The Bureau adopted
a decision on conducting the Third March for Protection
of St.Petersburg on September 12-13. |
, 30, 2009 |
Presents Its Anti-Crisis Plan
June 30, 2009
Boosting of domestic demand, fight
against corruption and protection of human rights
should become top priorities for Russia’s domestic
policies. Such goals are envisaged by YABLOKO’s Anti-Crisis
Plan for Russia. |
Anti-Crisis Proposals of the Russian United Democratic
June 30, 2009
Handed to President Medvedev by Sergei
Mitrokhin on June 11, 2009 |
Opposition is ready to fight for the victory!
Press Release June 30, 2009
A round table discussion joined together
the leaders of the YABLOKO party, deputies of the
Ekaterinburg City Duma, the Sverdlovsk Region Duma
and citizens’ initiative groups. The meeting
took place on June 26 in Ekaterinburg. |
Together for Liberal Values
ALDE Newsletter - June 2009
My foreign liberal friends often ask
me how they can help to Russian liberals and Yabloko.
The answer is simple: the fight for spreading liberal
values in Russia is our Russian task. Only the Russian
citizens can build a law-governed state in Russia
based on liberal values. But there are things we may
do better together, and many issues from the CE agenda
are among them...
and LI support Matyas Eorsi and ALDE
ALDE Newsletter - June 2009
Liberal International and the ELDR
address letters of support to the ALDE....
member inaugurates a Council of Europe information
point in Belarus
ALDE Newsletter - June 2009
8.06.2009 Andrea Rigoni (Italy), member
of the ALDE and PACE Rapporteur on Belarus, welcomed
the inauguration of the Council of Europe information
point in Minsk. "This is our greatest hope, that the
Information Point, by raising awareness of the Council
of Europe in Belarus, will prompt a growing desire
to share the same values, that it will prompt a wish
among the young people of Belarus - who one day will
be journalists, civil servants or ministers - to communicate
with young Europeans and speak a common language,
based on respect for democracy, human rights and the
rule of law," said the Rapporteur....
, 29 , 2009 |
Meeting of
the Bureau of the YABLOKO party
Press Release June 29, 2009
A regular meeting of the Bureau of
the YABLOKO party took place on June 27.
YABLOKO’s Chairman Sergei Mitrokhin
and members of the Political Committee Sergei Ivanenko
and Grigory Yavlinsky reported on their meeting with
President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev which took place
on June 11 in Barvikha. |
more Moscow park protected by YABLOKO
Press Release June 29, 2009
The Prefect’s Office of the Southern District of Moscow
cancelled its resolution on construction of a restaurant
on the territory of the Bitsevsky park. Such a statement
has been made by an official from the Prefect’s Office
today during a protest action against such construction. |
, 26 , 2009 |
The YABLOKO Political Committee
Statement, June 6, 2009
The present situation and prospects of Russia’s foreign
policy provoke much concern... |
is against “monetization” of the Russian-Ukrainian
Press Release June 24, 2009
The YABLOKO party is against appointment of Mikhail
Zurabov as Russia’s Ambassador in Ukraine. Such a
statement was made by YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitorkhin.
“In the situation of escalation of conflict with Ukraine,
[the government] proposes to appoint as Ambassador
an extremely unpopular ex-official, who symbolizes
the merger of business and government and replacement
of policies with commerce. There is not doubt that
such an appointment may only aggravate the problems,”
said Mitrokhin. |
disrupted the plans on elimination of a specially
protected natural territory in Moscow
Press Release June 24, 2009
Today the Moscow City Duma has declined amendments
into the draft law “On Specially Protected Natural
Territories in Moscow” that would allow to conduct
once in three years the so-called “corrections” [i.e.
reductions] of such natural zones not exceeding 1
per cent of the territory. To prove to the deputies
that such an initiative will inevitably lead to shrinking
of forests and parks Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the
YABLOKO party and its faction in the Moscow Duma,
visited on June 22 with deputy’s inspection one of
such specially protected natural territories (The
Valley of the Riva Skhadnaya in Kurkino), where a
nameless elite settlement is situated. |
, 24 , 2009 |
Candles per a Day of War
Press Release June 22, 2009
About hundred of activists and advocates of the YABLOKO
party participated in YABLOKO’s traditional 1,418
Candles per a Day of War action commemorating the
beginning of the Great Patriotic War (the date of
Hitler’s attack on the USSR commemorated in Russia
as the Memory and Grievance Day). The action took
place by the memorial to the moscovites who protected
the city in the Second World War situated at Autozavodskaya
square. |
Credit for Half a Century
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky
by Natalia Bekhtereva, Radio Russia, June 15, 2009
On the threashold of a state holiday – the Day of
Russia – President Medvedev met with representatives
of non-parliamentary political parties – The Right
Course, Patriots of Russia and YABLOKO. All these
parties naturally have their own views of how Russia
should develop further. The United Russian Democratic
Party YABLOKO certainly has its own point of view
here, YABLOKO’s founder professor Grigory Yavlinsky
is our guest today. |
, 23 , 2009 |
proposed a visa-free regime between Russia and EU
at the European liberal leaders meeting
Press Release, June 18, 2009
Introduction of a visa-free regime between Russia
and European Union should be put into agenda of Swedish
presidency in the EU. Such a proposal was put forward
by the leader of the YABLOKO party Sergei Mitrokhin
at the ELDR Leaders and Ministers meeting which took
place in Brussels on Thursday, June 18, 2009, in advance
of the European summit.
to Light up 1,418 Candles to in Memory of the War
Press Release, June 17, 2009
On the night June 21-22 YABLOKO activists will conduct
their traditional 1,418 Candles per a Day of War action
to commemorate the beginning of the Great Patriotic
War (the date of Hitler’s attack on the USSR commemorated
in Russia as the Memory and Grievance Day).
, 19 , 2009 |
Collective Lie from the Bureau of the Solidarnost
Press release, June 19, 2009
The Decision of the Bureau of the Solidarnost party
that Boris Nemtsov’s 13% at the election of the Mayor
of Sochi was the best result of the democrats for
the past years contradicts the facts.
calls for Europe-Russia cooperation
ELDR, Wednesday 17 June 2009 15:10
Yabloko party makes a plea to the international press
declaring again its commitment for freedom of press
in Russia and promotion of human rights, taking distances
from the government's approach. And finally they put
forward a proposal: joint large-scale European political
, 18 , 2009 |
of the YABLOKO party will participate in the meeting
of ministers and liberal leaders
Press Release, June 17, 2009
Chairman of the YABLOKO party will participate in
the ELDR Leaders and Ministers meeting which will
take place in Brussels on Thursday, June 18, 2009,
in advance of the European summit. This meeting will
be the first time that ELDR's leaders will have gathered
since the European elections and the main focus of
the discussions will be the election results and the
composition of the liberal democrat group in the European
, 17 , 2009 |
Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO
, 16 , 2009 |
from the Opposition Will be Included into the Presidential
Anti-Corruption Council
Press Release, June 11, 2009
On June 11, 2009, YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
made detailed proposals for fighting corruption during
the meeting of President Medvedev with representatives
of three non-parliamentary parties. The head of the
state supported proposal of the YABLOKO leader to
include representatives of the opposition parties
into the Presidential Anti-Corruption Council. Mitrokhin
also added that “thus representatives of the opposition
parties will be able to engage independent experts,
and the position of the latter will not be linked
with the interests of bureaucracy.”.
Leaders Meet with President of Russia
Press Release, June 11, 2009
“Russia requires urgent modernization of its whole
political system, rather than its economy only. A
modern state implies division of powers, and we should
replace the ideology of the vertical of power by the
technology of division of power,” said YABLOKO’s leader
Sergei Mitrokhin at the meeting with President of
Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The meeting took place at
presidential residence Barvikha on June 11.
, 12 , 2009 |
Murder of Farid Babayev (new section)
, 11 , 2009 |
of YABLOKO’s Discussion Club
Press Release, June 10, 2009
"Are There Historical Truth and Historical Lies?"
such was the topic of the final meeting of YABLOKO’s
Discussion Club closing this season. The topic of
the meeting was connected with the recent resolutions
of the Political Council of the party on debolveshevisation
and destalinisation as a pre-condition for Russia’s
, 9 , 2009 |
and Women Strengthen Their Positions in the New European
Press Release, June 9, 2009
The liberal parties considerably strengthened their
influence at the European Parliament election which
took place at the week-end. It is expected that the
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (the
ALDE Group) which is largely based on the European
Liberal Democrats party (ELDR) will get 84 seats in
the new Parliament.
and Democrats confirmed in kingmaker role in new Parliament
Press Release, June 9, 2009
Liberal and Democrat MEPs will be returning to the
new European Parliament after this weekend's European
elections in almost exactly the same proportions as
they left the old with approximately 12% of the seats
of the House. Precise numbers are yet to be confirmed
but they expect to form a group with about 85 MEPs.
With no overall majority party, this will confirm
their role as Kingmakers in the new Parliament.
, 8 , 2009 |
even stronger in new European Parliament
ELDR, Press Release, June 8, 2009
The ELDR party MEPs are set to strengthen their influence
in the next European Parliament as they increase their
MEPs relative to 2004 and to the EDP members, with
whom they form the current ALDE Group. ELDR MEPs within
the liberal group are expected to bring 75 out of
the 84 total seats.
New Section: Women’s Movement
meeting of the Council for Consolidation of Women’s
Movement in Russia
Press Release, June 5, 2009
An ordinary meeting of the Council for Consolidation
of Women’s Movement in Russia took place on June 3.
The adopted decisions included the concept of the
Council’s web-site, agreement with the Association
of Russia’s Local and Municipal Newspapers and participation
in the conference “With Traditions to the Present”
on the role of women in the republics of Caucasus
and Dagestan. The meeting also adopted a decision
to support a number of candidates to the Public Chamber.
, 7 , 2009 |
Klebanov Have to Resign
Statement. June 4, 2009
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO finds the statement
of Presidential Envoy in the Northwestern Federal
District Ilya Klebanov when he addressed journalist
Alexei Makhlov incompatible with his high post.
of the Spring Term of the Evening Party University
Press Release. June 4, 2009
The final meeting of the Evening Party’s University
closed the Spring term of lectures and workshops.
The meeting took place in YABLOKO’s main office on
June 3, 2009. The key speakers were Grigory Yavlinsky,
member of the Political Committee of the party, Sergei
Mitrokhin, Chairman, and Galina Mikhalyova, Executive
Secretary and “Rector” of the University.
of Vasileostrovsky Area Did Not Manage to Interfere
in Election of the Heads of the Morskoi District
St.Petersburg YABLOKO Press Service
June 3, 2009
Head and deputy head of the Morskoi municipal district
were elected on June 2, three months after the local
elections. Irina Matyash, member of the United Russia
party, was elected head of the municipal district
and Olga Galkina, member of the Bureau of St.Petersburg
YABLOKO and head of the local (district) YABLOKO branch
was elected deputy head.
Rally in Moscow Demands Protection for Small Businesses
From Official Harassment
May 26, 2009
MOSCOW. May 26 (Interfax) - Yabloko Party representatives
rallied in the Triumfalnaya Square in Moscow on Tuesday,
the Day of Entrepreneur, under the slogan "Big
support for small business" to demand protection
for small and medium enterprises.
, 4 , 2009 |
“Energy Experiment” Stopped
Press Release. June 4, 2009
It has been announced today that energy providers
OAO Mosenergosbit and OOO Rusenergosbit M signed an
agreement. The agreement put an end to the so-called
“energy experiment” conducted in the East and South-East
of Moscow. In compliance with the agreement, Rusenergosbit
M will collect payments for Mosenergosbit via a single
payment document. Thus, the right of the citizens
to pay by a separate bill to Mosenergosbit have been
people came to the meeting for protection of Bitsevsky
Forest in Moscow
Press Release. June 3, 2009
In the evening on June 2, 2009, over 500 activists
participated in the protest action for the protection
of Bitsevsky Forest against construction of a cafe
on a safeguarded territory.
There Historical Truth and Historical Lies?
Announcement. June 1, 2009
The meeting of the Discussion Club will take place
at YABLOKO’s office at Pyatnitskaya ul., 31/2, bldg.2
(metro stations Tretyakovskaya/Novokuznetskaya) On
June 9, 2009, at 17:00.
, 2 , 2009 |
Hearings: the Institute of Ombudsman for Children’s
Rights Should Be Preserved
Press Release, June 2, 2009
Public hearings “Preservation of the Post of Ombudsman
for Children’s Rights as a Guarantee for Observation
of Minors’ Rights” took place in the Independent Press
Centre in Moscow on the International Children's Day,
June 1. The hearings were motioned by an unexpected
and surprising amendment submitted by the United Russia
to the Moscow City Duma envisaging elimination of
the institute of Ombudsman for Children’s Rights in
Youth Organisation of the YABLOKO party participated
in the political discussion Hyde Park in the Public
Press Release, June 1, 2009
On May 29, 2009, the Youth Organisation of the YABLOKO
party participated in the political discussion Hyde
Park. The discussion was held in the Public Chamber
of the Russian Federation. Leaders of youth organisations
from different political parties joined the discussion.
Green Russia and Global Nuclear Legacy
Press Release, June 1, 2009
The leaders of the Green Russia faction of the YABLOKO
party Alexei Yablokov and Alexander Nikitin participated
in the meeting of the Global Nuclear Legacy project
in Budapest on May 29-31. Over 40 representatives
of the anti-nuclear movement from the USA, Western
and Eastern Europe, and the CIS countries came to
Budapest. The meeting joined together victims of the
nuclear industry, ecologists and specialists from
the nuclear sphere who openly inform the society of
the dangers of the industry.
Government is creating another monopoly
Press Release, June 1, 2009
The Moscow government has decided to abolish tenders
for placement of state orders for certain types of
work in construction, provision of urban amenities
and housing and utilities services. This information
was released at the meeting of the Youth Chamber with
the Moscow City Duma on Friday. Deputy Moscow Mayor
Valery Vinogradov also participated in the meeting.
to the Transport Tax Raise!
Statement of the Bureau of the YABLOKO party, June
1, 2009
Most of the developed and dynamically developing countries
have been trying by different means to lower or at
least not to raise their taxes during the crisis.
Our Government once again chose a different road finding
new ways to shift the burden of the crisis onto the