Desember 29, 2003 |
Putin Go Against the Foreign Policy Flow?
By Vladimir Frolov, The Moscow Times, December 29, 2003
Voters understandably care much more about domestic problems when making
their choices in a parliamentary election. Wages, pensions and housing
costs are always more salient campaign issues than international affairs.
Zhirinovsky Won't Run for President
By Oksana Yablokova, The Moscow Times, December 29, 2003
Two staples of all post-Soviet presidential elections
-- Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov and ultranationalist Liberal
Democratic Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky -- have decided at party congresses
not to run in the March election.
Desember 28, 2003 |
By Elena Luybarskaya,, December 22, 2003
Even though he needs
to win in the first round, the victory should be legitimate in the eyes
of Russians. The elections are not considered legitimate when none of
the serious candidates are present.
in Arithmetic between the YABLOKO party and the Central Electoral
Interview with Galina Mikhalyova, Head of the Analytical Department of YABLOKO by Olga Kitova, Russkiy Kurier, December 19, 2003
In any case, we are already convinced that the count was not fair.
Desember 26, 2003 |
Yavlinsky: You Cannot Raise Funds for the Campaign Without the Consent
of the Regime
By Mikhail Vinogradov, Izvestia, December 24, 2003
Grigory Yavlinsky
- leader of the Yabloko party, which is not represented in the new Duma
- will not take part in the presidential race. In this interview, the Yabloko
leader explains the reasons for his decision. Yavlinsky doesn't view this
as a disaster; he intends to try to preserve and strengthen his party,
looking ahead to the next elections.
and YABLOKO searching for ways of joint revival
RIA "OREANDA", December 25, 2003
The primary task of the Joint Council
was to choose a single candidate to run for RF President from the democratic
forces. Now this task is not in the agenda.
Joint Democratic Council Begins Thinking for Two Parties
By Anatoli Yegorov, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, December 24, 2003
The Union of Right-Wing Forces (SPS) and Yabloko launched their
new joint project yesterday: the Joint Democratic Council.
Yavlinsky: "He should do it, by he won't."
Politburo, December 22, 2003
The President should create over the
next four years an independent court, independent mass media and, first
and foremost, public television, stop the interference of his administration
in elections and adopt decisive measures to reduce admnistrative pressure
at elections at all levels.
Desember 24, 2003 |
12th Congress of YABLOKO - new
and the "half-wits"
By Yelena Shishkunova,, December 23, 2003
Vladimir Putin has officially announced his intention
to run for a second term and has already submitted the relevant documents
to the Central Electoral Commission. So far, Russia's incumbent has only
one rival - the coffin-maker and radical nationalist German Sterligov.
won't take part in presidential elections
RosBusinessConsulting, December 22, 2003
The Yabloko party will not nominate its candidate for the presidential
elections in March 2004, because it believes that, in the present
political situation in Russia, fair and equal elections are impossible,
Grigory Yavlinsky, the leader of Yabloko, said after the party's
congress at the weekend.
snubs Putin and elections
By Yelena Rudneva,, December 22, 2003
According to Yavlinsky's key-note address to the gathering, Yabloko
aims to create a large democratic party ''that will truly unite the democratic
opposition for the next four years''. ''We will learn to work outside
parliament,'' Yavlinsky told the press after the congress.
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, The 12th Congress: Resolution
on participation in presidential elections, December 21, 2003
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, The 12th Congress: Resolution
about Democratic Coalition, December 21, 2003
refuses to back Putin's nomination for presidency.
By Natalya Panshina, ITAR-TASS, December 21, 2003
This amendment was
specially included on Sunday in the text of a
decision where the Yabloko congress confirmed that the party would not
be participating in the forthcoming presidential elections scheduled for
March 2004.
to concentrate on local elections for next four years
By Natalya Panshina, ITAR-TASS, December 21, 2003
The Yabloko Party will concentrate on regional and municipal elections
for the next four years in order to lay the a foundations for "a
big democratic party," Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky told
the press during a break of the party congress.
liberals scorn the forthcoming presidential elections
Ekho Moskvy, December 21, 2003
Mitrokhin:...This mass use of the
administrative resource, the obvious ballot rigging during the counting
of votes, the lack of a free media which could give all candidates equal
conditions as well as the lack of any judicial system where something
can be proved, transforms the forthcoming
presidential elections into a farce.
to boycott 2004 presidential elections
RIA "Novosti", December 21, 2003
"The party will not nominate a presidential candidate," Yavlinsky
reported after the Yabloko congress. Previously the Yabloko leader had
been nominated for the presidency three times.
congress to discuss election camapign issues
RIA "Novosti", December 20, 2003
The Yabloko party
will hold its congress on December 20-21, to define the format of its participation
in the presidential elections, a spokesperson for the party's press center
told RIA Novosti.
Power Ministry and Green Cross in the Same Team.
By Sergei Leskov, Izvestia, December 19, 2003
The President discussed with the representatives of the nuclear department
and the ecologists the problems of burying spent nuclear fuel, where opinions
were divided irreconcilably.
and Yabloko call into question the voting results.
ITAR-TASS, December 19, 2003
December 19 (Itar-Tass) - On Friday the Central
Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation officially summed up and
validated the results of the December 7th Duma elections.
Union of Right-Wing Forces is afraid that YABLOKO may be siding
with the Kremlin
By Anatoly Kostyukov, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, December 19, 2003
Needless to say, the prospect of a boycott frightened the Kremlin
- and Yavlinsky may have been summoned in the hope of persuading
the YABLOKO leader to abandon a protest action that could jeopardize
the necessary voter turnout.
Volunteers: Leaders of political parties refuse to challenge Putin
By Vitaly Ivanov, Vedomosti, December 19, 2003
"Why establish a party if it doesn't participate in the elections?"
Alexander Veshnyakov of the Central Electoral Commission said yesterday.
United Russia as a Collective Putin of the Duma
By Pavel Voshchanov, Novaya Gazeta, December 18, 2003
The victorious centrists, who (for ideological considerations, of course)
cannot move a single step away from the Kremlin, suddenly threw up their
hands and cried out in grief: Oh dear, however did we end up with this
imbalance?! And they immediately set about planning to rebuild the right-wing
liberal movement in Russia.
game: Communists and YABLOKO question the parliamentary election
By Orkhan Dzhemal, Novaya Gazeta, December 18, 2003
Sergei Mitrokin,
one of Yabloko party's leaders, has stated that according to available
information, Yabloko did cross the 5% threshold in the Duma elections -
but the party's vote total was artificially lowered just enough to prevent
it from getting into the Duma.
decides not to nominate any candidate for presidency
By Natalya Panshina, ITAR-TASS, December 21, 2003
Yavlinsky stressed that the party's main task for the next four years
would be the formation of "a large impressive democratic party"
which would operate outside the
legislature as "a democratic opposition".
Won't Stand In Presidential Poll
By Valeria Korchagina, St Peterburg Times, December 23, 2003
"Our biggest mistake was we should have understood earlier that
to win 5
percent in Russia, 20 percent of
the vote must be gathered de facto," Yavlinsky was quoted by Interfax
Desember 23, 2003 |
liberals threaten boycott of 2004 presidential vote
AFP, December 21, 2003
They had argued for years over joining forces -- both being the emblems
the post-Soviet struggle to introduce Western economic reforms and introduce
new values on human rights -- but have failed.
Russian liberals boycott presidential race
AFP, December 21, 2003
The walkout by liberal forces is likely to be embarassing for Putin,
affecting the international legitimacy of the poll, but analysts say the
two small parties themselves will suffer the most from their political
Opposition Parties Mulling United Boycott of Presidential Elections
By Valentinas Mite, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, December 22, 2003
Yavlinsky, a two-time presidential candidate, said fair elections are
impossible in Russia under existing conditions. He said Russia has no
independent national media outlets and no independent legal system.
Party Wants 11 Recounts
The Moscow Times, December 19, 2003
Communist officials said their alternative tally, based on voting protocols
taken from 93.1 percent of polling stations together with Yabloko and
the Union of Right Forces, revealed discrepancies in dozens of polling
Desember 19, 2003 |
Parties Consider Boycotting Election
By Simon Saradzhyan, The Moscow Times, December 18, 2003
Leaders of the liberal and communist opposition said Wednesday that
they may form a rather unusual alliance to boycott the March presidential
election, which incumbent President Vladimir Putin is widely expected
to win in a first round.
does not plan to participate in the presidential elections
Interfax, December 17, 2003
According to Yavlinsky, "As there is no court independent of the presidential
administration, as there are no independent mass media or independent sources
of financing [of the parties], there can be no real political competition
which is the essence of any election."
to determine the format of its participation in the presidential
elections on December 19-20
RIA "Novosti", December 16, 2003
Earlier, Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky spoke about the talks
with the Union of Right-Wing Forces on the nomination of a single
candidate. The presidential elections are scheduled for March 14.
Mitrokhin demands annulment of the voting results in the Babushinsky
electoral district of Moscow
Rosbalt, December 11, 2003
"After we received the signals on these multiple violations, the
commission began releasing information that Shirokov was the leader of
the election, noted Mitrokhin. - YABLOKO thinks that the results of the
election were falsified and should be annulled, and that a new vote should
be carried out."
Desember 18, 2003 |
Set To Hang Together
Mikhail Zadornov in an interview with Dmitry DOKUCHAEV, Moscow News,
December 18, 2003
Mr. Zadornov talks
about his partys dismal performance and the democrats strategy in the new
Educated and 'Against All'
By Anna Dolgov, The Moscow Times, December 18, 2003
In the vote for single-mandate candidates, where choice
in each district was limited to representatives of only a handful of parties
competing for State Duma seats, the vote "against all" was substantially
higher than in party-list balloting.
of Vote-Fixing Trade
By Boris Kagarlitsky, The Moscow Times, December 18, 2003
But where the elections themselves
are concerned, Stalin's inspired principle remains in force: The important
thing is not how they vote but how we count.
Tortuous Tale of the Genesis of Rodina
By Valery Stroyev, The Moscow Times, December 17, 2003
The plan to bring down the Communist Party was conceived long before
the election. Everyone understood the necessity of such a plan. The prospect
of an uncertain competition between United Russia and the Communists for
first place in the polls didn't suit Vladislav Surkov, deputy presidential
chief of staff or the Kremlin as a whole.
Yabloko Look for a Third Man
By Francesca Mereu, The Moscow Times, December 17, 2003
Putting their failed State Duma bids behind them, the
Union of Right Forces, or SPS, and Yabloko are struggling to unite to push
forward a single candidate for the March 14 presidential election.
Race Is On For the Kremlin
By Caroline McGregor, The Moscow Times, December 17, 2003
Whether there will be a democratic candidate in the race is still an
open question, since parties outside the Duma have less than a month after
they name a candidate to gather 2 million supporting signatures. The deadline
for submitting them is Jan. 28.
Is Mr. Putin: Successor or Reformer?
By Alexei Pankin, The Moscow Times, December 16, 2003
Television coverage of the election was not objective and the government
machine once more played its part, yet because the outcome was guaranteed
by Putin's popularity, this election was marred by far fewer excesses
than in years past.
Desember 17, 2003 |
Got to Get Their Act Together
Editorial, The Moscow Times, December 15, 2003
The evidence is that a large section of the liberal-minded electorate
chose either not to vote at all or voted against all, because they were
so disillusioned or disgusted with the spinelessness and vacillation of
the two parties. The liberal electorate according to various estimates
is 15 percent to 20 percent.
or Old Russia?
By Andrew Kuchins, The Moscow Times, December 15, 2003
Nobody really expected that both of the real liberal democratic parties,
Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces, would fall short of the 5 percent
threshold needed for party representation in the Duma. Similarly nobody
really expected that the most nationalist parties, LDPR and Rodina, would
between them garner more than 20 percent of the vote.
Desember 16, 2003 |
Face Tough Trade-Off in Duma
By Caroline McGregor and Oksana Yablokova, The Moscow Times, December 15, 2003
The seven deputies from the Union of Right Forces and
Yabloko know they have
fight for influence in a State Duma where they are massively outnumbered.
deciding which alliances are in their interest, they face a tough trade-off
between pragmatism and principles.
Dangers of "Managed Democracy"
By Michael McFaul, RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly, Vol. 3, No. 49, 12 December 2003
Under the control of the more moderate,
Western-oriented Putin, the increasingly centralized, less pluralistic
political regime in Russia today has not been deployed to carry out massive
repression against the Russian people or threaten countries on Russia's
borders. But who takes power after Putin?
Right by Quotas
By Anfisa Voronina, Vedomosti, December 11, 2003
United Russia plans to set up a separate deputy group of
"the right" in the lower house. Thirty-five lawmakers are required.
saw the launch of the presidential election campaign in Russia
RIA Novosti, December 11, 2003
Potential presidential candidates can start the nomination procedure
today. Parties must nominate a candidate at their congresses no later
than 25 days after the beginning of the election campaign. Russian citizens
can nominate candidates themselves by forming initiative support groups.
costs of journalism
By Seamus Martin, Baltimore Sun, December 15, 2003
While conspiracy theories abound in Russia, it is not difficult to
understand the suspicions about Shchekochikhin's death. Strange things
happened to journalists from Novaya Gazeta and members and supporters
Persists Over Russian Amendment
By Vladimir Isachenkov, Associated Press, December 13, 2003
" With such a majority, Putin will do whatever he wants,"
said Grigory Yavlinsky, the leader of the liberal Yabloko faction,
which failed to win the votes to get into parliament.
Desember 15, 2003 |
Rights Advocates Rue Duma
By Irina Titova, St Peterburg Times, December 11, 2003
"If the election results were falsified - then we'll have to fight,"
Grigoryants said. "If not then we'll be facing
up to long and hard work with the souls of those people who've been
indifferent to what's going on."
Funeral For Russian Democracy
By Vladimir Kovalyev, St Peterburg Times, December 11, 2003
A big and, maybe the best part of the population, the intelligentsia,
free-minded people - literally
millions of Russian citizens supporting basic democratic values - were
thrown aside by a crowd of the blind
majority that was so easily "managed" and ready to do whatever
it was told
to do.
Say Vote Count 'a Scam'
By Anatoly Medetsky and Francesca Mereu, St Peterburg Times, December 11, 2003
"We can't accept the results of a vote that is 100 percent a scam.
demanding a recount of the ballots
by hand," Zyuganov said at a news conference.
Right-Wing Start Negotiating Integration
RIA "OREANDA", December 10, 2003
The list of presidential contenders and coalition members is rather
large. Yabloko's leader Grigory Yavlinsky expressed his plans to
enroll Mikhail Gorbachev for the coalition and exclude Mikhail Khodorkovsky
from possible presidential nominees.
say Duma vote was rigged, December 10, 2003
According to the results of the parallel count of votes carried out
by the Communist Party observers, approximately 1.5 per cent was stolen
from both YABLOKO and the Union of Right-Wing Forces. The Motherland bloc
also lost around 1 per cent during the relay of the results from the voting
to Moscow, although this loss wasn't as critical for Sergei Glazyev and
Dmitry Rogozin as it was for the liberals.
Yavlinsky: the main task of YABLOKO is to keep the party
Press release, December 9, 2003
“In these circumstances YABLOKO’s main task should
be the preservation of the party, reflecting the interests of the millions
of the electorate who voted for our party at the elections,” said Yavlinsky
at a press conference on Tuesday, 9 December 2003.
Yavlinsky thinks that national-socialism does not threaten Russia
Press release, December 9, 2003
At the same time Yavlinsky admitted that there was a danger of nationalism
in Russia. “What is more, the danger of nationalism exists in many
European countries and in many other countries of the world,” said
YABLOKO’s leader.
Yavlinsky thinks that political technologists played a negative
role in the election campaign
Press release, December 9, 2003
"Political technologists put the country into a historically embarrassing
situation. The development of democracy involves specific processes as does
its curbing; and everyone promoting the second process should remember:
you cannot reverse the milking of a cow," said Yavlinsky at a press
conference on Tuesday, 9 December 2003.
Party's calculations indicate that Yabloko actually entered the
State Duma
RIA "OREANDA", December 10, 2003
The simultaneous counting is still being carried on, but it is already
clear from the data that have been obtained that the Yabloko Party passed
the 5% threshold, collecting 5.7% of votes. The alternative figure indicating
voter participation also differs from the official figures.
Yavlinsky on National-Socialism in Russia
RIA "OREANDA", December 10, 2003
"National socialism is a great overstatement. I do not think that
this could happen in the Russian Federation", Yavlinsky stated at
a press conference on 9 December 2003.
Desember 11, 2003 |
Revels in Election; Others See Flaws
By Steven Lee Myers, NYTimes, December 9, 2003
"We now have, again, a one-party Parliament," said Mr. Yavlinsky,
who leads Yabloko and has been the public face of Russia's democrats for
the last decade. "Russia has had no such Parliament since Brezhnev."
begins negotiations on a single candidate for the presidential elections
By Natalia Panshina, ITAR-TASS, December 9, 2003
YABLOKO has begun negotiations with democratic forces on the nomination
of a single candidate for the president elections in 2004, said
the YABLOKO leader Grigory Yavlinsky at a press conference on Tuesday.
of the Union of Right-Wing Forces and YABLOKO from State Duma toAffect
the Economic Reforms
RIA "OREANDA", December 9, 2003
The absence of representatives from the Union of Right-Wing
Forces and the YABLOKO party will have an ambiguous impact on the economic
reforms of the country.
Accuse United Russia of Counterfeiting the Parliamentary Poll
RIA "OREANDA", December 9, 2003
The Russian
Communist Party (KPRF) accuses United Russia bloc of counterfeiting the
parliamentary poll regarding the "Yabloko" bloc and the Union
of Right-Wing Forces (SPS).
Doubts Duma Poll returns
RIA "Novosti", December 9, 2003
Yavlinsky criticised the pre-election campaign. "The ruling party
had sixteen times more air time on the television than YABLOKO,"
he pointed out.
Liberals Did Not Lose The Elections
By Yulia Latynina, Moscow Times, December 10, 2003
For huge numbers of Russians, however, democracy remains a prized ideal.
The "none of the above" party took 4.8 percent of the vote on
Sunday, and
it was supported by democrats. Voters in favor of a strong hand and Holy
Rus had plenty of parties to choose from. The democrats had no choice
Doggedly Promises to Soldier On
By Oksana Yablokova, Moscow Times, December 10, 2003
"We will have to build a party that will be able to work outside
parliament," Yavlinsky said. "That will be quite a difficult
and unusual
thing to do."
Russia Party has aclear lead after 7.59 per cent of the votes are
ITAR-TASS, December 7, 2003
Central Electoral Commission officials said at the same time the
progress of vote counting from the Far East towards the European regions
Russia revealed a growing percentage of the ballots cast against all
The Central Electioral Commission did OK in the pre-election campaign.
RIA "Novosti", December 7, 2003
Central Election Commission was, on the whole, a success with preparing
grounds for pre-election campaigning and the actual campaign, says the
democratic political party, YABLOKO.
Yavlinsky: Yabloko's refusal from alliance with the Union of Right-Wingn
Forces was correct
ITAR-TASS, December 7, 2003
"We are different parties and our voters are different. It was
conscious choice," Yavlinsky said on Channel 1.
Russian liberal says election was rigged
By Natalya Panshina, ITAR-TASS, December 5, 2003
Russia's right-wing
parties, the SPS and
Yabloko and the Communist Party have agreed to jointly monitor progress
the voting when Russia on Sunday, December 7 will be electing the lower
house of parliament.
SPS, Yabloko and Communists to pool efforts to monitor voting
By Andrei Shukshin, Reuters, December 9, 2003
The leader of Russia's liberal Yabloko party Grigory Yavlinsky accused
the Kremlin on Tuesday of rigging the results of last week's parliament
vote but said no legal action would ever succeed in the country's
Desember 10, 2003 |
Yavlinsky: We Shall Solve People's Problems
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky By Irina Medvedyeva, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, December 5, 2003
is good; but when prices are constantly rising faster than pensions, that
is bad. When neither the state nor insurance companies pay for essential
health care, and good quality medical treatment is out of people's reach,
that is very bad. When you face constant bribery, constant misappropriation
of public monies, and court decisions constantly favour the authorities
- there is nothing to be happy about.
of elections in the CIS and foreign countries
ITAR-TASS, December 8, 2003
MOSCOW. Four or five candidates running in one-seat constituencies
from the Union of Right-Wing Forces and YABLOKO will get seats in
the new Duma. YABLOKO leader Grigory Yavlinsky did not run in a
one-seat constituency and his colleague Vladimir Lukin, who was
deputy speaker in the previous Duma, lost in the elections. YABLOKO
candidates who were elected are Sergei Popov, Mikhail Zadoronov,
Galina Khovanskaya and Mikhail Yemelyanov.
predicts dark times
By Ilya Zhegulev,, December 8, 2003
An alliance with YABLOKO still remains one of the priority tasks
on the SPS agenda, Chubais said. However, the YABLOKO leader Grigory
Yavlinsky on Sunday evening again ruled out any form of alliance
with the SPS.
three Yabloko members win Duma seats
Interfax, December 8, 2003
Only three members of Yabloko have managed to enter the State Duma
after winning single-mandate districts in yesterday's elections,
said Yevgenia Dillendorf, press secretary for Yabloko leader Grigory
vote count: YABLOKO and SPS make it into the Duma
By Asya Ryazanova,, December 8, 2003
So the data from the CPRF (on the party web-site during the whole post-election
night) demonstrate a picture which somewhat differs from that provided
by the Central Electoral Commission, slightly, and not in the CPRF part,
as one could presume, but in the part of YABLOKO and SPS. According to
independent observers, these two parties obtained more than the required
five per cent by at least 0.5 per cent. This is a small thing, but this
changed the division of forces in the lower chamber of the Russian parliament
in principle. How do you like this?
Russia, Rodina, YABLOKO preferred by voters in Moscow
ITAR-TASS, December 8, 2003
The following are the
results of the elections to the State Duma in Moscow after 95 percent of
the ballot papers were counted.
By Vitaly Ivanov, Svetlana Ivanova and Alexander Bekker, Vedomosti, December 9, 2003
Yesterday, YABLOKO leader Grigory Yavlinsky looked very confident.
He didn't miss any opportunity to say that YABLOKO "is ready
to take responsibility for democratic forces in the new Duma."
conducts negotiations with the democratic parties on proposing a
single candidate at the presidential elections
Interfax, December 9, 2003
"It will be important for our party to participate in the forthcoming
presidential elections," added Ivanenko.
Desember 9, 2003 |
Calls Elections Fair Despite Observers' Criticism
By Steven Lee Myers, NYTimes, December 8, 2003
Two groups that sent election observers, the Council of Europe and the
Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, said in a report that
the results also reflected "the extensive use of the state apparatus
and media favoritism to benefit the largest pro-presidential party."
warns Russia's leaders against "Soviet Communist-type situation"
AFP, December 8, 2003
The former Communist leader attributed United Russia's success to "a
certain tendency to the consolidation of society" and to "the
enormous role
of the use of administrative levers."
swift, celebration muted after Russian poll
AFP, December 8, 2003
"The administration has greatly affected the election's outcome,"
agreed liberal Yabloko leader party leader Grigory Yavlinsky.
election results at 1200 GMT
Reuters, December 8, 2003
A party needs to get at least five percent of the vote to win seats
in the
Duma. Votes won by parties that fail to cross the threshold are divided
between the winners.
Duma elections well organized but failed to meet many international
Press release, December 8, 2003
The Central Election Commission deserves credit for its
professional organization of these elections. However, the pre-election
process was characterized by extensive use of the state apparatus and media
favoritism to benefit the largest pro-presidential party, reflected in voter
Desember 8, 2003
of Fraud And Ballot Stuffing
By Catherine Belton and Timur Aliev, The Moscow Times, December 8, 2003
"At this polling station only 200 people voted, or about 10 percent,"
said Ruslan Khadashev, an observer for single-mandate independent candidate
Salambek Maigov. "I don't know where they got 70 percent from."
TV Diet on Election Day
By Anna Dolgov, The Moscow Times, December 8, 2003
Judging by the two channels' coverage, a viewer unfamiliar with Russian
politics might not even be aware that other parties, such as liberal opposition
Yabloko and the pro-reform Union of Right Forces, or SPS, were running
in the election.
Russia Grabs a Gigantic Lead
By Caroline McGregor, The Moscow Times, December 8, 2003
If United Russia's striking margin of victory was the top story of the
day, the strength of two nationalist parties, Liberal Democratic Party
of Russia and Homeland, was the second. The weakness of the liberals,
the Union of Right Forces and Yabloko, was the third.
Desember 5, 2003 |
Important Votings in the State Duma of the Third Convocation
The State Duma, November, 2003
Single-mandate Electoral districts List of the YABLOKO party for
the Election of the State Duma of the fourth convocation
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, December 5, 2003
Federal List of the YABLOKO party for the Election of the State
Duma of the fourth convocation
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, December 5, 2003
Newscasts Give Kremlin a Boost
By Anna Dolgov, The Moscow Times, December 5, 2003
President Vladimir Putin has said on a number of occasions that he would
like to see United Russia win the Duma elections, and praised the party
again in a lengthy interview that aired on all three main channels last
Battle for Presidency in Ufa
By Alex Fak, The Moscow Times, December 5, 2003
"Putin does not care what happens here," said Eduard Khusnutdinov,
a former opposition journalist and a Duma candidate with Yabloko.
Duma Elections Do Matter
Editorial, The Moscow Times, December 5, 2003
An overwhelming victory for United Russia (with a roughly commensurate
drop in the Communist vote) would be taken by the Kremlin as complete
legitimization of its actions over the past four years.
Speaker of the Duma advises Georgia not to pursue pro-US policy
ITAR-TASS, December 4, 2003
"The situation that
developed in Georgia is such that only Russia can provide
active assistance in uniting the country," stressed Lukin.
Yavlinsky obtains the Prize for Freedom of the Liberal International
Radio Liberty/ Radio Free Europe, December 3, 2003
We believe that they are developing
the kind of broad liberalism which we believe Russia needs if it is to
move from a society in transition to a society in which civil rights are
truly respected, a society in which there are free media, a society in
which there is true separation between the judiciary and the legislative
power - all of these are classical liberal things which Grigory Yavlinsky
has been advancing tirelessly and courageously here in Russia.
needs citizens and not those who would spy on their parents
Press release, December 3, 2003
The Russian parliament is an independent legislative power body
and its main task is development of laws, rather than assistance
to the President. These laws are obligatory for everyone...
applies to the Public Prosecutor and the Central Electoral Commission
on libel in the mass media
Press release, December 1, 2003
...against Leonid Mayevsky who in his comments on the Ekho Moskvi
radio station deliberately disseminated false information defaming the leaders
and members of YABLOKO.
Desember 4, 2003 |
SPS, Communists Team Up
The Moscow Times, December 4, 2003
"Authoritarian tendencies are growing stronger in the country.
An analysis
of the election campaign shows that equal opportunities are not being
provided to all candidates," the parties said in a statement.
22% of Russian Citizens Hesitate over Choice of Political Party
during Forthcoming Elections
RIA "Oreanda", November 28, 2003
According to the Social Opinion Fund, this information was obtained from a poll of the population in 200 cities in 63 Russian regions.
By Georgy Ilyichev, Izvestia, November 28, 2003
Galina Mikhalyova, head
of YABLOKO's analytical center, couldn't restrain herself: "It is
strange to be forced to tell this audience, for the 225th time, that the
SPS and YABLOKO are different parties, with different voters and different
Putin Conducts a Nuclear Safety Meeting
RIA "Novosti", November 28, 2003
Russian President
Vladimir Putin held a working meeting on matters of nuclear safety.
Institute nuclear waste disposed - Putin.
Itar-TASS, November 28, 2003
The ratification of
the multilateral nuclear environmental programme at the State Duma is "a
serious step forward in the resolution of the problem of nuclear waste
disposal in Russia," President Vladimir Putin said at a Friday conference
on nuclear security.
chairs meeting over nuclear safety
Itar-TASS, November 28, 2003
Yavlinsky noted that the local population there was suffering greatly.
A decision to resettle them had been made 50 years ago. "We reached
common ground with the Nuclear Power Ministry on the financing of the
project," he said, "but safety remains the key issue."
Petersburg Governor and YABLOKO Will Fight Corruption Together
By Yelena Rotkevich, Izvestia, November 28, 2003
Yavlinsky held several meetings in St. Petersburg
on November 26; his conversation with Matviyenko lasted one-and-a-half hours rather than the scheduled 30 minutes, focusing primarily on cooperation
between the party and the new municipal administration, as well as joint
efforts to "overcome the bane of corruption" which has taken
shape in St. Petersburg in recent years.
Putin Held Working Meeting Devoted to Nuclear Security Issues
RIA "OREANDA", November 29, 2003
According to the RF President's press-service, Vladimir Putin touched
upon the multilateral nuclear ecological programme ratified by the State
Duma. The programme foresees mutual work with foreign partners to liquidate
Russian nuclear submarines.
election video for Yabloko
BBC Monitoring, ORT Channel, November 26, 2003
"...I said: Yes, Vladimir
Vladimirovich [Putin], about 90 per cent of Russian voters vote for you
- it is true - and only 10 per cent for me. But these 10 per cent are
so valuable that without them your 90 per cent will not be able to do
gloomy lawmakers admit decade of Kremlin domination
AFP, December 3, 2003
Arbatov said he had few doubts that Putin's aides were orchestrating
election's results and brushed aside suggestions that Russia has made
progress toward a Western-style democracy since the Soviet Union's collapse
in 1991.
Takes a Bite Out of Yabloko's Party List
By Francesca Mereu, The Moscow Times, December 3, 2003
Yabloko, like the Communist Party, has a stable core of support. The
bulk of its electorate is composed of well-educated people who believe
in democracy and a market economy but have been left behind by the changes
of the past decade.
Desember 3, 2003 |
Politics: "No News Is Good News"
Grigory Yavlinsky, head of the opposition Yabloko
Party, Business Week, December 8, 2003
It's certainly
necessary to do a lot of positive things, but they can't be done at the
moment. They can be done only after the Presidential election -- if the
President is prepared to move in this direction.
High Drama To Rubber Stamping
By Anna Dolgov, The Moscow Times, December 3, 2003
"It is clear to everybody that the Duma is controlled by the Kremlin,"
said Nikolai Petrov, a domestic politics analyst at the Carnegie Moscow
Parties to Keep an Eye On
The Moscow Times, December 2, 2003
These lists represent the nine parties that have the best chance of securing seats in the next State Duma.
Rivals, Observers Charge Election Tactics Are Unfair
By Gregory L. White, Wall Street Journal, December 2, 2003
The Kremlin is pushing hard to boost its support in the lower house
parliament. Government officials insist the push is aimed at easing the
passage of President Vladimir Putin's program of economic and other
Slams Kremlin Stance
By Irina Titova, St.Petersburg Times, November 28, 2003
"The government should be interested in having an independent
organ," he said. "Otherwise, it
will lead to weakening of the Russian power."
Desember 2, 2003 |
Elections and the Great Schism
By Stanislav Belkovsky, The Moscow Times, December 2, 2003
As election day approaches and media attention grows, it is becoming increasingly
apparent that the State Duma elections are a political non-event. Why?
Desember 1, 2003 |
action was held in Moscow under the slogan "Duma, adopt YABLOKO's
Press release, November 28, 2003
Over 150 activists from the YABLOKO party took part in a meeting
by the central entrance to the State Duma on Friday, November 28,
Pass Raft of Bills on Duma's Last Day
By Anna Dolgov, The Moscow Times, December 1, 2003
the chamber, which emptied through the day as deputies left to go on the
campaign stump, a handful of opposition lawmakers were drowned out by
a chorus of self-congratulation from pro-Kremlin lawmakers.