of the Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO Grigory Yavlinsky
nominated for the Freedom Prize established by Liberal
Press Release, June 27, 2002
Chairman of the Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO Grigory
Yavlinsky has been nominated for the Freedom Prize
established by Liberal International. Since 1985 the
prize has been granted annually for “consistent
defence of the principles of democracy and human rights.”
of the State Duma Sergei Mitrokhin elected Co-Chairman
of the Russian-European working group that will study
the feasibility of imports of spent nuclear fuel into
Press Release. June 27, 2002
An inter-parliamentary working group has been formed
that will study the feasibility of nuclear waste imports
into Russia from the European Union for recycling
and storage.
of the State Duma Committee for Education and Science
Alexander Shishlov advocates Russia's active participation
in the "Bologna Process" of European integration
in higher education
Press Release. June 25, 2002
Chairman of the State Duma Committee for
Education and Science Alexander Shishlov (the Yabloko
faction), now at Strasbourg at the session of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, had
a meeting on June 24, 2002 with the Director General
of the Department for Education, Culture and Heritage,
Youth and Sports of the Council of Europe Benedict
Rugas and the Head of the Committee for Higher Education
and Science Szhur Bergan.
Yabloko faction succeeded in passing a number of principle
amendments to the draft law "On Combating the
Extremism "
Press Release. June 20, 2002
The Yabloko faction succeeded in passing
a number of principle amendments to the draft law
"On Combating Extremism" which was adopted by the
State Duma in the second reading on June 20, 2002.
Yabloko faction will support the draft law "On
Combating Extremism" in the second reading if
Yabloko's amendments to the draft law are adopted
Press Release. June 19, 2002
The Yabloko faction in the State Duma thinks it necessary
to adopt a law "On Combating Extremism"
"in view of the outbreak of extremism and signs
pointing to the formation of an extremist underground
in Russia." This statement for journalists was
made by Sergei Mitrokhin, a member of the Yabloko
of journalist Larissa Yudina in Kalmykia: four years
Press Release, June 7, 2002
June 7 is a tragic date in the history of
Russian journalism. Four years ago on this day Larissa
Yudina, Editor-in-Chief of the "Soviet Kalmykia
Today" newspaper, member of the Kalmyk regional
branch of YABLOKO, was brutally murdered in Elista.
She died from at the hands of murderers, while performing
her journalist duty fighting corruption in the republic.
Yavlinsky to participate in the annual working conference
of the "USA-Italy" Council
Press Release, June 6, 2002
On June 7-8 Chairman of the Russian
Democratic Party YABLOKO Grigory Yavlinsky will participate
in the annual working conference of the “USA-Italy”
Council, which was created in 1991 to promote the
relations between the USA and Europe.
Lukin advocates development by Russia of an Euro-Atlantic
integration policy
Press Release, May 30, 2002
Deputy Speaker of the State Duma from the Yabloko
faction Vladimir Lukin, thinks that the recent summit
meetings between Russia and the USA, NATO and the
European Union represent a "step forward rather
than a breakthrough."
leader doubts the accuracy of public opinion poll
on introducing censorship in the media
Press Release, May 30, 2002
Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of the YABLOKO
party, is against the introduction of political censorship
in the media and stamps as "distorted" the
data of a recent public opinion poll on introducing
State Duma Committee on Education and Science proposes
that the Russian Government should make development
of education a priority issue when drafting the state
budget for 2003
Press Release, May 28, 2002
The Government of Russia "should
proceed from the fact that development of education
is a priority" when drafting the federal law
"On the Federal Budget for 2003" as regards
financing education, the State Duma Committee on Education
and Science has stated.

of handing the state registration certificate of the
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO to Grigory Yavlinsky
Moscow, Ministry of Justice,
May 22, 2002.
Photos by Sergei Loktionov and Olga Shweitzer