What do women’s marches in the USA show
Blog-post by Emilia Slabunova, 24.01.2017
There is no doubt that with this march women declared their readiness to defend their rights. They showed that they will not let anyone talk to them disrespectfully, moreover, they will not let anyone hurl obscenities at them. But they expressed much more things.
The main thesis of Donald Trump’s inaugural speech is the following: what matters is not which party holds power but whether the society controls those in power. The participants of the march, and not only women attended it, there were men there too, said: “Here we are, we are read to control this government”.
But the main message of the action, it lies at the inward, socio-psychological level, is the anxiety over the safety issue. Why did mainly women feel it?
They feel this anxiety intuitively. What does it signify? How many times it was made clear that we are all in the same boat, if it sinks, we will sink all together. The United States of America, which played such a significant role in all globalization processes, being a key player, suddenly decides to change its course dramatically, towards some isolation… Then the question arises:”What about us? We are in this boat. What is going to happen? How will it influence our rights, our children, all the other things?”
Americans realise that all Tramps’ provocative statements are fraught with peril for the future of the country.
Is it a manifestation of the crisis? On the contrary: it is a normal situation in/for a democratic society. This way the civil society balances the “lurches of the boat” attempted by the government.
Posted: January 25th, 2017 under Human Rights.