Archive for June, 2018
“The rise in fuel prices is the result of governing of Vladimir Putin and his team”
Yabloko’s Bureau Decision No 2083, 25.06.2018 The rise in fuel prices after the end of Vladimir Putin’s presidential campaign is a natural result of his governing. In most regions of the Russian Federation, prices for various types of fuel rose by 10 – 15 per cent, and in some regions by 20 per cent or […]
Posted: June 28th, 2018 under Economy, Russian Economy.
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The World Cup in Russia began with a defeat: 5:0! The authorities scored five unanswered goals to the people. Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 16.06.2018 Even before the starting whistle, the account was opened by Russia’s Investigation Committee with a final arrest of long-resisting leader of the Serpukhov district [of the Moscow region] Alexander Shestun. At the […]
Posted: June 26th, 2018 under Economy, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Stop destruction of independent education!
Yabloko demands to return state accreditation to the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences Statement by Yabloko’s Bureau Press Release, 25.06.2018 On 20 June, Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency (Rosoboradzor) denied the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences [which is considered to be the best private university in Russia] of […]
Posted: June 26th, 2018 under Freedom of Speech.
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Raise of the retirement age is a pay-off for the results of presidential elections
Statement by Yabloko’s Bureau Press Release, 21.06.2018 The Federal Bureau of the Yabloko party adopted a statement on the government’s initiative to raise the retirement age. The statement runs that President Putin is really responsible for the consequences of the reform. As an alternative, Yabloko proposes to implement the proposals outlined in the presidential […]
Posted: June 25th, 2018 under Economy, Russian Economy, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform, Без рубрики.
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Yabloko’s Alexei Yetmanov on the pension reform
Yabloko’s FB page, 25.06.2018 As an alternative to the Putin-Medvedev’s pension reform, Yabloko proposes to transfer dividends of state corporations to the pension fund. And Alexei Yetmanov, founder of the most successful independent trade union of Russia and member of the Yabloko party voiced another civilised recipe:
Posted: June 25th, 2018 under Economy, Russian Economy, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Sergei Ivanenko, economist and Yabloko Deputy Chairman, on the government’s plans to raise the VAT by 2 per cent
Yabloko FB page, 18.06.2018 Experts believe that an increase in VAT from 18 to 20 per cent will entail a price increase not in 2019, but already in the Fall of 2018. The burden on the construction sector, automotive industry and machine building will increase most – by 5 – 7 per cent. This means […]
Posted: June 25th, 2018 under Economy.
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Why should they take money away only from pensioners, when they can squeeze all?
Grigory Yavlinsky on the government’s plans to raise the retirement age. Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 21.06.2018 Why did the government decide to raise the retirement age so rudely and so radically? Are they so brave that they are ready to go against the whole people? Look, already more than two million Russians have signed a petition […]
Posted: June 22nd, 2018 under Economy, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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The authorities turned down Yabloko’s applications for rallies against raising the retirement age
In Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Omsk Press Release, 22.06.2018 The authorities turned down Yabloko’s applications for rallies against raising the retirement age in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Omsk and proposed the party to hold rallies on the outskirts of the cities. The Yabloko party planned to hold a rally in Moscow on 3 July in the city […]
Posted: June 22nd, 2018 under Economy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Street Actions, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko demands to release Alexander Shestun, head of the Serpukhov region, on his own recognizance and check the data from his video address to Putin
Press Release, 15.06.2018 Yabloko demands that the measure of restraint to Alexander Shestun, head of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region, is replaced by his written undertaking not to leave the country. Such a statement was issued by the Bureau of the party. Yesterday, the court arrested the politician for two months for his […]
Posted: June 22nd, 2018 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment, Regional and Local Elections.
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Candidate for the post of the Governor of the Moscow region from Yabloko submitted documents to the electoral commission for registration

Press Release, 22.06.2018 Today, on 22 June, Nikolai Dizhur, candidate for the Governor of the Moscow region from the Yabloko party, submitted documents to the regional electoral commission for registration in the race. Now he can start collection of signatures for registration in the election campaign. Until 5 July, Nikolai Dizhur must collect 98 signatures […]
Posted: June 22nd, 2018 under Gubernatorial Elections, Gubernatorial Elections 2018, Moscow Mayoral Election 2018.
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YABLOKO to light 1418 candles per each day of the war to commemorate Second World War victims
Press Release, 20.06.2018 YABLOKO will light 1418 candles to commemorate the victims of the Second World War on the eve of Adolf Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union, 21 June. Yabloko leaders will take part in the action.
Posted: June 20th, 2018 under History.
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Yabloko held pickets by the State Duma against raising the retirement age
Sergei Mitrokhin detained and taken to the police station Press Release, 19.06.2018 On 19 June, the Yabloko party launched protest actions against a pension reform proposed by the government and envisaging raising of the retirement age. Members of the Moscow branch of Yabloko conducted a series of single-person pickets (which do not require any permission […]
Posted: June 20th, 2018 under Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russian Economy, Street Actions, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko Party Official Detained In Moscow Over Pension Protest
Radio Liberty, 19.06.2018 MOSCOW — The head of the Russian opposition party Yabloko’s branch in Moscow, Sergei Mitrokhin, has been detained while protesting the government’s plan to increase the pension age. An RFE/RL correspondent saw police detain Mitrokhin as he protested alone in front of the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, on June […]
Posted: June 19th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko took part in the rally “For Free Russia”
The action against arbitrariness and reprisals was held on Academician Sakharov Prospect in Moscow Press Release, 10.06.2018 Today, Yabloko leaders and representatives of the party took part in the rally “For Free Russia Without Arbitrariness and Reprisals”, which took place on Academician Sakharov Prospekt. The party was among the organisers of the action against mass […]
Posted: June 13th, 2018 under Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, Street Actions.
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Emilia Slabunova: The President’s televised call-in show allows us to see the incompetence of our authorities
Emilia Slabunova’s blog post, 08.06.2018 I think that this was a beautiful televised call-in show of the President. It perfectly allows us to see with naked eye the incompetence of our authorities and the inefficiency of the management system. Because when the President deals with certificates and waste dumps, he is approached with a request […]
Posted: June 9th, 2018 under Economy, Foreign policy, Gubernatorial Elections, Local and Municipal Elections 2017, Regional and Local Elections, Russian Economy, Без рубрики.
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Today Yabloko marks a sad anniversary – 20 years since the murder of Yabloko’s Larissa Yudina
Sergei Mitrokhin’s FB post, 07.06.2018 Her blood is on Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s hands [Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is ex President of the Republic of Kalykia in Russia and now President of the International Chess Federation]. 20 years ago, Larissa Yudina, Editor-in-Chief of [oppositional newspaper] Soviet Kalmykia [and of the Kalmykian branch of Yabloko] was brutally murdered. Her murderer […]
Posted: June 7th, 2018 under Human Rights, The Murder of Larissa Yudina.
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Yabloko to take part in the rally “For free Russia without reprisals and arbitrary rule”
Press Release, 04.06.2018 On 10 June, on the eve of the Day of Russia, a rally against mass-scale violations of human rights and freedoms will take part in Moscow, in Academician Sakharov Prospekt. The Yabloko party is the co-organiser of the action. Emilia Slabunova, Yabloko Chair, will speak at the rally. Photo: “I protest peacefully, […]
Posted: June 7th, 2018 under Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Protection of Environment, Street Actions.
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Vitaly Arshinov nominated by the Pskov branch of Yabloko, submitted documents to the Pskov Region Electoral Commission so that to run in the forthcoming gubernatorial elections
Press Release, 07.06.2018 On 6 June, Vitaly Arshinov nominated by the Pskov branch of Yabloko, submitted documents to the Pskov Region Electoral Commission so that to run in the forthcoming gubernatorial elections. Photo: from left to right Lev Shlosberg and Vitaly Arshinov. From this moment, Yabloko begins collection of signatures of the heads […]
Posted: June 7th, 2018 under Gubernatorial Elections, Gubernatorial Elections 2018, Local and Municipal Elections 2017, Regional and Local Elections.
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Emilia Slabunova and Yabloko call the Russian government to free Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov
05.06.2018 I, Emilia Slabunova, Chair of the Yabloko party, and the Yabloko party as a whole believe that the case of Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov is a shameful page of modern Russian history. The fact that a person was sentenced for 20 years of imprisonment for his political convictions is the full and absolute […]
Posted: June 5th, 2018 under Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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The winner of Yabloko’s primaries refused to participate in the Moscow Mayoral elections because of the municipal filter
Press Release, 05.06.2018 Yakov Yakubovich, head of the Tverskoy municipal district of Moscow, who won the primaries in Yabloko (58 per cent of the vote in the second round), will not take part in the forthcoming Moscow Mayoral elections, because he is confident that he will not be able to overcome the municipal filter [mandatory […]
Posted: June 5th, 2018 under Gubernatorial Elections 2018, Moscow Mayoral Election 2018.
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