Archive for July, 2015
Andrei Babushkin to visit the final court hearing on Evgeny Vitishko’s case

Press release, 30.07.2015 Human rights defender and YABLOKO Bureau member Andrei Babushkin will visit the court hearing on Evgeny Vitishko’s case where his lawyer Sergei Loktyev’s motion on replacing the rest part of the imprisonment term with release on parole will be considered on July 31.
Posted: July 31st, 2015 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights.
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Novosibirsk branch of Youth YABLOKO demands to free Evgeny Vitishko
Press release, 30.07.2015 On July 30, activists of the Novosibirsk branch Of Youth YABLOKO Svetomir Yun and Maria Trakhanova conducted a series of one-person picketing in support of environmentalist and political prisoner Evgeny Vitishko.
Posted: July 30th, 2015 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights, Street Actions.
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Sergei Mitrokhin on the situation with PARNAS
Sergei Mitrokhin’s post on Facebook, 28.07.2015 I’m outraged with the refusal to register PARNAS’ candidates list at the elections in Novosibirsk and with the criminal case against Andrei Pivovarov, head of the election campaign of the party in Kostroma.
Posted: July 29th, 2015 under Elections, Regional and Local Elections, Regional elections 2015.
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YABLOKO intends to hold a mass protest action against the expansion of the powers of the law enforcement
Ekho Moskvi radio station, 24.07.2015 In September YABLOKO intends to hold a mass protest action against the legislative initiatives to expand the powers of the law enforcement. Such a statement was made by party leader Sergei Mitrokhin at the Ekho Moskvi radio station.
Posted: July 28th, 2015 under Freedom of Assembly, Human Rights, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power.
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Public Prosecutor demanded to remove a bust monument to Joseph Stalin in Lipetsk
Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 28.07.2015 Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Soviet district of Lipetsk demanded to dismantle a sculpture bust of Joseph Stalin installed in Kuznechnaya street [in Lipetsk] issuing a note of admonition to Anna Shamayeva, Deputy City Mayor. The Prosecutor’s Office pointed out that the sculpture bust was installed unlawfully, thus, had to be removed.
Posted: July 28th, 2015 under Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power.
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Public Prosecutor issued a note of admonition to Deputy Mayor of Lipetsk for installing a bust monument to Joseph Stalin
Press Release, 27.07.2015 The Prosecutor’s Office of the Soviet district of Lipetsk issued a note of admonition to Anna Shamayeva, Deputy City Mayor, pointing out the inadmissibility of violation of the law, as the bust sculpture to Joseph Stalin unlawfully installed by the Communist Party had not been removed. This was stated in the answer […]
Posted: July 28th, 2015 under Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power.
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Final court hearing on Evgeny Vitishko case to take place on July 31
Announcement, 27.07.2015 On July 31, the final court hearing on Evgeny Vitishko’s case will take place. The Kirsanovsky District Court of the Tambov region will consider Sergei Loktev’s, lawyer of Evgeny Vitishko, motion on replacing the rest of the imprisonmemt term with release on parole.
Posted: July 27th, 2015 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights.
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Sergei Mitrokhin proposed to Russian President to withdraw the names and symbols of terrorists and revolution 1917 figures from the Russian cities toponymy
Press Release, 23.07.2015 YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin sent an address to Russian President Vladimir Putin proposing to adopt complex measures for furter de-Bolshevisation of public areas and toponimic names of streets and cities in Russia.
Posted: July 24th, 2015 under History, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy.
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The Electoral Commission of the Kaluga region registered YABLOKO’s list of candidates to run in for the regional parliament
Press Release, 24.07.2015 On 23 July the Electoral Commission of the Kaluga region registered YABLOKO’s list of candidates to run in for the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region. The list is topped by Alexei Kolesnikov, Chair of the regional branch of YABLOKO, Anton Sukhov and Elena Paramonova.
Posted: July 24th, 2015 under Regional and Local Elections, Regional elections 2015.
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The Leningrad Region branch of YABLOKO launches a newspaper
Press Release, 24.07.2015 On 24 July the Leningrad Region branch of YABLOKO launched a newspaper on Skazhem Pryamo (Putting It Baldly). The paper will be devoted to YABLOKO’s work in the region, protection of human rights and the problems of the region.
Posted: July 24th, 2015 under Human Rights.
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Sergei Mitrokhin meets with representatives of the Danish Helsinki Committee
Press Release, 23.07.2015 Wednesday, July 22, YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin met in YABLOKO’s office with a group of human rights defenders from the Danish Helsinki Committee led by Carl Eric Foverskov. Olga Radayeva, YABLOKO International Secretary, also took part in the meeting.
Posted: July 24th, 2015 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights, Situation in Karelia, YABLOKO and the International Liberal Family.
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YABLOKO nominated candidates lists to seven regional parliaments
Press release, 23.07.2015 YABLOKO candidates will participate in regional and municipal elections in 44 territorial entities of Russia. In particular, the party nominated candidates lists to seven regional Legislative Assemblies in seventeen capital City Dumas.
Posted: July 24th, 2015 under Elections, Regional and Local Elections, Regional elections 2015.
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YABLOKO calls for directing motions in support of Evgeny Vitishko
Press release, 20.07.2015 The YABLOKO party calls for directing motions in support of politcial prisoner and environmentalist Evgeny Vitishko on replacing the rest of the imprisonment term with release on parole to the Kirsanovsky District Court of the Tambov region until July 31, 2015.
Posted: July 21st, 2015 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights.
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Murmansk branch of YABLOKO suggest canceling gratuities for officials
Press release, 20.07.2015 The Murmansk branch of YABLOKO suggest making alterations to the laws and canceling gratuities for governor of the Murmansk region, chair and deputies of the regional Duma, employees of governmental bodies and other officials. YABLOKO suggest spending the savings on social travel allowance for veterans and pensioners.
Posted: July 20th, 2015 under Social Policies.
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Youth Yabloko commemorated memory of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 victims
Press release, 17.07.2015 Activists of the Moscow branch of Youth Yabloko laid flowers to the Dutch Embassy on the anniversary of the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
Posted: July 17th, 2015 under Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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St.Petersburg branch of YABLOKO commemorated memory of Natalya Estemirova
Press release, 16.07.2015 The St.Petesburg branch of YABLOKO commemorated the memory of Natalia Estemirova, human rights defender and journalist, who was murdered in Chechnya six years ago. Chair of local YABLOKO branch Mikhail Amosov, deputy Chair Nikolai Rybakov and deputy of St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly Boris Vishnevsky participated in the action.
Posted: July 17th, 2015 under Human Rights, The Murder of Natalya Estemirova.
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Six years ago, on July 15, 2009, Natalya Estemirova, human rights activist and journalist, member of the Memorial human rights centre was abducted and murdered in Chechnya
Posted: July 15th, 2015 under Human Rights, The Murder of Natalya Estemirova.
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Attack on Evgeny Khamaganov is a political crime
Statement by the YABLOKO party, 14.07.2015 The severe beating of a well-known Buryat journalist, editor of the ARD portal, YABLOKO member Evgeny Khamaganov is another proof that the freedom of speech and expression in Russia is persecuted and punished.
Posted: July 15th, 2015 under Human Rights.
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Condolences in connection with the loss of paratroopers in Omsk
Statement by the YABLOKO party, 13.07.2015 YABLOKO express deep and heartfelt condolences to the friends and families of the paratroopers who tragically died in the billet of Air Landing Troops training establishment 242 in Svetly settlement, the Omsk region.
Posted: July 14th, 2015 under YABLOKO against Corruption.
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Nikolai Kavkazsky elected Chairman of Moscow Youth Yabloko
Press release, 13.07.2015 On July 12 an election meeting of the Moscow branch of Youth Yabloko took place. Nikolai Kavkazsky, ex political prisoner, was elected new Chairman. Maria Yefimova was elected deputy Chair. Nikita Arkin and Yuri Slinko were elected to the regional council.
Posted: July 13th, 2015 under Youth Policies.
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