Congresses and Docs

Memorandum of Political Alternative, an updated version of 1.03.2019

Memorandum of Political Alternative

YABLOKO's Ten Key Programme Issues


YABLOKO's Political Platform Adopted by the 15th Congress, June 21, 2008

The 18th Congress of YABLOKO

RUSSIA DEMANDS CHANGES! Electoral Program for 2011 Parliamentary Elections.

Key resolutions by the Congress:

On Stalinism and Bolshevism
Resolution. December 21, 2009

On Anti-Ecological Policies of Russia’s Authorities. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 253, December 24, 2009

On the Situation in the Northern Caucasus. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 252, December 24, 2009


YABLOKO’s Political Committee: Russian state acts like an irresponsible business corporation conducting anti-environmental policies


Overcoming bolshevism and stalinism as a key factor for Russia¦µ™s transformation in the 21st century


On Russia's Foreign Policies. Political Committee of hte YABLOKO party. Statement, June 26, 2009


On Iran’s Nuclear Problem Resolution by the Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 6, 2009


Anti-Crisis Proposals (Housing-Roads-Land) of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO. Handed to President Medvedev by Sergei Mitrokhin on June 11, 2009

Brief Outline of Sergei Mitrokhin’s Report at the State Council meeting. January 22, 2010


Assessment of Russia’s Present Political System and the Principles of Its Development. Brief note for the State Council meeting (January 22, 2010) by Dr.Grigory Yavlinsky, member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee. January 22, 2010


Address of the YABLOKO party to President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 9, 2009


The 17th Congress of YABLOKO




The 16th Congress of Yabloko

Photo by Sergei Loktionov

The 12th congress of Yabloko

The 11th congress of Yabloko

The 10th congress of Yabloko

Moscow Yabloko
Yabloko for Students
St. Petersburg Yabloko
Khabarovsk Yabloko
Irkutsk Yabloko
Kaliningrad Yabloko(eng)
Novosibirsk Yabloko
Rostov Yabloko
Yekaterinburg Yabloko
(Sverdlovsk Region)

Krasnoyarsk Yabloko
Ulyanovsk Yabloko
Tomsk Yabloko
Tver Yabloko(eng)
Penza Yabloko
Stavropol Yabloko

Action of Support





Programme by candidate for the post of Russian President Grigory Yavlinsky. Brief Overview

My Truth

Grigory Yavlinsky at Forum 2000, Prague, 2014

YABLOKO-ALDE conference 2014

Grigory Yavlinsky : “If you show the white feather, you will get fascism”

Grigory Yavlinsky: a coup is started by idealists and controlled by rascals

The Road to Good Governance

Risks of Transitions. The Russian Experience

Grigory Yavlinsky on the Russian coup of August 1991

A Male’s Face of Russia’s Politics

Black Sea Palaces of the New Russian Nomenklatura


The Hidden Cause of the Great Recession (And How to Avert the Nest One)

by Dr. Grigory Yavlinsky

On the results of the Conference “Migration: International Experience and Russia’s Problems” conducted by the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (the ALDE party)

Moscow, April 6, 2013

International Conference "Youth under Threat of Extremism and Xenophobia. A Liberal Response"
conducted jointly by ELDR and YABLOKO. Moscow, April 21, 2012. Speeches, videos, presentations

What does the opposition want: to win or die heroically?
Moskovsky Komsomolets web-site, July 11, 2012. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Yulia Kalinina.

Building a Liberal Europe - the ALDE Project

By Sir Graham Watson

Lies and legitimacy
The founder of the Yabloko Party analyses the political situation. Article by Grigory Yavlinsky on radio Svoboda. April 6, 2011

Algorithms for Opposing Gender Discrimination: the International and the Russian Experience

YABLOKO and ELDR joint conference

Moscow, March 12, 2011

Reform or Revolution

by Vladimir Kara-Murza

Is Modernisation in Russia Possible? Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky and Boris Titov by Yury Pronko, "The Real Time" programme, Radio Finam, May 12, 2010

Grigory Yavlinsky's interview to Vladimir Pozner. The First Channel, programme "Pozner", April 20, 2010 (video and transcript)

Overcoming the Totalitarian Past: Foreign Experience and Russian Problems by Galina Mikhaleva. Research Centre for the East European Studies, Bremen, February 2010.

Grigory Yavlinsky: Vote for the people you know, people you can turn for help. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, October 8, 2009

Grigory Yavlinsky: no discords in the tandem. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Radio Liberty
September 22, 2009

A Credit for Half a Century. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Natalia Bekhtereva, Radio Russia, June 15, 2009

Sergei Mitrokhin's Speech at the meeting with US Preseident Barack Obama. Key Notes, Moscow, July 7, 2009

Mitrokhin proposed a visa-free regime between Russia and EU at the European liberal leaders meeting
June 18, 2009

by Grigory Yavlinsky

European Union chooses Grigory Yavlinsky!
Your vote counts!

Reforms that corrupted Russia
By Grigory Yavlinsky, Financial Times (UK), September 3, 2003

Grigory Yavlinsky: "It is impossible to create a real opposition in Russia today."
Moskovsky Komsomolets, September 2, 2003

Alexei Arbatov: What Should We Do About Chechnya?
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Mikhail Falaleev
Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 9, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: Our State Does Not Need People
Novaya Gazeta,
No. 54, July 29, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: The Door to Europe is in Washington
Obschaya Gazeta, May 16, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's speech.
March 11, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's Lecture at the Nobel Institute
Oslo, May 30, 2000



Yabloko: Liberals in Russia

By Alexander Shishlov, July 6, 2009

Position on Some Important Strategic Issues of Russian-American Relations

Moscow, July 7, 2009

The Embrace of Stalinism

By Arseny Roginsky, 16 December 2008

Nuclear Umbrellas and the Need for Understanding: IC Interview With Ambassador Lukin
September 25, 1997

Would the West’s Billions Pay Off?
Los Angeles Times
By Grigory Yavlinsky and Graham Allison
June 3, 1991

Archive for June, 2024

“That was the case when I couldn’t help but come.” Nikolai Rybakov took part in mourning ceremonies after the acts of terror in Dagestan

Telegram post by Nikolai Rybakov, 27.06.2024 Photos by the Yabloko Press Service Yesterday I was in Dagestan – in Makhachkala and Derbent. That was case when I couldn’t help but come. You all understand the tragic reason. I will return ( ) to the substantive side of the problem more than once in the future. […]

The Krasnoyarsk branch of Yabloko will take part in by-elections of regional and district deputies

Press Release, 26.06.2024 Photo: Yabloko candidates Victor Zagorodnikov and Alexander Zagainov The conference of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Yabloko party nominated two candidates for by-elections to the regional Legislative Assembly and to the Berezovsky District Council. The party will be represented in the elections by retired law enforcement officer Viktor Zagorodnikov and current […]

Yabloko’s Yaroslav Shcherbakov: “The militarisation of memory is inappropriate and unlawful”

At the request of Shcherbakov, the Chelyabinsk Public Prosecutor’s Office issued an action order to the Mayor’s Office about the improper maintenance of the Fraternal Cemetery of Soldiers Press Release, 26.06.2024 Photo: The Memory Memorial at the Fraternal Cemetery of Warriors with decommissioned S-75 anti-aircraft missile systems installed by the monument / Photo by the […]

Yaboko’s statement on the situation in Dagestan

Statement by the Yabloko Chairman, 26.06.2024 Photo by Ganzhevi Gadzhibalaev/TASS  The Yabloko party expresses its sincere condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the terrorist attack in Dagestan, including Orthodox Archpriest Nikolai Kotelnikov, who worked there for more than 40 years, civilians and a large number of law enforcement officers. May their […]

“A philosopher of freedom and creativity”. Yabloko hosted a lecture about Nikolai Berdyaev

Press Release, 26.06.2024 A lecture dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher and sociologist Nikolai Berdyaev was held at Yabloko. The lecture was given by Anastasia Gacheva, a leading researcher at the Gorgy Institute of World Literature of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences.

St. Petersburg Yabloko nominated candidates for municipal deputies

Press Release, 25.06.2024 Delegates to the conference of the St. Petersburg branch of Yabloko, which took place on the evening of 24 June, nominated 70 candidates for 17 municipalities of St. Petersburg. On 28 June, the regional branch plans to nominate more candidates who have expressed their desire to run for Yabloko in recent days.

The Yabloko branch in Yakutia will continue to work under the leadership of Anatoly Nogovitsyn

Press Release, 24.06.2024 Photo: Anatoly Nogovitsyn / Photo from social media Past week, the regional branch of the Yabloko party in Yakutia held a conference of the party branch, and elected governing bodies of the regional branch for the next two years. Anatoly Nogovitsyn was re-elected Chairman of the branch.

Yabloko leaders honoured the memory of those killed in the Second World War

Press Release, 22.06.2024 Photo by the Yabloko Press Service On the night of 21-22 June, when 83 years ago Hitler invaded the USSR, Nikolai Rybakov, Grigory Yavlinsky and other party members lit candles and laid flowers at the Requiem 1941 monument in the centre of Moscow. This is a traditional Yabloko’s anti-war action that has […]

St. Petersburg Yabloko nominated pediatric anaesthesiologist Olga Yurkevich a candidate for by-elections to the Legislative Assembly

Press Release, 21.06.2024 Photo: Olga Yurkevich / Photo by regional branch of Yabloko St. Petersburg branch of Yabloko nominated Olga Yurkevich, a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor of the highest category and pediatric anesthesiologist, a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in the coming by-elections in constituency No 18 of […]

Yabloko announces collection of signatures in support of nomination of its candidates in the elections of deputies of the Moscow City Duma

Press Release, 20.06.2024 Photo: Yabloko placard “For Peace and Freedom! 24 Yabloko candidates for the Moscow City Duma are campaigning under the slogan “For Peace and Freedom! For the Ceasefire Agreement!” Each candidate must collect signatures from Muscovites in his/her support so that to be registered in the race.

Yabloko to light 1418 candles to commemorate victims of the Second World War

Press release, 20.06.2024 UPD: We have to cancel our traditional “1418 Candles Per Each Day of War” action, since access to the “1941” memorial plaque, where we usually gather, will be limited due to preparations for the opening of the “Candle of Memory” campaign organised by the authorities. Yabloko will light 1418 candles to commemorate […]

“Write letters to political prisoners, they are like medicine to us.” Yabloko to host the actions of writing letters to Russian political prisoners.

Press Release 19.06.2024 Photo by the Pskov regional branch of Yabloko Yabloko will once again host the actions of writing letters to Russian political prisoners. The number of political prisoners in Russia is growing every week. It is important for those unjustly imprisoned to know that they are not forgotten.

Yabloko collects personal guarantees for imprisoned party member Vasily Neustroyev

Press Release, 19.06.2024 Photo: Vasily Neustroyev/ Photo from social media Yabloko has announced the collection of guarantees for our colleague from St. Petersburg Vasily Neustroyev, who is kept in a pre-trial detention centre on charges of crimes that he did not commit. Yabloko offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Pskov are collecting personal guarantees for […]

The ECHR awarded compensation in the amount of EUR 7,500 to the Deputy Chair of Yabloko in the Republic of Tatarstan

Press Release, 18.06.2024 Photo from Gulnaz Ravilova’s social media The European Court of Human Rights ruled that the Russian Federation violated the rights of Gulnaz Ravilova when considering her administrative violation case. The decision was published today.

“Don’t shoot!”

Statement by the Yabloko party Chairman, 17.06.2024 Photo from social media The Yabloko party stands for the immediate conclusion of a ceasefire agreement without preconditions. Neither the resolution of the summit in Switzerland, nor Vladimir Putin’s statements at the meeting with the leadership of the Foreign Ministry answer the most important question: when people, including […]

Yabloko collected over 500 books for the library in the Kriusha village, the Ryazan region

Press Release, 17.06.2024 Photo by the Yabloko Press Service The Yabloko party has completed collecting books for the library of the village of Kriusha in the Ryazan region. In just two weeks of the campaign, over 500 books were collected. The books will soon be delivered to the library.

The Kemerovo branch of Yabloko held a party conference and elected the governing bodies of the regional branch. Vitaly Ilyin was reelected Chair of the regional department

Press Release, 17.06.2024 Photo by the regional branch of the party On 15 June, the Kemerovo regional branch of the Yabloko party held a Conference on the election of governing bodies. The conference was attended by nine delegates from the cities of region: Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and Topka.

Participate in elections so that to save people’s lives, and bring peace and freedom!

Resolution by the Federal Bureau of Yabloko adopted on 14.06.2024, published on 15.06.2024 Local and regional elections will be held in our country on 8 September, 2024. Citizens who do not agree with what has been happening in the country should have the opportunity to vote in these elections for an alternative and get their […]

The Versailles Trap

Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 13.06.2024  A peace treaty was signed 105 years ago in June 1919 in Versailles, a Parisian suburb, marking the end of World War I. However, the Treaty of Versailles only delivered peace to Europe for a brief moment, before setting the wheels in motion for the start of the even more destructive […]

The Chelyabinsk branch of Yabloko nominated Yaroslav Shcherbakov as a candidate for the post of Governor of the Chelyabinsk region

Press Release, 14.06.2024 Photo by the regional branch of the party On 12 June, a conference of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the Yabloko party nominated Yaroslav Shcherbakov as a candidate for the post of Governor of the Chelyabinsk region.