Archive for 'Russia-Belarus Relations'
Grigory Yavlinsky: Dialogue with Russia cannot be avoided
The Nation, 17.01.2024 Photo: Grigory Yavlinsky at the Congress of the Yabloko party, Moscow, December 2023 / Photo by the Yabloko Press Service Grigory Yavlinsky is the founder of Russia’s leading and oldest democratic opposition party, Yabloko, which is the only party in Russia calling for a cease-fire. The interview was conducted by The Nation’s […]
Posted: January 19th, 2024 under Foreign policy, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russia-US Relations, Без рубрики.
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A Common Lot of Authoritarian States
Grigory Yavlinsky’s blog post,, 7.01.2022 Photo: The building of the Mayor’s office in Almaty. 6 January, 2021 // REUTERS / Pavel Mikheyev The events in Kazakhstan have been developing rapidly. Yesterday morning the government was dismissed in order to extinguish the wave of discontent, and by nightfall, fighting began in different settlements of the […]
Posted: January 11th, 2022 under Foreign policy, Governance, History, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-China Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russia-US Relations.
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Yabloko has published its election programme for the State Duma elections
Press Release, 29.07.2021. Photo: Nikolai Rybakov (in the centre), Yabloko Chairman and leader of the party list for the 2021 parliamentary elections. / Photo by the Yabloko Press Service The final version of the election programme of the Yabloko party “Freedom and Law. Hope for the Future” has been published. The programme has five sections. […]
Posted: August 2nd, 2021 under Economy, Elections, Environmental Policies, Foreign policy, Governance, Healthcare, Human Rights, Politics, Programme documents, Protection of Environment, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy, Situation in Crimea, Social Policies, State Duma Elections, State Duma Elections 2021, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, The Russian Army, War in Syria, YABLOKO against Corruption, YABLOKO Against Terrorism, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform, Без рубрики.
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Hijacking of a foreign plane with the aim of kidnapping one’s opponents is an outrageous international crime
Statement by the Yabloko Bureau, 27.05.2021 Photo: Alexei Alexandrov / RIA Novosti On 23 May, 2021, an act of state terrorism was committed in Belarus. On the direct order by Alexander Lukashenko, a passenger plane of the Irish airline Ryanair flying over Belarus was landed in Minsk with the help of deceit (false information about […]
Posted: May 27th, 2021 under Elections, Foreign policy, Russia-Belarus Relations, State Duma Elections, State Duma Elections 2021, Без рубрики.
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Airplane hijacked: any criminal and terrorist methods without any restrictions will be used in Belarus and Russia
Grigory Yavlinsky’s Facebook page, 23.05.2021 Photo: Roman Protasevich /Photo from social networks Opposition journalist Roman Protasevich [from Belarus] was kidnapped by special services in Minsk. For this purpose, a passenger plane of the Irish airline Ryanair flying over Belarus was forced to land at the Minsk airport by means of provocation (under the pretext of […]
Posted: May 24th, 2021 under Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Без рубрики.
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Grigory Yavlinsky: What threatens Putin and what threatens Russia
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 26.02.2021 423 agents of “foreign secret services” were identified in Russia in 2020, as Vladimir Putin said. At the meeting of the Board of the Federal Security Service, Putin spoke about the key, in his view, modern threats to Russia: spies, terrorists, hackers and opponents of the Sputnik V [vaccine against COVID]. These […]
Posted: March 1st, 2021 under Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, History, Human Rights, Poisoning of Alexei Navalny, Politics, Protests in Russia, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy, Situation in Crimea, Social Policies, War in Syria, YABLOKO Against Nationalism, Extremism and Xenophobia, Без рубрики.
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Grigory Yavlinsky: Our economy is state capitalism. A group of people has all the income, and the people bears all the expenses
Komsomolskaya Pravda, 24.12.2020 The leader of the Yabloko party shared his views on the ending 2020. The leader of the Yabloko party has always had a special critical view of what was happening around him and had his own recipes how to fix it. He shared this special view of the outgoing 2020 in the […]
Posted: December 24th, 2020 under Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, History, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russia-US Relations, Russian Economy, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, Без рубрики.
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On the Political Systems of the New Age

POLITICAL ENTROPY (Chapter 2) Digital technologies and the globalisation of disorder As a series of events sent shockwaves globally, a large-scale process proceeded in the background imperceptibly, with the creation of new forms and methods to manage social phenomena, to all intents and purposes representing the birth of a new type of political system. It […]
Posted: December 4th, 2020 under Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, Governance, History, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-China Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russia-US Relations, Без рубрики.
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How to get rid of Putin?
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 26.10.2020 Will Mr.Putin remain President after 2024, they ask him at the Valdai Club meeting. My colleagues ask me about the same on a Yabloko party stream. Vladimir Putin compares himself to Saint Francis and says that “this must certainly end some day”. However, in Belarus, for example, the people decided that […]
Posted: November 4th, 2020 under Elections, Governance, History, Human Rights, Political Parties, Politics, Programme documents, Russia-Belarus Relations, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power, YABLOKO and Other Political Parties.
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The Stavropol branch of Yabloko held an action in support of the people of Belarus
Press Release, 15.10.2020 The Stavropol branch of Yabloko held an action in support of the people of Belarus. Vitaly Zubenko, head of the regional branch of the party, took part in the action. According to the participants, the action took place under the close scrutiny of about twenty police officers and the Centre for Combating […]
Posted: October 15th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Russia-Belarus Relations, Yabloko's Regional Branches, Без рубрики.
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Lev Shlosberg: the visit of the Pskov delegation to Belarus represents a manifestation of support to the Lukashenko regime
Press Release, 2.10.2020 Photo: Lev Shlosberg, deputy of the Pskov Regional Assembly from the Yabloko faction / PLN Lev Shlosberg, deputy of the Pskov Regional Assembly from the Yabloko faction and member of Yabloko’s Federal Political Committee, regards the visit of the Pskov Region delegation headed by the Governor to Belarus on 28 September as […]
Posted: October 2nd, 2020 under Foreign policy, Russia-Belarus Relations, The Yabloko Faction in the Pskov Regional Assembly, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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A multipolar impasse
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 23.09.2020 At the UN General Assembly, Vladimir Putin again spoke about a multipolar world. But a “multipolar world” means that one pole will have almost the whole world, the other will include China with North Korea, and on the third pole, apart from everyone else, Russia with Lukashenko, Novichok and missiles.
Posted: September 24th, 2020 under Economy, Foreign policy, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-China Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russia-US Relations, Russian Economy, Без рубрики.
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On the end of a lost era and the outlook for the future by Grigory Yavlinsky, 10.09.2020 Photo: Rally for freedom and democracy, 4 February 1990, Moscow, Manezh Square WHAT THIS TEXT IS ABOUT The introduction of President Putin’s amendments to the Russian Constitution signalled the defeat of the democratic reforms commenced in Russia at […]
Posted: September 10th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, History, Human Rights, Presidential Elections, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russian Economy, Understanding Russia.
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Lev Shlosberg: Russia is now losing the Belarus of tomorrow
Press Release, 4.09.2020 Photo: Lev Shlosberg, Deputy of the Pskov Regional Assembly from the Yabloko party Pskov regional politicians discussed the formation of a reserve from the Russian security and law enforcement for Belarus and Vladimir Putin’s support for the actions of Alexander Lukashenko at the Echo of Moscow in Pskov radio station. The opinions […]
Posted: September 4th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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Belarus is being turned into a concentration camp
Freedom to political prisoners in Belarus! Freedom to Vitaly Shklyarov! Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 29.08.2020 Nobody knows the total number of political prisoners in Belarus. It is assumed that at least 7,000 people were detained during the protests only in August 9 – 13, and about forty criminal cases were initiated. About 600 citizens of Belarus […]
Posted: September 4th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations.
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Grigory Yavlinsky on the Russian failed coup d’etat of 1991, Kremlin manipulators and Belarus’ Alexander Lukashenko
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 21.08.2020 29 years ago, a group of gray, but high-ranking Soviet officials tried to turn history back and return a huge country to the same gray past as they were. But hundreds of thousands of people across the country took to the streets to defend their future. Then, in August 1991, people […]
Posted: August 25th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, History, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations.
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The Chairman of the Kalmyk branch of the Yabloko party went on a picket of solidarity with the people of Belarus
Press Release, 17.08.2020 On August 15, Batyr Boromangnaev, Chairman of the regional branch of the Yabloko party in Kalmykia, held a single picket of solidarity with the protest of the people of Belarus in Elista. Batyr Boromangnaev held a plackardr “Freedom to the people of Belarus!”.
Posted: August 18th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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Hands off Belarus!
Citizens of Belarus themselves will sort out their domestic affairs Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 16.08.2020 No matter what Lukashenko may agree with Putin about, no matter what kind of help he is promised – military, hybrid or propaganda – any intervention by Russia in the situation in Belarus is unacceptable and will be criminal.
Posted: August 17th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations, Без рубрики.
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Yabloko Chair Nikolai Rybakov appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and European leaders calling them to assist in resolving the situation in Belarus

Press Release, 14.08.2020 Yabloko Party Chairman Nikolai Rybakov sent an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and the leaders of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine with an appeal to influence the leadership of Belarus to stop the violation of human rights in this country.
Posted: August 14th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations.
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Nikolai Rybakov appealed to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a request to protect Russians in Belarus

Press Release, 14.08.2020 Yabloko Chairman Nikolai Rybakov sent an appeal to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a request to protect Russian citizens detained on the territory of the Republic of Belarus – journalists, civil and public figures, including Artem Vazhenkov, Coordinator of the Golos movement in Tver, and activist Igor Rogov.
Posted: August 14th, 2020 under Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russia-Belarus Relations.
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