Archive for March, 2020
The Omsk branch of Yabloko held a conference and elected its Chair
Press Release, 31.03.2020 On March 29, the Omsk regional branch of the Yabloko party held the reporting and election conference. The Omsk Yabloko activists elected the governing bodies of the branch for the next two years. The current Chair Tatyana Nagibina was unanimously elected Chair of the Omsk branch of Yabloko.
Posted: March 31st, 2020 under Activities, Yabloko's Regional Branches, Без рубрики.
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Yabloko sends its emergency programme to combat COVID-19 pandemic to the Russian President, government and parliament

Press Release, 31.03.2020 Chairman of Yabloko Nikolai Rybakov sent the authorities a programme of socio-economic and political measures developed by the party to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The document was sent to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, members of both houses of parliament, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, as well as to the […]
Posted: March 31st, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Economy, Healthcare, Housing and Utilities Reform, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, The Russian Army, War in Syria, Без рубрики.
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Constitutional coup in Russia: political turmoil is a chance for democrats
ALDE party, 30.03.2020. This op-ed is written by Nikolai Rybakov, who has been serving as chair of the Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko since 2019. Yabloko is the oldest democratic party in Russia and continues fighting for a modern European state. Read more
Posted: March 31st, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Elections, Freedom of Speech, History, Human Rights, Moscow City Duma Elections 2019, The Yabloko faction in the Moscow City Duma, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power, YABLOKO and Other Political Parties, YABLOKO and the International Liberal Family, Без рубрики.
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Ksenia Sverdlova elected Chair of the Saratov branch of Yabloko
Press Release, 30.03.2020 Photo: Ksenia Sverdlova On 28 March, delegates of the 22nd Extraordinary Conference of the Saratov branch of Yabloko elected a new Chair of the regional branch. According to the results of the secret ballot, Ksenia Sverdlova was elected to the post. Ilya Kozlyakov and Fedor Demyanchuk were elected Vice-Chairmen.
Posted: March 30th, 2020 under Activities, Yabloko's Regional Branches, Без рубрики.
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Yabloko opens its regional branch in the Jewish Autonomous Region

This is the 79th regional branch of the party. Press Release, 30.03.2020 On 27 March, the Yabloko Bureau voted for the opening of a regional party branch in the Jewish Autonomous Region. Ten residents of the region were admitted to the party and registered as party members in the region. Now the General Meeting of […]
Posted: March 30th, 2020 under Activities, Regional policies and Local Self-Governing, Yabloko's Regional Branches, Без рубрики.
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Supporter of the Tatarstan branch of Yabloko fined 150,000 roubles for bringing posters for a picket against Putin’s amendments to the Constitution
The court hearing was held as video conferencing Press Release, 27.03.2020 On 27 March, the Vakhitovsky District Court of Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan, assigned a fine of 150,000 roubles to Marina Shoetova, supporter of the Tatrstan branch of Yabloko. The court hearing was held in a video conferencing regime. The law enforcement and the […]
Posted: March 30th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights.
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Yabloko proposed a programme of urgent measures to support citizens and business people during the COVID-19 pandemic

Press Release, 28.03.2020 According to Yabloko, the Russian authorities should provide all possible support to citizens facing the threat of not only becoming infected with coronavirus, but also losing their means of subsistence, as well as private businesses. The party has developed a programme of urgent measures, consisting of 20 points of a socio-economic measures […]
Posted: March 30th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Economy, Healthcare, Housing and Utilities Reform, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, The Russian Army, War in Syria, Без рубрики.
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Deputies from Yabloko proposed to provide schoolchildren who have the right to free school meals with food sets during quarantine

Press Release, 26.03.2020 Yabloko deputies in the parliaments of Karelia, Pskov, St. Petersburg, and also in the Duma of Veliky Novgorod appealed to regional governments with a proposal to provide school children who have the right to free school meals with food packages while schools are on quarantine.
Posted: March 27th, 2020 under Education and Science, Healthcare, Social Policies.
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Boris Vishnevsky sent to St.Petersburg Governor his proposals for helping citizens who suffer from COVID-19 quarantine
Press Release, 25.03.2020 Boris Vishnevsky, head of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, sent an appeal to Alexander Beglov, Governor of the city. Vishnevsky proposed a number of specific measures that will facilitate the life of St.Petersburg residents during quarantine caused by COVID-19.
Posted: March 25th, 2020 under Economy, Healthcare, Social Policies.
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Ruslan Mutsolgov called for the release of those arrested in the case of protests in Magas in order to exclude the risk of coronavirus infection in jail for them
Address by the Chairman of the Ingush Yabloko, 25.03.2020 Address by the Chairman of the Ingush Yabloko To: Yury Chaika, Authorised Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District and Makhmud-Ali Kalimatov, head of the Republic of Ingushetia An extremely alarming situation has developed in the world at present, […]
Posted: March 25th, 2020 under Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Healthcare, Human Rights, Social Policies.
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Yabloko Chairman calls on young party members to become volunteers and help the risk groups during the COVID-19 outbreak

Address by Nikolai Rybakov, Yabloko Chairman, 24.03.2020 Dear friends, very difficult times have come. The coronavirus epidemic is increasingly spreading in Russia. The number of cases is growing, the federal government and the authorities of different regions are taking more stringent quarantine measures. Many enterprises and organisations are forced to stop working, some people switch […]
Posted: March 25th, 2020 under Charity, Healthcare, Human Rights, Social Policies.
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We demand abolition of the “all-Russian vote”. Statement of the Public Constitutional Council
Novaya Gazeta, 25.03.2020 The so-called all-Russian vote will not give legitimacy to the document, which, in bypassing of the procedures established in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, was composed and unanimously approved by the President, [both] the chambers of the Federal Assembly, all subjects of the Federation and the Constitutional Court. The main [Constitutional] […]
Posted: March 25th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Human Rights.
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The Chelyabinsk branch of Yabloko demands from the Governor to introduce quarantine in all educational institutions in the region

Press Release, 24.03.2020 Yaroslav Shcherbakov, Chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch of Yabloko, sent an appeal to the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region about the need to introduce quarantine in the schools of the region. The reason for the appeal was the exceeding of epidemic thresholds in 19 municipalities of the Chelyabinsk region (including the regional […]
Posted: March 24th, 2020 under Healthcare, Social Policies.
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The Altai branch of Yabloko creates a volunteer movement to help the elderly during the coronavirus quarantine

Press Release, 23.03.2020 The Altai branch of Yabloko creates a volunteer movement to help the elderly during the coronavirus quarantine. Activists of the branch published a statement on recruiting volunteers to take care and provide help to elderly people. According to the regional branch of Yabloko, “in order to limit the contacts of elderly people […]
Posted: March 23rd, 2020 under Activities, Charity, Healthcare, Social Policies.
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Yabloko proposes to give Russians a constitutional right to a share from the mineral and energy resources exports and a pension at 60

Press Release, 16.03.2020 Deputies of the Yabloko party in the legislative assemblies of six regions – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Karelia, the Pskov and Astrakhan regions and the Khabarovsk Territory – introduce a new package of amendments to the Constitution. It is dedicated to improving the guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms. The text […]
Posted: March 23rd, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights.
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Yabloko continues actions against Vladimir Putin’s eternal rule
Party members rallied and picketed in several regions Press Release, 23.03.2020 Yabloko activists continue holding one-person pickets (these pickets do not require any permissions from the authorities) and rallies against Putin’s constitutional amendments resetting the count on his presidential terms to zero and other Putin’s amendments to the Constitution. On March 21-22, rallies and pickets […]
Posted: March 23rd, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, Human Rights, Без рубрики.
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A truly social state should be built in Russia
Emilia Slabunova introduced to the Karelian parliament Yabloko’s amendments to the Constitution Press Release, 20.03.2020 Emilia Slabunova, member of the Federal Political Committee of the Yabloko party and deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia, presented to the regional parliament of Karelia a package of amendments of the Yabloko party, the adoption of which guarantees […]
Posted: March 20th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments.
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Resetting the law. Resetting of the Constitution. Resetting of the Constitutional Court
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 19.03.2020 The situation with coronavirus is certainly serious. But there is no doubt that the mankind and all of us will cope with the pandemic. However, one cannot fail to notice that right now the events that will decisively determine our future are taking place in our country. There were no illusions […]
Posted: March 19th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Без рубрики.
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He lied again

Boris Vishnevsky’s commentary on Vladimir Putin’s statement that the middle class in Russia is 70% of the population Boris Vishnevsky’s blog post at the Ekho Moskvi web-site, 19.03.2020 While discussing the coronavirus and Putin’s decree on appointing, despite everything, of a “nationwide vote” on amendments to the Constitution, in the evening I noticed something else, […]
Posted: March 19th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Economy, Human Rights, Russian Economy.
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Yabloko in the Altai Republic rallied against the “reset” of Vladimir Putin’s presidential term
Press Release, 18.03.2020 On March 15, a rally against amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation was held in Gorno-Altaysk. The actions was organised by Maria Demina, MP of the State Assembly – El Kurultai of the Altai Republic and the head of the Defend Altai public movement. The event was supported by representatives […]
Posted: March 18th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights.
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