Archive for 'Understanding Russia'
Russia-2022: Underlying Causes
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 2.06.2022 The most important specific of Russian national disasters is that they can all be attributed to the inadequate capability documented in culture to respond adequately to the challenges of history. Alexander Akhiezer1 In order to understand what has happened in Russia and before we even attempt to contemplate what comes next, […]
Posted: July 4th, 2022 under Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, History, Human Rights, Political Parties, Politics, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Understanding Russia, Без рубрики.
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A photo exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Acad. Andrei Sakharov banned by the Moscow Mayor’s Office will be held at the Yabloko office
Press Release, 20.05.2021 Photo: Academician Andrei Sakharov / Photo by Sergei Guneyev, RIA Novosti The photo exhibition of the Andrei Sakharov Center* “Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov: Anxiety and Hope”, which will not take place in Chistoprudny Boulevard due to the ban of the Moscow Mayor’s Office, will be held at the central office of the Yabloko […]
Posted: May 20th, 2021 under Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, History, Human Rights, Understanding Russia.
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Russian regions: inequality of opportunities
Grigory Yavlinsky on the fact that well-being and career in Russia depend on the place of birth Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 4.10.2020 It is well known that the well-being and career of a person in Russia directly depends on the region in which he/she was born and raised. Inequality and injustice begin in our country from […]
Posted: October 16th, 2020 under Economy, Federalism, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Understanding Russia.
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On the end of a lost era and the outlook for the future by Grigory Yavlinsky, 10.09.2020 Photo: Rally for freedom and democracy, 4 February 1990, Moscow, Manezh Square WHAT THIS TEXT IS ABOUT The introduction of President Putin’s amendments to the Russian Constitution signalled the defeat of the democratic reforms commenced in Russia at […]
Posted: September 10th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, History, Human Rights, Presidential Elections, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russian Economy, Understanding Russia.
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On the anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917, Yabloko held an action in memory of the pupils of military schools who resisted the Bolsheviks
Press Release, 7.11.2019 On 7 November, the Moscow branch of Yabloko held its traditional action honouring the memory of officers and pupils of military schools who fought in the streets of Moscow against usurpation of power by the Bolsheviks in 1917. For the first time, an action in memory of those who with arms in […]
Posted: November 11th, 2019 under History, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, Understanding Russia.
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On the lost time and the “sovereign armored train”
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 30.04.2019 Vladimir Putin said that the decree on the simplified procedure for issuing Russian passports to residents of certain regions of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine was “a humanitarian measure”. That is, it is like taking care of people who are suffering. In fact, in order to alleviate the suffering […]
Posted: April 30th, 2019 under Economy, Foreign policy, History, Human Rights, Politics, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russia-US Relations, Situation in Crimea, Understanding Russia.
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An Opponent’s View
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 30.04.2019 Grigory Yavlinsky’s book The Putin System has been published by Columbia University Press, New York. How power works in present-day Russia, how Vladimir Putin came to power and maintains his rule for over 20 years — these questions are often misunderstood and the answers remain opaque. In The Putin System, Russian […]
Posted: April 30th, 2019 under Economy, Elections, History, Human Rights, Politics, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Understanding Russia, YABLOKO against Corruption.
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The Clock Is Ticking for Business
Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 06.11.2018 Need money for a national park in the Arctic? Not enough money for a port complex at Novaya Zemlya [archipelago in the Arctic Ocean]? Don not have 1.5 trillion roubles for a highway from Sochi to Crimea? The government’s 540 billion roubles allocated for the implementation of the May Presidential Decrees […]
Posted: December 6th, 2018 under Economy, Understanding Russia, YABLOKO against Corruption.
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Yabloko in Kaliningrad: Those who attacked the monument to Immanuel Kant must be held accountable for it
Press release, 27.11.2018 Chair of the Kaliningrad branch of Yabloko Igor Pleshkov demands that Governor of the Kaliningrad Region and law enforcement hold those who attacked the monument to philosopher Immanuel Kant and his grave accountable for their doing.
Posted: November 28th, 2018 under Understanding Russia.
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A Hundred Years After the War: from Nationalism to Nationalism
by Grigory Yavlinsky Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 11.11.2018 IN BETWEEN THE WARS The situation, in which the centenary of the end of the Great (First World) War is celebrated [in Russia], causes as many questions and bewilderment as the anniversary of the revolution in Russia. The unwillingness of the Russian authorities to discuss the crisis of […]
Posted: November 20th, 2018 under Foreign policy, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-US Relations, Understanding Russia.
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Yabloko is the party of a moral choice
Decision by Yabloko Federal Political Committee, 25.10.2018 Yabloko is the party of the European values. Yabloko has abided by democratic principles and employed lawful methods to gain power and political influence since the time the party was founded 25 years ago. We are the party of public affairs, we participate in elections and use parliamentary […]
Posted: November 7th, 2018 under History, Human Rights, Politics, Understanding Russia, Yabloko's Views.
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Supreme Court cancels decision to dissolve Krasnodar branch of Yabloko
Press release, 1.11.2018 Russia’s Supreme Court cancelled the decision of the Krasnodar Regional Court to dissolve the Krasnodar branch of Yabloko on the grounds of procedural faults and remitted the case for a new reconsideration.
Posted: November 6th, 2018 under Understanding Russia.
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One of the authors of the Russian Constitution Victor Sheinis about the idea of “pinpointing changes” to the Constitution
Press Release, 12.10.2018 A few days ago, Valery Zorkin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, said that it is necessary to “pinpoint changes” to the Russian Constitution in order to eliminate the shortcomings of the Fundamental Law of the Russian Federation.
Posted: October 15th, 2018 under Human Rights, Understanding Russia.
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New bloodshed in the Caucasus must be avoided
Yabloko speaks in defence of the leader of its Ingush branch and for an open discussion of the border problem between Ingushetia and Chechnya Statement of the Yabloko party, 2.10.2018 The Yabloko party demands to stop persecution of Ruslan Mutsolgov, leader of the Yabloko branch in Ingushetia, and public activists protesting against the transfer of […]
Posted: October 3rd, 2018 under Human Rights, Understanding Russia.
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Political life in the absence of public affairs: how to live and how to survive
Press release, 17.09.2018 Deputy of the Pskov Region Legislative Assembly and Chair of the Pskov Region branch of Yabloko Lev Shlosberg made a speech at the 6th Franz Fafka and George Orwell intellectual forum. It is an All-Russia discussion platform where all individuals may take part in the discussion of most topical events and communicate […]
Posted: September 19th, 2018 under Elections, Understanding Russia.
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The secret history of liberalism in Russia
Press release, 13.09.2018 Political opponents of liberalism in Russia and even some supporters of the ideology believe that liberalism is alien to Russia brought from the west. At the same time, historians have been studying the roots of Russian liberalism for centuries. However, this research is out of the public limelight.
Posted: September 13th, 2018 under Understanding Russia.
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The protest movement bears no threats to the system
Grigory Yavlinsky’s Facebook page, 11.09.2018 And more about the latest non-elections [rather than ‘elections’ in Russia]. Some people assess their results as a relative failure of the authorities. In particular, they speak of a protest vote, as an obvious evidence of growing discontent with the authorities in connection with the [government’s arbitrary] raising the retirement […]
Posted: September 13th, 2018 under Elections, Gubernatorial Elections 2018, Understanding Russia.
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Yabloko Deputy Chair Alexander Gnezdilov: “Democracy is an exam that society is taking every day”
Press Release, 24.08.2018 Archive photo by RIA Novosti/ Yuri Abramochkin A rally dedicated to the anniversary of the victory over the reactionary forces of the State Emergency Committee was held in the Krasnopresnensky park, Moscow, behind the Russian ‘White House’ on 22 August, on the Day of the Flag of Russia. The rally was […]
Posted: August 28th, 2018 under History, Street Actions, Understanding Russia, Без рубрики.
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Emilia Slabunova: Russia’s Flag Day should be a holiday of honour and pride for the people
The Yabloko party took part in the march and rally on the anniversary of the democrats’ victory over the attempted coup d’etat in 1991 Press Release, 22.08.2018 Today, on Russia’s Flag Day, the leaders and activists of the Yabloko party took part in the action dedicated to the anniversary of the democrats’ victory over attempted […]
Posted: August 22nd, 2018 under Human Rights, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, Understanding Russia.
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Memories of the Future
Grigory Yavlinsky reflects on the fate of great scientists who got under reprisals in the 1930s and draws parallels with modern Russia Grigory Yavlinsky’s web-site, 26.07.2018 Aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev, whose planes were used throughout the country, “spied in favour of France”. Biologist Nikolai Vavilov, one of the most famous Russian scientists in the world, […]
Posted: July 26th, 2018 under Human Rights, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, Understanding Russia.
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