Archive for 'Yabloko Against the Government’s Pension Reform'
Fight poverty, not the world
Decision by the Federal Bureau of Yaboko adopted on 4 September 2023, published on 14 September 2023 Photo by Oleg Kharseyev, Kommersant The document was adopted following the results of expert hearings held in Veliky Novgorod on 4 September. Yevgeniy Gontmakher, Doctor of Economics and a Yabloko member, participated in the development of the document. […]
Posted: September 14th, 2023 under Economy, Elections, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, Housing and Utilities Reform, Human Rights, Political Parties, Regional and Local Elections, Regional and Local Elections 2023, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power, Без рубрики.
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Vladimir Ryzhkov submitted 5,000 signatures to the Mayor’s Office for the increase of pensions in Moscow
Press Release, 15.09.2021 Photo by the Press Service of the Moscow branch of Yabloko On 14 September, Vladimir Ryzhkov handed over to the Moscow Government more than 5,000 signatures of Muscovites in support of his initiative to increase the “Moscow budget increment” to pensions to 10,000 roubles. For a month Vladimir Ryzhkov has been collecting […]
Posted: September 15th, 2021 under Economy, Elections, Regional and Local Elections, Regional and Local Elections 2021, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko has published its election programme for the State Duma elections
Press Release, 29.07.2021. Photo: Nikolai Rybakov (in the centre), Yabloko Chairman and leader of the party list for the 2021 parliamentary elections. / Photo by the Yabloko Press Service The final version of the election programme of the Yabloko party “Freedom and Law. Hope for the Future” has been published. The programme has five sections. […]
Posted: August 2nd, 2021 under Economy, Elections, Environmental Policies, Foreign policy, Governance, Healthcare, Human Rights, Politics, Programme documents, Protection of Environment, Russia-Belarus Relations, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy, Situation in Crimea, Social Policies, State Duma Elections, State Duma Elections 2021, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, The Russian Army, War in Syria, YABLOKO against Corruption, YABLOKO Against Terrorism, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform, Без рубрики.
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The key decisions of the Yabloko congress: the reform of Yabloko, the demand to release political prisoners and elections to the State Duma
Press Release, 6.04.2021 Photo: Grigory Yavlinsky / Photo by the Yabloko Press Service The key points On 3-4 April, Yabloko held a new stage of the 21st Congress, which was attended by almost 120 delegates from several dozens of regions. The main topic of the Congress was the reform of Yabloko and the release of […]
Posted: April 6th, 2021 under 21st Congress of Yabloko, Congresses, Constitutional Amendments, Economy, Elections, Foreign policy, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Governance, Human Rights, Poisoning of Alexei Navalny, Protests in Russia, Regional and Local Elections, Regional and Local Elections 2021, Russia-Ukraine relations, State Duma Elections, State Duma Elections 2021, Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform, Без рубрики.
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Alexander Gnezdilov: the war in Syria helped Vladimir Putin to divert public attention from Russia’s domestic problems
Press Release, 18.03.2021 Photo: The centre of Homs, Syria. Photo by gsafarek / Alexander Gnezdilov, a member of the Federal Political Committee of the Yabloko party, gave a comment to the oldest Czech newspaper Lidove Noviny. The publication was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the civil war in Syria. In 2015, by the […]
Posted: March 19th, 2021 under Economy, Foreign policy, Russian Economy, War in Syria, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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The Bashkirian branch of Yabloko went on pickets on Human Rights Day
Press Release, 11.12.2019 On December 10, the Bashkirian branch of Yabloko held a series of on-person pickets (that do not require coordination with the authorities) in defense of human rights.
Posted: December 11th, 2019 under Economy, Environmental Policies, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Protection of Environment, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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“We have never betrayed our principles and have always stood firm”. Interview with Sergei Ivanenko, deputy head of the Yabloko party
Specially for Yabloko website by Svetlana Prokudina, 12.01.2019 Sergei Ivanenko, Yabloko Deputy Chair, has turned 60 on 12th January. Sergei Victorovich is one of Grigory Yavlinsky’s closest colleagues. He was actively involved in the foundation of the Yabloko party. Ivanenko played one of the key roles in the work of Yabloko’s faction in the State […]
Posted: February 3rd, 2019 under Elections, History, Human Rights, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko to protest against the pension reform
Press release, 2.10.2018 On 3 October, the day when the upper house of parliament will consider the bill on raising the retirement age, the Moscow branch of Yabloko will hold pickets by the Federation Council. The protest action starts at 9:15.
Posted: October 2nd, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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A breakthrough is out of the question
Emilia Slabunova on the adoption of the law on raising the retirement age Emilia Slabunova’s blog post, 28.09.2018 The State Duma has passed a law on raising the retirement age in the third (and final) reading. Neither the President, nor the ruling party are willing to talk about the consequences. Let us discuss what will […]
Posted: September 29th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Grigory Yavlinsky: We must fight against mafia, then pensions will be decent and there will be no robbery
Grigory Yavlinsky’s Facebook page, 27.09.2018 Many say that they will fight against the new pension law [envisaging substantial raising the retirement age]. It is quite understandable. But even if something will be achieved, as for example, retirement for women not eight, but five years later [as compared to all these years], then tomorrow it [people’s […]
Posted: September 28th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly deputy Boris Vishnevsky on the pension reform
Boris Vishnevsly’s blog post, 26.09.2018 The State Duma passed Putin’s amendments to Putin’s initiative on raising the regiment age. The federal TV channels will no go out of their way to prise the President’s kindness. In reality this “kindness” is worth nothing. The retirement age for women will be raised from the current age of […]
Posted: September 27th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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“Raise pensions rather than the retirement age!” Yabloko protests against pension reform in 14 cities of Russia
Press release, 24.09.2018 On 22-23 September, rallies against the the government’s plan to raise the retirement age took place across Russia. Yabloko activists participated in protest actions in Sochi, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Barnaul, Murmansk, Chita, Penza, Bryansk, Lipetsk, Smolensk, Oryel and Stavropol.
Posted: September 24th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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St.Petersburg city administration prepares to commit a criminal offense
Statement, 14.09.2018 The St. Petersburg city administration is trying to disrupt a legitimate rally of the united opposition against raising the retirement age scheduled on 16 September, 2018.
Posted: September 18th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Lev Shlosberg: This government will do everything at the expense of people
Press release, 5.09.2018 On 2 September, a rally against raising the retirement age took place in Pskov. Chair of the regional Yabloko branch and deputy of the Pskov Region Legislative Assembly Lev Shlosberg delivered a speech at the rally.
Posted: September 7th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Barnaul protests against raising the retirement age
Press release, 3.09.2018 On September 2, the Altai Krai branch of Yabloko participated in a rally against the pension reform initiated by the government. Over 1,500 people took to the streets.
Posted: September 6th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko joins all-Russia protests against raising the retirement age
Press release, 2.09.2018 Yabloko activists participated in protest actions against raising the retirement age in 14 cities of Russia. Chair of the party Emilia Slabunova made a speech at the rally in Omsk while Yabloko’s Political Committee member Sergei Mitrokhin delivered his address in Moscow.
Posted: September 4th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Emilia Slabunova on the pension reform
01.09.2018 Dear friends! The 20,000 rubles [approx. 250 euros] rate of pension by 2024 which the President promised in his latest address is a shame! It is really hard to survive on 20,000 rubles a month even now not to mention what will be in 6 years time.
Posted: September 4th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko Chair Emilia Slabunova to speak at a rally in Omsk against raising the retirement age

Press Release, 30.08.2018 On Sunday, 2 September, Yabloko Chair Emilia Slabunova will come to Omsk to address the rally against raising the retirement age. The Omsk branch of Yabloko is a co-organiser of the rally. Yabloko’s Tatyana Nagibina will be the anchor at the rally. The rally will take place at the address […]
Posted: August 31st, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Yabloko will take part in the all-Russian action against the pension reform on 2 September

Press Release, 28.08.2018 On Sunday, 2 September, the Yabloko party will take part in the all-Russian action against the government’s plans to raise the retirement age. Representatives of the Yabloko party are members of the organising committee of the action. The geography and format of the actions is as follows (more details will be […]
Posted: August 28th, 2018 under Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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Oleg Rodin, Yabloko’s candidate to the deputy of the State Duma, applied for a permission for a rally against raising the retirement age on 2 September
Press Release, 20.08.2018 On Friday, 17 August, Oleg Rodin, Yabloko’s candidate to the deputy of the State Duma in the forthcoming by-election to the Russian parliament, applied for a permission for a rally against raising the retirement age in Nizhny Novgorod on 2 September. The rally is planed on 2 September. Co-organisers of the action […]
Posted: August 27th, 2018 under Regional and Local Elections, Regional and Local Elections 2018, Yabloko Against the Government's Pension Reform.
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