The Russian boomerang: we are fighting in Syria, but the danger comes from Middle Asia
Grigory Yalvinsky FB post, 23.06.2017
About 18 months after the beginning of the Russian military campaign in Syria, it is obvious that the operation was not very well thought over and began spontaneously, without preparation, counting on a blitzkrieg. The goals of the operation stated by President of Russia have not been achieved. Moreover, participation of our country in the Syrian civil war only consolidated the jihadists in their confrontation with Russia. Most importantly, the Syrian campaign has significantly increased the danger of a war for our country which may come from Afghanistan and Middle Asia. With each day of the ongoing military operation, this threat increases. It is necessary to stop [Russia’s] participation in the civil war in Syria as soon as possible and concentrate [Russia’s] efforts on the solution of the most urgent domestic problems and ensuring the security of our borders. It is Time to Return Home.
Posted: June 26th, 2017 under War in Syria.