Vladimir Ryzhkov: Why one should vote for Yavlinsky and YABLOKO
Blog post by Vladimir Ryzhkov, 01.06.2016
The federal elections in Russia take place more seldom because of the machinations of the Kremlin and the [ruling] United Russia party. The State Duma elections take place once in five years, presidential – once in six years. Therefore the importance of the elections has increased considerably. If you skip the election, put up with the outrage of the authorities for the next five years. That’s why the State Duma elections of 18 September 2016 and the presidential elections of 2018 are important to everyone.
All the citizens who have democratic European-minded views have only one reasonable choice and even a duty at the forthcoming elections – to support YABLOKO’s list and its candidates. And that is why:
– YABLOKO is the strongest democratic party of today (in terms of the support on behalf of the society and the structure of the party);
– YABLOKO’s political stance is consistent and principled;
– YABLOKO is against corruption, social stratification, it supports small-sized businesses and the social orientation of all the state policy;
– YABLOKO unites democratic opposition around it, including myself. [It unites] Dmitry and Gennady Gudkov, Dmitry Nekrasov, Julia Galyamina, Andrei Zayakin and a lot of other people;
– YABLOKO is managed democratically and it has a lot of prominent members – such as Sergei Kovalyev, Victor Sheinis, Lev Shlosberg, Sergei Mitrokhin, Boris Vishnevsky, Galina Shirshina and the others.
– YABLOKO has all the chances to win the State Duma elections and form a strong faction there. This is what one should fight for. With YABLOKO the Duma will become a parliament, not a “crazy printer” [the State Duma has been called “a crazy printer” by critics who accuse the parliament of having churned out a large number of repressive bills]. Millions of people, whose voice hasn’t been heard for many years, will get their political representation in the governmental bodies!
And the main thing is that we are going to fight for the main and real power in the country – for the post of the President of Russia and for a single [presidential] candidate from the democratic opposition. And this candidate is Grigory Yavlinsky.
If we have a single candidate, we will have a true struggle, we will have the prospect of winning.
Why Yavlinsky?
– He is an experienced politician, a good economist with broad views which a president of a country needs;
– He has a consistent democratic and legal position on economics, social policy, independence of courts, supremacy of the Constitution, international issues;
– He is not afraid! Everyone who dares to challenge the authorities, and Vladimir Putin in person, in our country runs a serious risk – right up to risking their life. Yavlinsky is ready to throw such a challenge and we must be ready to support him.
Now about the tasks that we are facing.
The main task of this year is the victory of YABLOKO’s candidates list at the State Duma election on 18 September.
The task of 2018 – the fight for the victory at the presidential elections together with Yavlisnky.
The goal of the democratic forces in Russia is the economic upturn, growth in the prosperity of the population, the rule of law, peaceful foreign policy, democracy, the state of the general well-being. For this reason we need your active support at the parliamentary and presidential elections!
Vladimir Ryzhkov,
Politician, Chair of Vybor Rossii (The Choice of Russia) public political movement
Posted: June 1st, 2016 under Elections, Parliamentary Elections 2016, Presidential Elections, Presidential elections 2018, State Duma Elections, State Duma Elections 2016.