Moscow region branch of YABLOKO and voters challenge election results in court
The Moscow region branch of YABLOKO and the voters filed 47 lawsuits against the election results in Zhukovsky and Korolyev.
The two types of lawsuits have been made: from the voters who voted for YABLOKO but found out that there were no votes for YABLOKO at their polling station according to the election protocols. The candidates for deputies are also among the voters: according to the elections commissions it turned out that they refused to vote for themselves.
YABLOKO also filed lawsuits in the cases when the party has copies of election protocols which prove that YABLOKO gained a lot more votes than the final results show.
YABLOKO Bureau stated that YABLOKO had gained good results in Zhurovsky and Korolyev (the Mosocw region) but due to election fraud the results had been changed: in Zhukovsky from 50 percent (the first place) to 16 percent and as a result YABLOKO gained only two mandates instead of seven. And in Korolyev the results were changed from 30 percent (the second place) to 4,99 percent. According to the official date, YABLOKO needed three more votes to pass the barrier.
Posted: October 2nd, 2014 under Elections, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power.