Grigory Yavlinsky to meet with new Yabloko members in Moscow
Press Release, 4.06.2019
On Thursday, 6 June, Yabloko founder Grigory Yavlinsky will meet with new Yabloko members in the Moscow office of Yabloko.
The meeting will be held as part of the #MakeYourVoiceLouder campaign. The Yabloko party has been conducting this campaign since February 2019. Over the past months, thousands of people have joined Yabloko across the country, hundreds of new members joined the party in Moscow.
The goal of the campaign #MakeYourVoiceLouder is to create a truly mass-scale civil party which, despite in the appraoching domestic political crisis, will be able to keep the country from a catastrophe and set a positive direction for the development of the state.
“If we want Russia to have a decent future, it is necessary to participate in its construction, especially in the conditions when changes will become possible. Now, on the eve of the crisis, it is the right time to enter politics. And the more of us will be there, the louder our voice will be, the more significant the our influence will be,” Grigory Yavlinsky says.
Grigory Yalvinsky will talk about the party’s plans for the short term, including the Moscow City Duma election campaign, and answer questions from new party members.
The meeting will begin at 19:00.
Address: Moscow, Pyatnitskaya 31, bldg. 2, the Conference Room (4th floor).
Posted: June 5th, 2019 under Moscow City Duma Elections 2019, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power, YABLOKO and Other Political Parties, YABLOKO and the International Liberal Family.