End double discrimination against undocumented women migrants
The ALDE Group, Press Release, February 4, 2014
The Liberals and Democrats group in the European Parliament (ALDE) welcomes the support for the report on Undocumented Women migrants, drafted by ALDE MEP Norica Nicolai (PNL, Romania).
Nicolai says: “This report marks a significant step in achieving more rights for an often overlooked group. However, I would like to express my dismay with regards to the fact that certain members of the European People’s Party (EPP) made particularly strong efforts to block the report in plenary today. By doing so they try to defend a form of “modern-day slavery” for a category of individuals who, due to their lack of identification documents and the immigration policies of the EU Member States, are exposed to labour exploitation and even prostitution. These women lack access to even a minimum level of healthcare. ”
“To insist on maintaining a series of discriminatory measures against a category of vulnerable individuals such as undocumented migrant women, means applying double-standards on the upholding of fundamental human rights. Many conservative MEPs claim they respect these fundamental rights, but the reality is rather different. ”
Nicolai’s non-legislative report was narrowly adopted today. It is directed at highlighting the specific challenges and problems encountered by undocumented migrant women and the double discrimination that takes place due to their gender and legal status. The report considers various aspects that undocumented women migrants face, such as access to gender-specific healthcare and access to justice and protection in cases of violence against women.
Posted: February 4th, 2014 under The ALDE party.