Boris Vishnevsky proposed to create green zones on the vacated areas in the city centre of St. Petersburg
Press Release, 25.02.2021
Photo: creative commons
Boris Vishnevsky, head of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, asked Governor Alexander Beglov to give an opinion on the bill prepared by the parliamentarian. The bill envisages that in the event of dismantling of any buildings and structures (which are not historical buildings that are subject to mandatory restoration), in areas where the indicator the provision of the population with green zone does not exceed the minimum standard, only green zones for the use of general public can be located in this place for twenty years from the date of the demolition of the building.
The deputy of the city parliament stressed that it is extremely important to legally prevent situations when a historical building is brought to an emergency state so that to clear site under subsequent construction.
In addition, Boris Vishnevsky proposed to impose a moratorium on any “in-fill development” in the city centre at least until the minimum level of provision of green zones fixed by the legislation of St. Petersburg is reached (for the Central District it is 6 sq.m. per person).
Vishnevsky also recalled that at the moment a number of addresses are facing in-fill development, in particular, Bakunina 33, Novgorodskaya 3-5, Kuznechny lane between houses 5 and 9, Shpalernaya 51, Ligovsky 60, Sovetskaya 17, park in Tavrichesky lane, Telezhnaya 32, Mirgorodskaya 1, Griboyedov canal embankment 51, Evgenievskaya (Mytny Dvor) 2, and the garden on the Neva.
Boris Vishnevsky said that for the most part of these addresses he had previously sent inquiries and appeals to the city government, demanding not to build up these plots, and assisted residents in preventing development. However, threats remain and need to be completely prevented.
Earlier, residents of the Central District created a petition demanding to impose a moratorium on any “in-fill development” in the city centre of St. Petersburg.
Posted: February 26th, 2021 under Environmental Policies, Protection of Environment, YABLOKO's faction in St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Yabloko's Regional Branches, Без рубрики.