Yabloko to host a launch of the books by journalist and human rights defender Eva Merkacheva
Press Release, 6.09.2023
Photo: Eva Merkacheva / Photo by the Yabloko Press Service
On 14 September, the Yabloko party will host a launch of the books by Eva Merkacheva: “The City of the Doomed. An Honest Report on Seven Penal Colonies for Life-Sentenced Prisoners”, “Who Lives Well in Russia. How Prisons Work in Modern Russia” and “High-Profile Cases. Crimes and Punishments in the USSR”. Eva Merkacheva is a Russian journalist, writer and human rights activist. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation.
An expert in the field of penitentiary system, Eva Merkacheva wrote a series of reports from the most notorious Russian prisons. She was a laureate of the Moscow Mayor’s Prize in 2015 for a series of anti-corruption investigations. Her series of journalistic investigations about what had been happening behind bars led to the resignation of the heads of the penitentiary system.
In 2020, Eva Merkacheva became a laureate of the Solidarity Prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
She is the author of the books “Loud Cases. Crimes and Punishments in the USSR”, “Crimes and Secrets of Modern Russia”, “Tesak, Furgal and Others. ‘Strange’ Deaths, Deeds and Life in Russian Prisons” and others.
The event will take place at the office of the Yabloko party on 14 September at 18:30. The address: Moscow, Pyatnitskaya 31, building 2. Preliminary registration for the event is required.
Accreditation for media representatives by mail: press@mosyabloko.ru
Yabloko also plans to stream the event on the party’s YouTube channel.
Posted: September 6th, 2023 under Conferences and Seminars, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Без рубрики.