The Kirov branch of Yabloko announces recruitment of precinct electoral commissions members from the Yabloko party with a casting vote
Press Release, 21.03.2023
Photo by Alexander Kazakov / Kommersant
The Kirov regional branch of the Yabloko party begins a preliminary recruitment for those wishing to become a Yabloko member or resume membership in precinct electoral commissions with a casting vote in the Kirov region.
Precinct electoral commissions are formed once every five years, thus, new commissions will be in charge of all elections from 2023 to 2028.
Yabloko insists that all electoral commissions need honest people who will fight for fair elections and resist fraud. We believe that there will be truly fair elections in Russia, and we must be prepared for this.
Yabloko is calling its voters to become members of the precinct electoral commissions and join in the control over the elections.
Applications are accepted until 1 April.
Posted: March 21st, 2023 under Elections, Presidential Elections, Regional and Local Elections, Yabloko's Regional Branches.