Actions of writing letters to political prisoners were held in the Yabloko offices in different regions
Press Release and a photo report, 4.10.2022
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Ivanovo
Actions in support of Russian political prisoners took place in the regional offices of the Yabloko party last week. Yabloko members and supporters, and civil activists signed postcards and wrote letters to those who were unfairly imprisoned.
Actions of writing letters to political prisoners are held at Yabloko offices in different regions once a month. In order to support political prisoners by sending letters of support to them, Yabloko calls all not only come to the scheduled meetings, but also take specially printed postcards at the central office of the party in Moscow (Moscow, Pyatnitskaya 31, building 2) and in regional branches.
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Kostroma
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Novgorod
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Novgorod
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Novgorod
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Kazan, Tatarstan
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Kazan, Tatarstan
Photo: The action by the Yabloko branch in Tula
Posted: October 4th, 2022 under Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations, Yabloko's Regional Branches.