YABLOKO conducted an action against corruption at Sochi Olympics
Press Relese, December 6, 2013
Activists of the Novosibirsk branch of YABLOKO conducted an action against corruption at the Olympic Games in Sochi. Ten people participated in the action, one of them wore the costume of a white bear with a smoked fish in his paw which symbolized an Olympic Torch.
“The corruption in Russia “burns its budget” and “puts out the Olympic Torch” said the posters.
The white bear became the main symbol of the action and held the poster “united thiefs”.
The Olympic Torch campaign is a triumph of corruption. Chair of the Novosibirsk branch of Youth YABLOKO Maria Trakhanova is determined to conduct a one person picket and hold a poster “What is more important? Olympics or pensioners?” on December 7.
Posted: December 7th, 2013 under YABLOKO against Corruption.