Emilia Slabunova on the laws violating privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations and personal life
Emilia Slabunova’s FB page, 01.07.2018
It is a big question whether there will be a digital economy in Russia. But it is a fact that since 1 July we will have a digital police state: the “Yarovaya package” [of laws envisaging a six-month storage of all the digital data] has come into force, which virtually crosses out Article 23 articles of the Constitution. It guarantees privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations and personal life.
According to the polls, every third person out of the 72 millionth daily audience of the Russian Internet, has been is experiencing fear for his/her [personal] data. That is, every day 24 million people live in fear. From 1 July there will be 72 million such people every day.
Posted: July 2nd, 2018 under Freedom of Speech.