Yabloko launches lectures for election observers
Press Release, 05.03.2018
Yabloko launches lectures and consultations for election observers and members of precinct electoral commissions with the deliberative vote from 6 March through to 16 March. Lectures on the topic “Election of the President of the Russian Federation. Observation on Election Day” will be held in the head office of the party.
The training will be conducted by Dina Grigoryeva, trainer of the observers of the Movement for the Protection of the Voters’ Rights Golos, interregional coordinator of Golos in the North-West Federal District (Moscow)
Address: ul.Pyatnitskaya 31 bldg. 2, 4th floor (metro stations Novokuznetskaya or Tretyakovskaya).
Tel.: 007 495 780 30 10, ext. 216.
Those who wish to attend the training may register at http://www.yabloko.ru/control and choose convenient day and time on Yabloko web-site.
Posted: March 5th, 2018 under Presidential elections 2018.