Vladimir Lukin: “What we are talking about: about offences or interests?”
Former Russia’s Ambassador to the United States and now a Senator of the Federation Council, answers the questions of Novaya Gazeta about the diplomatic duel between the Russian Federation and the United States
Novaya Gazeta, 12.09.2017
Novaya Gazeta: Has the American side violated the norms of international law with regard to Russian missions in the United States?
Vladimir Lukin: Certainly, there are violations of international law, if one looks at the situation from our side. Certainly, there are no violations, if one looks at it from the American side.
The problems is that international law differs from any national law in that it does not have a final authority that could determine whether there was a violation or not.
Certainly, it is, to put it mildly, unusual in the international diplomatic practice, in terms of tradition and established international practice, to give so little time to free the premises, and even make searches there. But the Vienna Convention of 1961 can be interpreted as you like.
Here we observe the weakness and ambiguity of the international law, in the first place; as well as an established tradition to use international law for propaganda purposes by all states without exception, in the second place.
The problem is that the present “negative dynamics of relations has reached such an extent that it has moved from the field of relations as such to the sphere of personal insults and irritation, which is incompatible with real diplomacy.”
In fact, a diplomat differs from a normal person by exactly such things that he should not transfer his grievances, irritation and bitterness into practice. But now grievances and wounded pride have reached such an extent that they lead to finding out who is stronger, tougher, who can afford more, who can do more damage, rather than to sit down at table and substantially solve the accumulated problems. Escalation of animosity and irritation, including that from unfulfilled hopes, is going on.
This is a very bad situation. As you know, diplomacy is the use of intellect and tact in international relations. However, the situation has been developing in such a way that diplomacy has been shrinking and retorts in the style “and who are you?” growing.
Novaya Gazeta: Maybe “tough” actions of the parties are designed mainly for domestic consumers?
Vladimir Lukin: Obviously, the internal factor plays a big role. But balance is very important here. In our country, for example, we had a period when the international factor dominated. Our leadership received a large dose of applause from the West, but it was becoming less popular inside the country. And this finally caused a reaction from the ruling circles. But one should not lose the balance. Because excessive attention to domestic policy at the expense of foreign policy finally results in serious internal political costs. And these costs are long-term.
Novaya Gazeta: Will the escalation of hostility go on or has it exhausted its potential?
Vladimir Lukin: I am not that smart to be a pessimist, that is why I am a cautious optimist. I think that in the end the considerations like, say, political realism, and quiet calculation of profit and loss will lead to reasonable results. It is well known that the cleverer is the one who first greets and first hands out. The problem is that the other side, which is also stubborn, may think that you did this not because you are smarter, but because you are weaker. I think, that is what our side fears. We do not like to look weaker than someone, even when it is essentially so. I am afraid that escalation of irritation may affect other serious problems, in particular, the security problems. Take, for example, the situation around North Korea. I am certain that our main interests, coincide with the interests of China, South Korea, Japan and the United States. But it is very difficult to turn this coincidence into an effective joint decision in the present situation. So what are we talking about – hard feelings or interests?
Photo by Anna Artemyeva, Novaya Gazeta
Source: https://www.novayagazeta.ru/articles/2017/09/05/73709-nad-konsulstvom-chernyy-dym
Posted: September 14th, 2017 under Foreign policy, Russia-US Relations.