Police and Public Prosecutor’s Office informed Boris Vishnevsky that they found no violations in the calls of MP Gurulyov proposing extermination of 20% of Russia’s population who disagree with Vladimir Putin’s policies
Press Release, 4.12.2023
Photo: MP Gurulyov, a screenshot of the programme “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”
The law enforcement agencies “did not identify any violations of the legislation on countering extremist activities” in a statement by State Duma deputy, Lieutenant General Andrei Gurulyov. Earlier, on the Rossiya TV channel, he said 20% of Russia’s population who disagree with Vladimir Putin’s policies were “rot”, which “should be, if not isolated, then at least somehow destroyed”.
Boris Vishnevsky, Yabloko deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko party, received a response about termination of the inspection from the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Eastern District of Moscow. Earlier, Vishnevsky sent an inquiry about Gurulyov’s statements to the Public Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. The Public Prosecutor General sent the inquiry to the Moscow Pubulic Prosecutor’s Office for inspection, and the latter sent it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
“Publicly declaring that 20% of citizens who disagree with the authorities are subject to extermination does not constitute extremism, according to law enforcement agencies. In fact, this is a direct call for the murder of dozens of millions of people for political reasons, which has horrified the entire country. But law enforcement agencies demonstratively do not notice this. An outrageous position. Certainly, the response from the Centre E [the centre for combatting extremism] will be appealed,” Boris Vishnevsky says.
It should be noted that on 15 October, 2023, State Duma deputy Andrei Gurulyov, speaking live on the programme “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov,” said that, in his opinion, President Vladimir Putin is supported by 80% of the population, noting the following about the remaining 20%: “…for all this rot that remains, it must be, if not isolated, then at least somehow destroyed”.
is Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko Party, member of the Yabloko Federal Political Committee and Bureau, and an MP of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg
Posted: December 5th, 2023 under Freedom of Speech, Governance, Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations, Без рубрики.