Archive for 'Russia-Ukraine relations'
Grigory Yavlinsky proposes to change the government or its economic unit and appoint ex Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin chair of the government
Press releases, photos, video, 13.12.2014 At present Russia faces two threats: a war and an economic collapse, said YABLOKO founder Grigory Yavlinsky. Speaking at the Federal Council of the YABLOKO party on Saturday, he proposed a programme of countermeasures. According to Yavlinsky, one of such measures should be resignation of the government and appointment of […]
Posted: December 16th, 2014 under Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian Economy.
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Chief Federal Inspector on Mordovia threatens to take away children from Ukrainian refugees
Press Release, 02.12.2014 On December 2, 2014, Chief Federal Inspector on Mordovia Alexander Pykov visited the refugees from Ukraine in the Atma village, the Republic of Mordovia. Instead of providing aid to the refugees he threatened to take away their children.
Posted: December 7th, 2014 under Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations, YABLOKO Against Terrorism.
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Prosecutors are evicting Ukrainian refugees after Sergei Mitrokhin spoke about their situation on an evening TV show
Press Release, 28.11.2014 YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin told TV viewers about a real situation of refugees from Ukraine in the village of Atma, Mordovia. The popular TV programme took place at Channel One on November 27.
Posted: December 5th, 2014 under Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Grigory Yavlinsky: The fate of Crimea should be determined by its population at a legitimate referendum under international control
Press release, 30.10.2014 Grirory Yavlinsky claims that Crimea belongs to Ukraine and Russia has annexed it. However, he is certain that this situation is not a deadlock and has an obvious solution in the near future. A legitimate referendum on the future of the peninsula as part of Ukraine, Russia or independent state should take […]
Posted: November 3rd, 2014 under Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Russia and Ukraine
Statement by YABLOKO’s Political Committee, 30.10.2014 Submitted by Grigory Yavlinsky Russia’s aggressive policy towards Ukraine is central in the anti-European policies of the Russian authorities. The annexation of Crimea and transfer of the Russian arms to the so-called “separatists”, sending volunteers there, propaganda and military support from Russia – all of this fits into the […]
Posted: October 31st, 2014 under Foreign policy, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Discussion “Ukraine: Perspectives for a Democratic Future in Europe?”
Synopsis of Grigory Yavlinsky’s speech at Forum 2000, Prague, on October 13, 2014, 14.00 Forum 2000* Prague, October 12 – 15, 2014 1. I and my political supporters are strongly against the present Russia’s policies towards Ukraine: we are against the war between Russia and Ukraine. We do not agree with the annexation of Crimea, […]
Posted: October 31st, 2014 under Foreign policy, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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On the necessity of investigation of Valeri Donskoy’s death
Statement by YABLOKO Chairman, 14.10.2014 On October 10 a journalist, radio and TV reporter, ex editor-in-chief of the Crimean radio station “Electron” Valeri Donskoy died with pneumonia in Moscow. Valeri had been working in Ukraine for the past months and was captured in Eastern Ukriane at the end of September.
Posted: October 21st, 2014 under Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Yavlinsky:Foundation of true peace between Russia and Ukraine is their movement to Europe together
Press Release, 15.10.2014 The foundation of true peace between Russia and Ukraine can become only the solidarity of their goals which are the movement to Europe. This was the statement made by the YABLOKO founder Grigory Yavlinsky at the international conference “Forum 2000” which took place in Prague. Yavlinsky claims that Europe needs integration with […]
Posted: October 20th, 2014 under Foreign policy, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Voronezh branch of YABLOKO conducted picketing against war in Ukraine
Press Release, 01.10.2014 The activists of the Voronezh branch of YABLOKO and the Solidarity movement conducted picketing against war in Ukraine.
Posted: October 3rd, 2014 under Russia-Ukraine relations, Street Actions.
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Criminal case in connection with beating of Peace March participants in Kaliningrad hasn’t been filed yet
Press Release, 02.09.2014 YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin forwarded an appeal to head of the Kaliningrad Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Evgeny Martynov demanding to file a criminal case against those who beat the participants of the Peace March which took place in Kaliningrad and to take the case under personal control.
Posted: October 3rd, 2014 under Freedom of Assembly, Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Novosibirsk branch of YABLOKO attacked for picketing in support of Peace March
Press Release, 22.09.2014 The provocateurs tried to sabotage picketing organised by the Novosibirsk branch of YABLOKO in support of Peace March on September 21. About 40 aggressive young men met YABLOKO activists by the entrance to YABLOKO office where the prepration for the picket was to take place from 03.00 pm till 04.00 pm. “One […]
Posted: September 23rd, 2014 under Freedom of Assembly, Russia-Ukraine relations, Street Actions.
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Arkhangelsk branch of YABLOKO supported Peace March
Press Release, 22.09.2014 The Arkhangelsk branch of YABLOKO conducted picketing in support of Peace March on September 21. The picket took place by the monument to intervention victims of 1918-1920.
Posted: September 22nd, 2014 under Russia-Ukraine relations, Street Actions.
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Mayor’s office prohibited YABLOKO’s main slogan “War with Ukraine is a disgrace for the Kremlin” at Peace March
Press Release, 21.09.2014 The YABLOKO party participated in the all-Russia Peach March and also became on of the organizers of the event. The unknown people made provocations against the activists and the police took away YABLOKO’s banner which was supposed to be carried in the first row of YABLOKO’s column.
Posted: September 22nd, 2014 under Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Yavlinsky: mass-scale election fraud on September 14 is the resualt of annexation of Crimea
Press Release, 17.09.2014 The elections in St.Petersburg on September 14 didn’t come off and Poltavchenko remained the “appointed” governor noted head of YABLOKO faction in St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly Grigory Yavlinsky. Despite mass-scale election fraud and pressure YABLOKO has shown good result at the elections in St.Petersburg and the regions of Russia.
Posted: September 18th, 2014 under Elections, Russia-Ukraine relations, St.Petersburg Gubernatorial Elections 2014.
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YABLOKO to participate in Peace March
Press Release, 11.09.2014 The all-Russia Peace March will take place on September 21 in Moscow. The YABLOKO party is the co-organiser of the march. The march is authorized for 50 thousand people and will start from Pushkinskya metro station and proceed to Prospekt Akademika Sakharova.
Posted: September 12th, 2014 under Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations, Situation in Crimea, Street Actions.
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De hemliga soldaterna
SVT, 08.09.2014 Ryssland fortsätter att förneka att man sänder soldater till kriget i Ukraina. Men nu börjar makthavarna få problem på hemmaplan med uppgifter som sprids via sociala medier om sårade soldater, hemliga begravningar och hela försvunna kompanier. SVT:s korrespondent besökte Sankt Petersburg och Pskov för att ta reda på mer om det hemliga kriget.
Posted: September 11th, 2014 under Human Rights, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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On the further steps on reconciling the conflict in Eastern Ukraine
Statement by the YABLOKO party ,08.09.2014 A phantasm of a hope of establishing peace in Eastern Ukraine has appeared recently. The Minsk agreement on the steps on realization of peace plan including obligations for cease-fire aims at it. We emphasize that the participants of the three party contact team don’t dispute the territorial integrity of […]
Posted: September 9th, 2014 under Foreign policy, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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LI President condemns attack on Yabloko’s Shlosberg; calls for a solution to Ukraine conflict
Liberal International, 03.09.2014 Condemning the cowardly attack against Lev Shlosberg, head of the Pskov branch of LI full member Yabloko, for drawing global attention to the role of Russian paratroopers in Ukraine, LI President Dr. Juli Minoves has called on the Russian authorities to end the conflict.
Posted: September 3rd, 2014 under Attack on Lev Shlosberg, Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations, YABLOKO and the International Liberal Family.
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Attack on and severe injury of Lev Shlosberg is political revenge
Statement by the YABLOKO party, 30.08.2014 Lev Shlosberg, Chair of the Pskov branch of YABLOKO, was attacked and severely injured last night. He is in hospital in the state of moderately grave condition. Fortunately, there is no threat to his life already.
Posted: August 30th, 2014 under Attack on Lev Shlosberg, Foreign policy, Freedom of Speech, Gubernatorial Elections, Human Rights, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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Местен лидер на руската опозиционна партия ”Яблоко” бе пребит
30.08.2014, Лидерът на опозиционната партия “Яблоко” в Псковка област и депутат от местния парламент Лев Шлосберг е бил пребит в петък вечерта и има тежка черепно-мозъчна травма, съобщават руските медии, цитирани от ”Дневник”.
Posted: August 30th, 2014 under Elections, Human Rights, Russia-Eu relations, Russia-Ukraine relations.
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