Boris Vishnevsky: St. Petersburg International Economic Forum spent 2,5 billion roubles to promote Vladimir Putin
Press release, 09.06.2017
Head of Yabloko’s faction in St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Boris Vishnevsky summed up the results of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum’s (SPIEF) on air of the Partburo programme.
According to the deputy, in recent years the forum, which used to be the platform to discuss the future of the country and St. Petersburg, transformed into President Putin’s international reception aiming to promote him.
Vishnevsky notes that 2,5 billion roubles that were spent on the forum could have been enough to build ten new kindergartens.
“It seems to me that an enormous sum of money was wasted and it is not clear whether the investment agreements, which were signed at the forum, will be fulfilled. I suspect that if we seriously consider the outcome of the previous forum and which projects were implemented we may find out that the result was deplorable,” the politician says.
Vishnevsky insists that economic growth and development cannot take place in the absence of an independent justice system, parliament and mass media.
Posted: June 9th, 2017 under Economy.