Congresses and Docs

Memorandum of Political Alternative, an updated version of 1.03.2019

Memorandum of Political Alternative

YABLOKO's Ten Key Programme Issues


YABLOKO's Political Platform Adopted by the 15th Congress, June 21, 2008

The 18th Congress of YABLOKO

RUSSIA DEMANDS CHANGES! Electoral Program for 2011 Parliamentary Elections.

Key resolutions by the Congress:

On Stalinism and Bolshevism
Resolution. December 21, 2009

On Anti-Ecological Policies of Russia’s Authorities. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 253, December 24, 2009

On the Situation in the Northern Caucasus. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 252, December 24, 2009


YABLOKO’s Political Committee: Russian state acts like an irresponsible business corporation conducting anti-environmental policies


Overcoming bolshevism and stalinism as a key factor for Russia¦µ™s transformation in the 21st century


On Russia's Foreign Policies. Political Committee of hte YABLOKO party. Statement, June 26, 2009


On Iran’s Nuclear Problem Resolution by the Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 6, 2009


Anti-Crisis Proposals (Housing-Roads-Land) of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO. Handed to President Medvedev by Sergei Mitrokhin on June 11, 2009

Brief Outline of Sergei Mitrokhin’s Report at the State Council meeting. January 22, 2010


Assessment of Russia’s Present Political System and the Principles of Its Development. Brief note for the State Council meeting (January 22, 2010) by Dr.Grigory Yavlinsky, member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee. January 22, 2010


Address of the YABLOKO party to President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 9, 2009


The 17th Congress of YABLOKO




The 16th Congress of Yabloko

Photo by Sergei Loktionov

The 12th congress of Yabloko

The 11th congress of Yabloko

The 10th congress of Yabloko

Moscow Yabloko
Yabloko for Students
St. Petersburg Yabloko
Khabarovsk Yabloko
Irkutsk Yabloko
Kaliningrad Yabloko(eng)
Novosibirsk Yabloko
Rostov Yabloko
Yekaterinburg Yabloko
(Sverdlovsk Region)

Krasnoyarsk Yabloko
Ulyanovsk Yabloko
Tomsk Yabloko
Tver Yabloko(eng)
Penza Yabloko
Stavropol Yabloko

Action of Support





Programme by candidate for the post of Russian President Grigory Yavlinsky. Brief Overview

My Truth

Grigory Yavlinsky at Forum 2000, Prague, 2014

Grigory Yavlinsky : “If you show the white feather, you will get fascism”

Grigory Yavlinsky: a coup is started by idealists and controlled by rascals

The Road to Good Governance

Risks of Transitions. The Russian Experience

Grigory Yavlinsky on the Russian coup of August 1991

A Male’s Face of Russia’s Politics


The Hidden Cause of the Great Recession (And How to Avert the Nest One)

by Dr. Grigory Yavlinsky

What does the opposition want: to win or die heroically?
Moskovsky Komsomolets web-site, July 11, 2012. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Yulia Kalinina.

Lies and legitimacy
The founder of the Yabloko Party analyses the political situation. Article by Grigory Yavlinsky on radio Svoboda. April 6, 2011

Algorithms for Opposing Gender Discrimination: the International and the Russian Experience

Is Modernisation in Russia Possible? Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky and Boris Titov by Yury Pronko, "The Real Time" programme, Radio Finam, May 12, 2010

Grigory Yavlinsky's interview to Vladimir Pozner. The First Channel, programme "Pozner", April 20, 2010 (video and transcript)

Overcoming the Totalitarian Past: Foreign Experience and Russian Problems by Galina Mikhaleva. Research Centre for the East European Studies, Bremen, February 2010.

Grigory Yavlinsky: Vote for the people you know, people you can turn for help. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, October 8, 2009

Grigory Yavlinsky: no discords in the tandem. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Radio Liberty
September 22, 2009

A Credit for Half a Century. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Natalia Bekhtereva, Radio Russia, June 15, 2009

Sergei Mitrokhin's Speech at the meeting with US Preseident Barack Obama. Key Notes, Moscow, July 7, 2009

Mitrokhin proposed a visa-free regime between Russia and EU at the European liberal leaders meeting
June 18, 2009

by Grigory Yavlinsky

Reforms that corrupted Russia
By Grigory Yavlinsky, Financial Times (UK), September 3, 2003

Grigory Yavlinsky: "It is impossible to create a real opposition in Russia today."
Moskovsky Komsomolets, September 2, 2003

Alexei Arbatov: What Should We Do About Chechnya?
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Mikhail Falaleev
Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 9, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: Our State Does Not Need People
Novaya Gazeta,
No. 54, July 29, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: The Door to Europe is in Washington
Obschaya Gazeta, May 16, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's speech.
March 11, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's Lecture at the Nobel Institute
Oslo, May 30, 2000



Position on Some Important Strategic Issues of Russian-American Relations

Moscow, July 7, 2009

The Embrace of Stalinism

By Arseny Roginsky, 16 December 2008

Nuclear Umbrellas and the Need for Understanding: IC Interview With Ambassador Lukin
September 25, 1997

Would the West’s Billions Pay Off?
Los Angeles Times
By Grigory Yavlinsky and Graham Allison
June 3, 1991

The authorities of the city of Barabinsk refused to consider dissident Anatoly Marchenko an “outstanding figure”. The European Parliament warded the first the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Anatoly Marchenko and Nelson Mandela in 1988

Press Release, 19.12.2022

Photo: Anatoly Marchenko / Photo from the family archive

The administration and the Council of Deputies of the city of Barabinsk, the Novosibirsk region, refused to perpetuate the memory of their famous fellow countryman, dissident and writer Anatoly Marchenko, because, in their opinion, he was not an outstanding figure and did not perform any real exploit.

Anatoly Marchenko is the last Soviet political prisoner who died in prison. According to a widespread version, it was his death after 117 days of his hunger strike that prompted Mikhail Gorbachev to begin the process of releasing prisoners convicted under political articles. In 1988, the European Parliament awarded Anatoly Marchenko (posthumously) and Nelson Mandela with the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1988.


Anatoly Marchenko was born in the city of Barabinsk, the Novosibirsk Region, on 23 January, 1938, and died on 8 December, 1986. He died in the city of Chistopol, the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where he was serving his last, the sixth, term, after a hunger strike demanding the release of all political prisoners of the USSR.


In October 2022, the regional branches of the Yabloko party in the Novosibirsk region and Tatarstan proposed to the authorities of Barabinsk and Chistopol to perpetuate the memory of Anatoly Marchenko – to name streets and libraries after him, and install a monument.


Dmitry Ivanov, head of the Chistopol municipal district, replied to Yabloko that he intended to submit this initiative for public discussion, however, the authorities of Barabinsk responded to Yabloko with a categorical refusal.


Natalia Chubykina, Chair of the Novosibirsk branch of Yabloko, received two identical responses. One from V. Shulgin, Deputy Head of the Administration of Barabinsk, and the second from S. Ivanov, Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the city.


“Your proposal cannot be supported due to the fact that A.T. Marchenko was not an outstanding statesman or public figure, defender of the Motherland, hero of labour, an academic or a cultural figure, or the one who performed a real exploit in his life during military operations or in peacetime,” the official and the deputy stated.


The administration of Barabinsk perceives the memory of Anatoly Marchenko as a challenge to the political system that has developed in Russia and as a reminder of the past that has not gone anywhere, Natalya Chubykina comments on the response.


“Now the history of opposing lawlessness and the system of suppression by the former driller Marchenko, who was forced to seek justice in an unjust state at the cost of his freedom, health and, ultimately, life, sounds too relevant. The history of the political Gulag is coming back, any dissent is fraught with long imprisonment terms,” Natalya Chubykina notes.


It is noteworthy that the authors of such bureaucratic refusal have had not and most likely will never have more famous countrymen, Natalya Chubykina says.