Grigory Yavlinsky to visit Yekaterinburg and participate in the conference of the regional Yabloko branch on the nomination of oppositional Yekaterinburg Mayor Yevgeny Roizman as Yabloko’s candidate to the post of Governor.
Press Release, 16.06.2017
Grigory Yavlinsky to visit Yekaterinburg and participate in the conference of the regional Yabloko branch on the nomination of Yevgeny Roizman, oppositional Yekaterinburg Mayor, as Yabloko’s candidate to the post of Governor.
The conference will begin on Saturday, June 17, at 12:00. Press conference by Grigory Yavlinsky and Yevgeny Roizman will begin at 13:00.
Yabloko does not doubt that Yevgeny Roizman, Mayor of one of the key Russia’s cities, will be able to collect the necessary signatures for overcoming the municipal filter. The conference may also raise the issue of the participation other politicians in the elections. Yabloko leaders respect this right of party members.
Posted: June 19th, 2017 under Elections, Gubernatorial Elections.