Overcoming Stalin's Legacy
Stalin's Legacy |
Melnikov: Jingle Bells of the Death Penalty
Alexei Melnikov’s blog
in the Live Journal,
February 11, 2013
Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev
has said today that he supports the death penalty
for people who have committed serious crimes, "I
fear to bring down the anger of the opponents of the
death penalty on myself, but speaking as an ordinary
citizen, rather than a minister, I would see nothing
wrong [in the death penalty] for such kind of criminals".
It is no good when the high post prevents
the expression of civic feelings. After such a statement
by Mr. Kolokoltsev, he should have been immediately
dismissed. Let him speak out as a citizen not burdened
with the weight of public duties. In any case, the
dismissal of Mr. Kolokoltsev would have been an adequate
measure for the authorities who believe that the purpose
of the government is installing of humanity.
Our ruling system suffers from a serious hereditary
contempt for human life. Here the concept of a "violent
crime", and any crime in general, is like rubber.
And just like civil activities in case of a police
state are easily transferred into crimes, this notion
[of a violent crime] can be transferred into a grave
offense. For example, "foreign agents" [which
all the NGOs were pushed to turn into according the
new Russian law] may be considered traitors and liberal
views equated with an ideology targeted at destruction
of the state. And the punishment here will be execution...
of the Russian society targets "tightening of
the screws"
Statement by the YABLOKO Party,
February 6, 2013
...When officials of such a high rank
as Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin support the idea of
returning the name of Stalin to the city of Volgograd
and [Chair of the Federation Council] Valentina Matviyenko
and [head of the Central Electoral Commission] Vladimir
Churov say that a referendum should be conducted on
this issue, they think least of all of historical
justice. The Battle of Stalingrad is part of the world
history, as well as the heroic defence of besieged
Leningrad. However, if we speak about returning of
previous names to these cities, then we can speak
only about their original names, as it was in case
with St. Petersburg. And in case of Volgograd this
should be Tsaritsyn. And without any referendum.
After all, if [head of the Central
Electoral Commission] Vladimir Churov counts the votes,
there is no doubt that 146 per cent will vote for
returning Joseph Stalin’s name to Volgograd.
It willl be done in accordance with the saying attributed
to Stalin: "Those who cast the votes decide nothing,
those who count the votes decide everything".
The YABLOKO party demands to put an
end to the Stalinist sabbath around the anniversary
of the victory at Stalingrad. To make it, as President
Putin have said, so that Russia "would always
be victorious", first we must get rid of the
salves complex, which Stalin instilled in the people
and condemn the executioners... |
Mitrokhin at the Returning of the Names action: the
modern Russian state still uses Joseph Stalin’s
political methods
Press Release, October 29,
The Russian state still uses Joseph
Stalin’s political methods, said YABLOKO leader
Sergei Mitrokhin at the Returning of the Names action
which is annually held in the centre of Moscow by
the Solovetsky Stone monument. People commemorate
the victims of the Great Terror and read out loud
the names of the people shot during those years.
"The roots of Stalinism have not been removed
from our society and our state. Commemorating the
victims of the terror we must also recognize our responsibility
so that this will never happen again," Mitrokhin
said after reading out loud the names of the people
shot in 1937 – 1938...
State Duma amends the law on state secrets according
to Joseph Stalin’s model
Statement by the YABLOKO party,
October 23, 2012.
...Charges may be brought now against
any person or organisation whose activities seem dangerous
for the secret services. Punishment envisaged by the
draft law for links with an international non-governmental
organisation, rendering of “financial, material, technical,
consultative or other assistance” spread of information
in the Internet which can later be recognized as a
state secret by the intelligence, toughening of punishment
for violations take us back into the period of mass
reprisals and resemble Stalin's methods of dealing
with political opponents and lead to the formation
of a new "iron curtain."
Any person - an ordinary public activist
or a federal level official who may arise discontent
– may get under the sanctions of the new law. Russian
special services are interested in obtaining a legal
basis for the arrests of the dissenting... |
participated in the action Returning of the Names
Press Release, October 29,
YABLOKO leaders and activists participated
in the memorial action organised by the Memorial human
rights society and commemorating the victims of political
reprisals during Stalin’s period. The action took
place by the FSB (former KGB) building at Lubyanka
square... |
day of remembrance of the Katyn victims
Document, April 13, 2011.
The Russian United Democratic
Party YABLOKO shares the grief of the Polish people
on the day of remembrance of the Katyn tragedy.
This is also our grief about many
people - Russian, Polish and dozens of other nationalities
murdered by a ruthless regime - and crippled destinies
of many people.
All the truth about the Katyn tragedy
must be released so that not to let such things happen
We highly appreciate the efforts of
the Russian and the Polish side made at political
and expert levels so that to restore historical justice.
However, we consider it necessary
to declassify all the documents relating to the Katyn
tragedy and make them available for academics... |
supports de-Stalinisation programme
Press Release, April 1, 2011.
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO supports the proposals on launching of a nation-wide
state public programme “On perpetuation of memory
of victims of the totalitarian regime…”
prepared by the Working Group on Historical Memory
of the Council for Civil Society Development and Human
Rights under the President of the Russian Federation.
YABLOKO expresses its satisfaction
in view of the fact that the proposals by the Working
Group as of their meaning and proposed measures, largely
coincide with YABLOKO’s Political Committee
decision “Overcoming of Stalinism and bolshevism
as a key factor for Russia’s transformation
in the 21st century” of February 28, 2009... |
should not stop at Lenin’s burial only
Statement by the Chair of
the YABLOKO party, January
21, 2011
The YABLOKO party has repeatedly raised
the topic of the need to overcome the totalitarian
legacy of our country. One of the key prerequisites
for such policies is [taking out of the Mausoleum]
and burial of the body of [the leader of the October
1917 riot] Vladimir Lenin, transfer to cemeteries
of the remnants of Joseph Stalin and other Soviet
political figures buried at the Kremlin wall. In this
issue we completely support the position of the Russian
Orthodox Church.
The bodies of the executioners of
Russia’s peoples should not lay at the main
square of out country.
On the other hand we think that reburial
of the bodies of Soviet leaders only should not become
the prime goal here. At present Russia acutely needs
comprehensive complex measures for de-Sovietisation
and de-Stalinisation of its public and social life...
to pay tribute to the memory of fighters against Bolsheviks
Press Release, November 3,
On November 7 (a former Great October
Revolution Day), the YABLOKO party will conduct a
memorial action paying tribute to those who defended
democratic Russia – officers and students of
junker schools who put up an armed resistance against
the Bolshevik coup d’etat of 1917. A picket
will take place by the Gogol monument at 13:00. The
participants of the picket will tell about the struggle
of the White Guard against Bolsheviks during October
coup in Moscow. The activists will also display photographs
of those times...
prohibited. Police stopped a memorial rally organised
for paying tribute to the victims of Stalin’s
reprisals in Krasnodar
Kasparov.ru, November 1, 2010
Krasnodar police did not allow to
conduct a rally in memory of the victims of political
reprisals on October 30. Movement For Krasnodar informed
kasparov.ru about this. Citizens came to the memorial
action with placards and flowers, however, the police
stopped the rally... Organiser of the action and member
of the local branch of YABLOKO Sergei Surma is facing
a law suit for attempted organisation of an unsanctioned
participated in the Returning of the Names action
Press Release and photo report,
October 29, 2010
Activists and leaders of the YABLOKO
party participated in the Returning of the Names action
organised by the Memorial human rights society. The
action took place on the threashold of the Memory
Day of the Victims of Political Reprisals.
Muscovites made a long queue to read
out the names of the victims of Stalin’s terror.
Each of the participants obtained a list with the
list containing names of the victims of political
reprisals of 1937-1938, their age, post and the date
of execution. Ending the reading with the words “we
shall never forget them” the participants of
the action put a candle by the Solovetsky Stone...
to participate in the Returning of the Names action
Press Release, October 28,
Tomorrow, on October 29, on the threashold
of the Memory Day of the Victims of Political Reprisals,
the Memorial human rights society organises the Returning
of the Names action by the Solovetsky Stone, Lubyanka
square, Moscow. The participants of the action in
turn will read our loud the names of the people shot
in Moscow during Stalin’s reprisals. The action
will be held from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The leaders and activists of the YABLOKO
party will read the names of the victims of Stalin’s
reprisals at 2 p.m. Over 30,000 people were shot in
Moscow only during 1937-1938...
YABLOKO activists detained for protesting against
the secret services law by the parliament
Press Release, July 16, 2010.
Three activists of the Youth YABLOKO
were detained by police by the State Duma (the Russian
parliament) when attempting to conduct a protest action
against introduction of amendments broadening the
competence of secret services (FSB).
Today deputies of the State Duma are
to consider the draft law in the final third reading.
YABLOKO’s activists came to the State Duma disguised
as prisoners with a placard, a scaling ladder and
YABLOKO’s activists convicted
for a one-person picket against the new law on secret
Press Release, July 15, 2010.
Deputy Chairman of the Moscow branch
of YABLOKO Galina Mikhalyova and young YABLOKO’s
activist Igor Savyolov were found guilty of committing
a misdemeanor and fined 500 rubles each. The cases
of the other two activists - Maxim Kruglov and Arthur
Grokhovsky - were postponed until July 23 as the policemen
were late for the trial.
The decision states violation of Article 20.2 of the
Code of Administrative Offences (Violation of the
set order in organsing or conducting a gathering,
rally, demonstration, march or picketing”).
YABLOKO’s activist had to stand
before court for holding a one-person picket by the
State Duma on June 11 - when the draft law for broadening
of the proxies of the secret service (FSB) was examined
by the Duma in the first reading. Galina Mikhalyova
stood by the walls of the State Duma with a placard
while of other party activists waiting for their turn
at a distance. The police detained
all the activists of YABLOKO despite the fact that
a one-person picketing was conducted only by Galina
"The example of this particular
case demonstrates that our courts are biased and not
impartial. The court’s decision was not guided
by fraudulent administrative violation cases provided
by police rather than by Russian laws," Mikhalyova
Mitrokhin: President crossed out the course towards
Press Release, July 15, 2010.
“The President’s statement crosses
out the course towards modernisation he has proclaimed.
Amendments proposed to the law on the Federal Security
Service demonstrate that instead of building a modern
state in Russia the President has been restoring the
most archaic institutions of the totalitarian past,”
YABLOKO’s leader said.
According to Mitrokhin no one but
corrupted bureaucracy which is afraid of the people
and tries to maintain at any price its power and riches
accumulated with the help of this power needs these
Today President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev
said at a joint press-conference with German Chancellor
Angela Merkel that the draft law “has been developed
on his order”. However, the draft law was submitted
to the parliament by Chair of the Government Vladimir
sends the cases of young YABLOKO activists to additional
Press Release, July 14, 2010.
Judge Olga Borovkova sent the cases
of three activists of the Youth branch of YABLOKO
(Kirill Goncharov, Vladislav Pankov and Igor Savyelov),
who had chained themselves on July 9 with handcuffs
to the fence of the State Duma in protest against
broadening of proxies of the Russian secret service
(FSB). The judge detected numerous violations in issuing
the protocols. Motivated decisions will be handed
to Stanislav Gorlov who defends the activists tomorrow.
Hearing of the case of the fourth activist Veronica
Belozerskikh has not yet been scheduled yet...
YABLOKO activists are facing 15 days of arrest
Press Release, July 9, 2010.
The detained activists of the Youth
YABLOKO and Artur Grokhovsky, Advisor to Sergei Mitrokhin,
are facing 15 days of arrest in accordance with Article
19.3 of the Administrative Violation Code “Non-obeying
to the lawful police order”.
Protocols on administrative violations by the activists
were made in the Tverkoye police station, Moscow.
“I access this as an act of moral pressure,”
Artur Grokhovsky said over the phone. YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin told that this constituted
an attempt of intimidation of the activists as they
had dared to oppose Vladimir Putin’s initiative...”
of the Youth YABLOKO enchained themselves with handcuffs
by the Russian parliament protesting against the new
security service law
Press Release, July 9, 2010.
Four activists of the Youth YABLOKO
were detained by police after they enchained themselves
with handcuffs by the State Duma (the Russian parliament)
protesting against the new security service (FSB,
the former KGB) law. Artur Grokhovsky, Advisor to
party Chair Sergei Mitrokhin, was also detained.
“YABLOKO has been conducting this action protesting
against adoption of the draft law broadening the proxies
of the FSB. Today deputies of the State Duma has to
examine the draft law in the second reading. Artur
Grokhovsky stood by the entrance to the parliament
building with a placard picturing Byeria (Stalin’s
main accomplice), Dzerzhinsky and Putin with an inscription
“Amendments to the FSB law – the KGB men are for it!”
with the signatures YABLOKO had collected against
this law...
unlearned lesson of totalitarian past
Press Release. May 28, 2010
Another lecture in the series of the
Evening Party University lectures took place on May
26 in YABLOKO’s office, Moscow. The lecture
“An unlearned lesson of the totalitarian past”
was delivered by Galina Mikhalyova, Executive Secretary
of YABLOKO’s Political Committee and head of
the Evening Party University.
Mikhalyova presented the decision
by YABLOKO’s Political Committee on overcoming
Bolsheviks’ and Stalin’s legacy as a condition
for Russia’s modernization in the 21st century.
She also presented a second edition of the book Overcoming
Stalin’s Legacy which runs that Russia’s
development is impossible without state assessment
of totalitarian past.
Mikhlyova also noted that the crimes
of the Soviet period affected virtually every family:
“Stalin’s methods of governing led to
deaths of millions of Soviet citizens, and dozens
of millions people were affected by political reprisals
and deportations”... |
anti-Stalinist action of the Youth YABLOKO broken
out by police in St.Petersburg
Press Release, May 7, 2010
Today the Youth organisation of YABLOKO
conducted a series of one-person pickets by the Kazan
Cathedral in the centre of St.Petersburg. YABLOKO
protests against placement of Stalin portraits in
the city. “We are outraged by emergence of portraits
of the executioner of the people on the threashold
of the Great Victory Day. It is inadmissible to place
portraits (whatever they may be) of a man who broke
millions of lives, was an absolutely talentless leader
of the army and killed the heroes who had protected
Leningrad during blockade,” stated the organisers
of the action.
Four young YABLOKO’s activists
dressed in prisoners’ clothes and bearing plates
on their chests with a list of Stalin’s crimes
were spreading leaflets. The leaflets described Stalin’s
crimes and explained why his portrait was an insult
of the memory of the war and its victims... |
of Russia gave a state assessment of Stalin
Press Release, May 7, 2010
According to President Medvedev, Joseph
Stalin’s crimes against the nation can not be forgiven.
"And despite the fact that he worked hard, despite
the fact that under his leadership the country succeeded,
what was done to its people cannot be forgiven,"
Medvedev said in his interview to the Izvestia newspaper.
President ruled out restoration
of Stalinism in the everyday life, in particular,
emergence of Stalinist symbols and placards portraying
the tyrant. “This has no taken place and will not
take place. This is absolutely ruled out. And this
is, if you want, the present state ideology and my
assessment as President of the Russian Federation,”
he said.
Yesterday, on May 6, YABLOKO’s leader
Sergei Mitrokhin made a statement calling President
of Russia to “give a tough official assessment of
the Stalin’s system and the attempts to associate
it with the Great Victory”... |
of Russia should give his assessment of Stalinism
Statement by YABLOKO’s
Chairman, May 6, 2010
The fact that Stalin’s portraits
as a Marshall of Victory finally have not emerged
in the Moscow streets is a great achievement of our
civil society.
The YABLOKO party took an active part
in the campaign. In our first statement we said that
there is no place for Stalin’s portraits in
the V-Day decoration of Moscow streets and squares.
However, placement of the materials
of totalitarian propaganda (that have already been
printed) in the Moscow museums and public centres
makes us to return to this issue once again... |
of the book Overcoming Stalin’s Legacy in Voronezh
Press Release, April 12, 2010
Executive Secretary of YABLOKO’s
Political Committee Galina Mikhalyova presented the
book Overcoming Stalin’s Legacy in Voronezh
on April 10, 2010.
Over 20 people participated in the
discussion: members of the Regional Council of the
YABLOKO party, heads of the Voronezh branch of the
Memorial society, history teachers, representatives
of youth human rights movement, independent students’
paper Perekhod and the Young Europe international
network, those who suffered Stalin’s reprisals
and representatives from other parties and movements.
Chair of Voronezh YABLOKO Inna Kudryashova stressed
that communists were trying to revive Stalin’s
cult in Voronezh as well as in other Russia’s
edition of the book Overcoming Stalin’s Legacy
Press Release, March 31, 2010
The book provides the decision of
YABLOKO’s Political Committee on overcoming
Stalin’s and Bolsheviks’ legacy, offers
political assessment of the key issues of Russia’s
history in the 20th century and also suggests that
overcoming Stalinism and Bolshevism should be the
key pre-requisite of Russia’s modernisation.
Such a political decision containing an assessment
of the Stalin’s system and the coup of October
1917 was adopted for the first time in Russia... |
portraits will split the nation on the Victory Day
An open address to the President
of the RF and Pobeda organisational committee, March
24, 2010
Respected Dmitry Anatolyevich,
On behalf of the YABLOKO party I am
supporting the decision of the Pobeda (Victory) organisational
committee [of the May 9 festivities] on inadmissibility
of using the Victory Day for Stalinist propaganda.
However, there are still doubts that
placards picturing Joseph Stalin, the executioner
of the Russian nation and other nations of the Soviet
Union, will not emerge in Moscow streets.
The Moscow government is free to initiate
such “social advertising”.
And the fair Victory Day will split
the nation as of the attitude to Joseph Stalin rather
than become a national unity day. We should not allow
that... |
of Stalin and the Anniversary Victory Day
Statement by the International
and Moscow Memorial Societies. Press Release. March
3, 2010
Officials from the Moscow Mayor’s
Office have stated that portraits of Stalin are to
be put up in the city for the 65th Anniversary of
Victory Day. As is usual, it is not known by whom
and at what level this decision was taken, but it
is clear that the portraits will be produced at the
expense of the taxpayers, who include those who lost
their relatives through the fault of the dictator.
But it is not a question of money, and nor is it that
some of those invited to the celebrations will probably
not wish to come to a city, decorated in such a dubious
manner. The appearance of portraits of Stalin on Victory
Day is an insult to the memory of the fallen...
If portraits of Stalin do indeed appear
on the streets of Moscow, we shall do all within our
power to ensure that, simultaneously, they will be
accompanied by other placards, stands, and posters
which tell of the tyrant’s crimes and of his
true place in the history of the Great War for the
Fatherland. We are convinced that hundreds of Muscovites
– the children and grandchildren of the front-line
soldiers, of those to whom Victory really belongs
– will help us in this.
of Joseph Stalin have no place in the Victory Day
Statement by the Chairman
of the YABLOKO party. February 18, 2010
Placards picturing Joseph Stalin that
have recently appeared in Moscow represent an insult
to the memory of our fathers, grandfathers and great
grandfathers who won a victory over fascism. This
is another manifestation of hatred towards Russian
people and all other nations of Russia and the former
USSR that suffered from the genocide launched by Stalin.
Many years have passed since the end
of the Second World War, and multiple documents and
facts showing that the Victory was won despite of
rather than owing to Joseph Stalin and his system
have been disclosed...
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO proposes to place in Moscow streets and squares
placards reproducing war-time photographs and showing
the heroism of the true victors of the war.
Embrace of Stalinism
By Arseny Roginsky, 16 December
Why is Russia romanticising the
memory of Stalinism, enquires Memorial's founder Arseny
Roginsky, when its defining feature was the use of
The memory of Stalinism in contemporary Russia raises
problems which are painful and sensitive. There is
a vast amount of pro-Stalinist literature on the bookstalls:
fiction, journalism and pseudo-history. In sociological
surveys, Stalin invariably features among the first
three "most prominent figures of all times".
In the new school history textbooks, Stalinist policy
is interpreted in a spirit of justification.
There are also hundreds of crucial volumes of documents,
scholarly articles and monographs on Stalinism. The
achievements of these historians and archivists is
unquestionable. But if they do have any influence
on the mass consciousness, it is too weak. The means
of disseminating the information have not been there,
and nor in recent years has the political will. However,
the deepest problem lies in the current state of our
national historical memory of Stalinism. |
looking approach essential for reform in Russia
ELDR Press Release. February
5, 2010
Russia can only move forward in developing
a truly fair, free and democratic society if it puts
to bed once and for all the ghosts of its past. This
was the conclusion from a seminar organised by the
European Liberal Democrat's parliamentary group about
"how the Kremlin thinks and what this means for
Europe" that took place last Wednesday.
Panelists, including ELDR's Russian
party leaders, Sergey Mitrokhin, Yaboloko, and Mikhail
Kasyanov, People's Democratic Union, agreed that the
specter of Stalin's Russia is still hanging over modern
day society and is preventing the country from initiating
the reforms that are needed to facilitate its development,
including strengthening its ties with the European
Sergey Mitrokhin spoke about telling
Russian President Medvedev the importance of publically
acknowledging that Stalinism is in the past. Mitrokhin
referred to what he called a "hankering for former
times" that is pervading the thoughts of Russian
citizens as the present government fails to deliver
the reforms that are necessary for the country to
proposer in the 21st century.
lectures in YABLOKO. The History of the Soviet Terror
Annoucement, February 4, 2010
We are proud to announce that we are
launching lectures of Memorial heads and experts within
the programme of our Evening University.
Please find below the schedule of the first lectures...
Please also note that you can see
Memorial’s exhibition A History of an Execution
at YABLOKO’s office... |
the Totalitarian Past: Foreign Experience and Russian
Problems by Galina Mikhaleva.
Research Centre for the East
European Studies, Bremen, February 2010. Feburary,
Russia’s leaders are looking
to the country’s history to find ways to justify
renewed imperial ambitions. While a study of foreign
experience shows that there are numerous ways to for
a country to deal with its totalitarian past, the
problem is complicated in the post-Communist context
because politicians seek to use history as a tool
for their own purposes. The YABLOKO party recently
adopted a resolution dealing with the uses of history
to stimulate democratic transition, but it so far
has had no impact on Russian society.
Against Nations Do Not Have a Limitation Period
Sergei Mitrokhin’s blog
at the Echo Moskvi web-site, January 17, 2010
In my post I wrote that there had
been different crimes of communism against nations,
and that they had been taking not only the form of
terror or Famine genocide. Artificial division of
nations implemented throughout the Soviet history
is also a crime. [President of Ukraine] Viktor Yuschenko
has been insisting on consideration of the Famine
genocide only as a crime against the Ukrainian nation.
In my view this represents typical political manoeuvring.
Stalinist-Bolsheviks crimes targeted not only the
Ukrainian nation. It is undeserving to speculate with
such things for political reasons and basing on our
common tragedy boost nationalism and hatred among
If International Tribunal on the crimes
of communism could take place, there would be certainly
raised an issue about criminal separation of nations
by means of arbitrary boundaries. It would be important
for Russia, but before this Russia should on the state
level and officially in the legal form condemn Stalinism
as the hardest crime, including such crimes as deportation
of nations and many other, including Famine genocide
as a terrible crime of Stalin’s regime. |
Borders as a Communist Crime
Sergei Mitrokhin’s blog
at the Echo Moskvi web-site, January 15, 2010
Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko
put forward an initiative to call an international
tribunal on the crimes of communism.
I think that his initiative should
be completely supported by the Russian leaders. This
would be a good method to finally give a distinct
state assessment to the criminal acts of Bolsheviks
– communists. |
Congress of the YABLOKO party. On Stalinism and Bolshevism
December 21,
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO considers preservation of the Bolshevist –
Stalinist type of thinking in the authorities and
the society and picturing of the repressive regime
as a variant of the norm be one of the acutest problems
of today’s Russia. Growth of violence in politics
and public life, acts of terror and political murders,
the authoritarian regime and repressive law enforcement
system, cynicism of the authorities and apathy of
the population, replacement of the reforms by their
imitation represent a direct consequence of this problem. |
of Stalinism should be prohibited
Press release, December 21,
2009 |
Yavlinsky: Vote for the people you know, people you
can turn for help
Grigory Yavlinsky’s
interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper,
October 8, 2009 |
of the book Overcoming Stalin’s Legacy took
place in Moscow
Press Release, October 6,
on the march
Alexei Melnikov’s blog
at the Echo Moskvi web-site,
September 30, 2009 |
Smith” conducted a flashmob against censorship
in the Internet
Press-Release, September 30,
2009 |
Political Committee determined the tasks of the responsible
opposition in modern Russia
Press-Release, September 26,
action against memorizing Joseph Stalin in the interior
of the Kurskaya metro station, Moscow,
Press Release, September 15, 2009
action against memorizing Joseph Stalin in the interior
of the Kurskaya metro station, Moscow,
Press Release, September 15,
“Overcoming of Stalin’s Legacy” available now,
Press Release, September
2, 2009
Stalin divides Russians even in metro,
Russia Today, September 2, 2009
on activities of foreign teachers represents restoration
of the iron curtain July 17, 2009
July 3, 2009
truth can be set against distortion of history
Press Release, May 27, 2009
against organisers of the exhibition “Prohibited Art
– 2006 ” represent a recurrence of Stalinism Statement
, May 29, 2009
bolshevism and stalinism as a key factor for Russia’s
transformation in the 21st century
March, 11, 2009.
The Russian
National Anthem |
Interview of Grigory Yavlinsky for the “Geroi Dnya”
(“Hero of the Day”) programme, the
NTV, December 21, 2000
The Yabloko faction: "The leadership
of Russia is turning the country back to the past,
regression and consequently a historic defeat"
Press Release 08.12.00
The speech of Grigory Yavlinsky that
the State Duma was afraid to hear
December 8, 2000
Declaration on the State Hymn
The Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation, The State Duma, The Yabloko
December 7, 2000
Press conference of the First Deputy
Heads of Yabloko and the SPS factions Sergei Ivanenko
and Viktor Pokhmelkin.
The State Duma, November 22, 2000.
Declaration of the Yabloko Association
on changing the state hymn of the Russian Federation
October 18, 2000
Yabloko proposes the march “Farewell
of a Slavic woman” as a new hymn of Russia
Press Release, 18.10.2000 |
Lenin’s Mausoleum |
leaders of Yabloko and the Union of Right-Wing Yabloko's
representative thinks that raising the question of
Lenin's burial is ill-timed
Press Release, 13.12.2000
Moskovsky Komsomolets, December 14,
2000 |
Dzerzhinsky’s Statue |
to consider monument to Nicholas II on Lubyanka
Interfax, October 10, 2002
Moscow, 24 April: The leader of the Russian liberal
party Yabloko, Grigoriy Yavlinsky, According to information
agencies, there are grounds for thinking that during
his meeting with Edward Shevardnadze, President Putin
has found the right solutions to Russian-Georgian
MOSCOW. Oct 10 (Interfax) - The Duma Council submitted
a draft resolution to erect a monument to Russian
Emperor Nicholas II on Moscow's Lubyanskaya Square
on the agenda for the Duma session on October 16.
Icons Suffer Mixed Fates In Modern Moscow
Wall Street Journal, By Claudia Rosett, October 15,
Making monuments is rarely simple, as New Yorkers
debating the right memorial for Sept. 11 can attest.
But for controversial trends in the commemoration
business, it's hard to top modern Moscow. Making a
post-Soviet break with the past has meant scrapping
some of communism's many trappings, including the
goose-stepping honor guard at Lenin's tomb, the plethora
of Soviet place names, and, most famously, a huge
bronze statue of the KGB's founding father, Felix
Dzerzhinsky. But the landscape remains littered with
mementos of state-sanctioned mass murder -- put there
as an exercise in self-exaltation by the former Soviet
rulers, who ordained the murdering.
On the creation of a monument to the victims of political
Izvestiya, September 26, 2002
When the Soviet totalitarian system collapsed at the
end of 1980s, a number of outstanding figures in literature
and art commented on the need to immortalise the memory
of the victims of political terror in the Soviet Union
by creating a monument. However, this idea was not
implemented then for objective and subjective reasons.
On the
creation of a monument to commemorate the victims
of political repressions at Lubyanka Square in Moscow
Statement of the Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO.
September 15, 2002
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO considers the
restoration of Dzerzhinsky’s monument at Lubyanka
Square in Moscow inadmissible.
Wants to Resurrect Iron Felix
Moscow Times, By Nabi Abdullaev, September 16, 2002
Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces, the country's
two main liberal parties, announced Friday Moscow
Mayor Yury Luzhkov on Friday called for the resurrection
of the towering statue of Soviet secret police founder
Felix Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanskaya Ploshchad, in a surprise
move that drew sharp criticism from liberal politicians.
liberals rally against KGB statue
United Press International, September 16, 2002
MOSCOW, Sept. 16 (UPI) -- A Russian liberal party
and human rights activists staged a rally Monday in
central Moscow to block the return of a statue of
Soviet-era secret police chief Felix Dzerzhinsky to
its site in front of the FSB security service headquarters.