Yabloko to screen the documentary “Night and Fog” to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Press Release, 27.01.2025
On 29 January, the central office of the Yabloko party in Moscow will screen the documentary “Night and Fog” (“Nuit et Brouillard”) by Alain Resnais to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January.
Adolf Hitler’s directive “Night and Fog” of 7 December, 1941, authorised the kidnapping of anti-Nazi political activists throughout all the territories occupied by Germany and their deportation to concentration camps. Alain Resnais’ short documentary “Night and Fog” was filmed in 1955. The film describes the spread of Nazi ideology and numerous monstrous crimes and medical experiments on prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The UN has approved 27 January as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On this day in 1945, Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz, where about 4 million people were killed, according to the Nuremberg Trials in 1946. The total number of people killed by the Nazis and their allies has not yet been determined. According to the Israeli Institute for Holocaust and Heroism Yad Vashem, 6 million people fell victim to the genocide of Jews.
We invite all to join the Holocaust Remembrance Evening to discuss the film and try to get closer to answering the most difficult questions in human history.
The screening will take place at the party office (Pyatnitskaya 31, Bldg. 2) on 29 January at 19:00. Register for the event here.
Posted: January 27th, 2025 under Freedom of Speech, History, Human Rights, YABLOKO Against Nationalism, Extremism and Xenophobia.