Yabloko applied to the Public Prosecutor General over the Moscow authorities’ decision to liquidate the status of specially protected natural areas in Moscow
Press Release, 21.01.2025
Photo: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin / Photo by Yuri Martyanov, Kommersant
Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 3160-PP on the transformation of specially protected natural areas of regional significance into specially protected green areas deprives all 146 protected areas in Moscow of their special nature conservation status. This status, in accordance with federal law, stood in the way of the commercial interests of developers and the construction lobby: any construction was prohibited within the boundaries of the specially protected natural areas. Moscow Yabloko states that such legislative acts in Moscow does not comply with federal law and calls on Public Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov to take prosecutorial response measures.
The resolution of the capital’s government was adopted on 27 December, 2024, based on the decision of the Moscow City Duma of 13 November, 2024: the new composition of the Moscow parliament amended the law “On the Protection and Use of Green Fund in the City of Moscow”.
As a result of this decision, various economic activities became possible in the unique natural complexes of Moscow, which in no way correspond to the special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, and recreational value that these territories have in accordance with the preamble of Law No. 33-FZ “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” of 14 March, 1995.
The letter of Moscow Yabloko to Public Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, signed by the authorised representative of the regional branch of Yabloko Maxim Kruglov, runs that the new version of the law “On the Protection and Use of Green Fund in the City of Moscow” contradicts the legislation of the Russian Federation, which does not provide for the abolition, reduction of area, or change in the boundaries of protected areas. The concept of the new Moscow law on “specially protected green areas” is also absent from federal legislation.
In addition, federal legislation does not provide for the possibility of transforming protected areas of one category into another, much less transforming protected areas into specially protected areas of other statuses established by the Land Code of the Russian Federation. The very concept of “specially protected green areas” is absent from federal legislation.
Moscow Yabloko asks Public Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov to take the situation under his personal control, conduct an investigation into the facts and take measures of prosecutorial response aimed at bringing the legal acts of the city of Moscow into line with current federal legislation. In addition, Yabloko asks to file a prosecutorial protest against the Resolution of the Moscow government.
Yabloko also appeals to Muscovites, stating that the Moscow government is waging a real war against the environmental well-being of Muscovites.
“Only recently several key decisions have been made within the framework of the fight against environmental protection: depriving the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of its powers, liquidating the Commission on Environment in the Moscow City Duma, and adopting a law that allows for easy changes to the status of a natural area. As a result, there are no more specially protected natural areas in Moscow,” runs the statement by the Moscow branch of Yabloko signed by Maxim Kruglov.
Yabloko has always stood guard over the environmental well-being of people, has done everything possible to preserve the environment, Irina Kopkina, Deputy Chair of the Moscow Yabloko, notes.
“The Moscow City Duma, controlled by the Mayor’s Office, despite the protests of Muscovites, adopts laws that destroy the environment in Moscow, allowing building apartment blocks and highways in specially protected natural areas. The Moscow government, together with the [Moscow City Duma] deputies appointed by it, causes irreparable harm to the health of Muscovites. We will strive to preserve specially protected natural areas, guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current legislation,” Irina Kopkina commented.
is a Deputy Chairman of Yabloko,
a member of the Federal Bureau of the Party,
Deputy Chairman of the Moscow branch of Yabloko,
head of the Yabloko faction in the Moscow City Duma (2019-2024),
Candidate of Political Sciences.
Posted: January 22nd, 2025 under Environmental Policies, Governance, Human Rights, Protection of Environment, Yabloko's Regional Branches, Без рубрики.