Archive for May, 2020
Andrei Babushkin’s online lecture on police actions during the pandemic will be held at Yabloko Party University
Press Release, 18.05.2020 On 28 May, Andrei Babushkin’s online lecture “Police Actions During the Pandemic” will be held at Yabloko Party University. The lecture will begin at 16.00. Andrei Babushkin is member of the Federal Bureau of the Yabloko party, Chairman of the Committee for Civil Rights and member of the Council for the Development […]
Posted: May 18th, 2020 under Conferences and Seminars, Freedom of Assembly, Healthcare, Human Rights, Social Policies, Без рубрики.
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Young people are dissatisfied with the state system of falsehood
Alexander Gnezdilov comments for the influential Japanese newspaper Putin’s record drop in popularity Press Release, 18.05.2020 Alexander Gnezdilov, member of the Yabloko Party’s Federal Political Committee, gave a commentary for the influential Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun for an article where the newspaper’s special correspondent investigated the causes of a serious drop in President Vladimir Putin’s […]
Posted: May 18th, 2020 under Constitutional Amendments, Elections, Freedom of Speech, Governance, Human Rights, Judiciary, Social Policies, Yabloko Youth, Youth Policies.
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The Ivanovo branch of Yabloko appealed to the Investigative Committee in connection with the non-payment of compensations promised to drivers of the city ambulance

Press Release, 18.05.2020 On 18 May, Andrei Avtoneyev, Chairman of the Ivanovo regional branch of the Yabloko party, and employees of the emergency medical station, filed a complaint with the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Ivanovo Region.
Posted: May 18th, 2020 under Healthcare, Social Policies, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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Yabloko’s Boris Vishnevsky sent to Governor Beglov proposals that would help unload the queues of ambulances gathering by St. Petersburg hospitals

Press Release, 18.05.2020 Boris Vishnevsky, head of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, turned to St.Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov with a proposal to take urgent measures to remedy the situation in St. Petersburg when citizens who have been diagnosed with a coronavirus infection should wait for the ambulance for 10-11 hours […]
Posted: May 18th, 2020 under Healthcare, Social Policies, YABLOKO's faction in St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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The Tatarstan branch of Yabloko conducted one-person pickets against the conscription slavery
Press Release, 15.05.2020 On May 15, the International Day of Conscientious Objectors to Military Service, Ruslan Zinatullin, Chairman of the regional branch of the Yabloko party in Tatarstan, held a series of one-person pickets (that do not require any permissions from the authorities) against the conscription slavery in Russia and against human rights violations in […]
Posted: May 15th, 2020 under History, Human Rights, The Russian Army.
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Soldiers’ graves are the greatest preachers of peace

Open letter of the Kaliningrad branch of Yabloko, 13.05.2020 On May 11-13, 2020, a number of media published news under provocative headlines and texts about the annual action in memory of the victims of the Second World War conducted by our colleague Sergei Dustin. These publications, together with the video, became the reason for the […]
Posted: May 15th, 2020 under History, Human Rights, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, YABLOKO Against Nationalism, Extremism and Xenophobia, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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Online conference on the situation with migrants in Russia during the pandemic

Press Release, 15.05.2020 On Tuesday, 19 May, the Social Democratic Faction of the Yabloko Party, Yabloko’s Gender Faction, and the Committee for Combating Xenophobia will hold an online conference “The situation with Migrants in Russia during the Pandemic”. The conference will begin at 16.00 MSK.
Posted: May 15th, 2020 under Conferences and Seminars, Human Rights, YABLOKO Against Nationalism, Extremism and Xenophobia.
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Changes to electoral laws present new opportunities for manipulation

Statement by the Yabloko party, 15.05.2020 On 13 May, the State Duma adopted in the second and third reading the bills toughening election legislation and providing additional opportunities for distortion of election results. In particular, the new norms complicate registration of candidates through collection of signatures, contribute to the expansion of the practices of voting […]
Posted: May 15th, 2020 under Elections, Healthcare, Social Policies.
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Impunity of the police means lawlessness of citizens

Statement by the Yabloko party, 14.05.2020 On 13 May, the Russian government introduced to the State Duma a package of amendments to the Law “On Police”, unreasonably expanding the powers of the police and threatening the rights of citizens. The Yabloko party considers the adoption of this bill unacceptable. In particular, it is proposed to […]
Posted: May 15th, 2020 under Healthcare, Human Rights, Social Policies.
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Nikolai Rybakov on the Russian parliament’s hurried legitimisation of police lawlessness and creation of the basis for further election fraud
Nikolai Rybakov’s FB post, 13.05.2020 Today two resonant bills were submitted to the State Duma: on voting by mail and on the right of policemen to open cars. So, under the auspices of the fight against the epidemic, the authorities take the most vile steps – legitimisation of police lawlessness and creation of the basis […]
Posted: May 14th, 2020 under Elections, Healthcare, Human Rights, Social Policies.
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The Ivanovo branch of Yabloko demands to re-allocate budget funds from festivals and mass events to the aid to doctors, citizens and businesses

Press Release, 12.05.2020 The Ivanovo regional branch of the Yabloko party appealed to the Governor and deputies of the Ivanovo Regional Duma with a demand to amend the regional budget. Namely, to redistribute more than 21 million roubles allocated to mass events and festivals, in favour of doctors and medical workers, population and the affected […]
Posted: May 14th, 2020 under Economy, Healthcare, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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The Ryazan branch of Yabloko asks the city administration explain how the money allocated before COVID-19 for recreation of children during summer holidays will be spent

Press Release, 12.05.2020 The Ryazan branch of the Yabloko asked Yelena Sorokina, head of the Ryazan administration, to publicly explain how the money allocated before the COVID-19 epidemic for recreation of children during summer holidays would be spent, as children’s summer activities were banned due to the pandemic. A separate issue was what happened to […]
Posted: May 13th, 2020 under Healthcare, Social Policies, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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The Nizhny Novgorod branch of Yabloko calls on the regional government to recruit medical students to work with patients with COVID-19 exclusively on a voluntary basis

Press Release, 12.05.2020 The Nizhny Novgorod branch of Yabloko sent an appeal to the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Rector of the Medical University on the inadmissibility to forcibly involve medical students to work with patients with coronavirus.
Posted: May 13th, 2020 under Healthcare, Social Policies, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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Yabloko releases a documentary “Boris Misnik. A man from Monchegorsk”
Press Release, 12.05.2020 Yabloko releases a documentary “Boris Misnik. A man from Monchegorsk”. It is dedicated to one of the leaders of our party – Boris Grigoryevich Misnik. In the 1990s, Boris Misnik headed the Russian Mining and Metallurgical Union and was a State Duma deputy from the Yabloko party. The childhood years of Boris […]
Posted: May 13th, 2020 under History, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy.
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Nikolai Rybakov laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier paying tribute to the vicitms of the Second World War
Press Release, 9.05.2020 Yabloko Chairman Nikolai Rybakov laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the walls of the Moscow Kremlin in the Alexander Garden in memory of those who defended the country in the Second World War.
Posted: May 12th, 2020 under Greetings, History, Без рубрики.
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The Omsk branch of Yabloko calls on the Governor of the region to provide financial support to pensioners during the period of COVID-19 restrictive measures

Press Release, 5.05.2020 The Governor must consider provision of benefits to pensioners, especially for those whose pension is less than the subsistence minimum established in the Omsk region. Such a proposal was sent by the Omsk regional branch of the Yabloko party to Alexander Burkov, Governor of the region.
Posted: May 12th, 2020 under Healthcare, Social Policies, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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The web-site of the Altai branch of Yabloko tops the most popular political web-sites in the Siberian Federal District
Press Release, 5.05.2020 According to the Internet portal, the web-site of the Altai Regional Branch of the Yabloko party topped the most popular political web-sites in the Siberian Federal District in April. It ranked 21st (20th in March) out of 940 information resources in the Russian Federation. The web-site of the Novosibirsk regional branch of […]
Posted: May 12th, 2020 under Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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The Saratov branch of Yabloko calls the Governor and the government of the region to allocate 165 million roubles from the regional budget to the fight against coronavirus
Press Release, 4.05.2020 The Saratov branch of the Yabloko party sent an appeal to the Governor and the government of the Saratov region, as well as to deputies of the regional Duma with a call to redistribute the funds envisaged in the regional budget for 2020 in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 infection. […]
Posted: May 12th, 2020 under Economy, Healthcare, Russian Economy, Social Policies, Yabloko's Regional Branches.
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Yabloko hosts “Sexist of the Year – 2019” award
Press Release, 3.05.2020 On Tuesday, May 5, the Gender School and the Party University of the Yabloko party will hold a special online presentation of the Runet Award “Sexist of the Year”, established by the For Feminism initiative group. The event will take place at 18:00, MSK.
Posted: May 3rd, 2020 under Gender Faction.
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