Archive for 'Protection of Environment'
Moscow YABLOKO opposes the cut of children allowances for Chernobyl victims’ families
Press release, 25.04.2016 On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Moscow YABLOKO conducted a rally against the cut of children allowance for the Chernobyl victims’ families. The actions of protest were held by YABLOKO in Moscow and other cities of Russia.
Posted: April 25th, 2016 under Environmental Policies, Protection of Environment, YABLOKO for Nuclear Safety.
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Alexei Yablokov: Chernobyl is still beside us
Press release, 22.04.2016 The consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are noticeable even 30 years after, Adviser in the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of YABLOKO’s Green Russia faction Alexei Yablokov says. Today he has launched his book “Chernobyl: Сonsequences of the Disaster for People and Nature” at Interfax.
Posted: April 23rd, 2016 under Environmental Policies, Protection of Environment, YABLOKO for Nuclear Safety.
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Russia needs a dialogue with the European Union
Statement by YABLOKO Chairman, 05.05.2015 On 10 May German Chancellor Angela Merkel comes to Moscow to pay tribute to all the Soviet soldiers who fought in World War II and to honor the memory of all the killed Soviet citizens.
Posted: May 7th, 2015 under Protection of Environment, Russia-Eu relations.
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Chita branch of YABLOKO conducted picketing for protection of green spaces
Press release, 05.05.2015 The Chita branch of YABLOKO conducted picketing for protection of green spaces in the city, against tree cutting and for resignation of local housing and utilities companies managers.
Posted: May 7th, 2015 under Protection of Environment.
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Court hearing on Evgeny Vitishko case postponed till August 4
Press Release, 16.07.2014 The court hearing on Evgeny Vitishko case was postponed till August 4 since the Tambov penal colony settlement No 2 didn’t manage to provide conference communication with Vitishko. YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin who arrived at the court hearing announced about this.
Posted: July 17th, 2014 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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A true Hero of Russia
Sergei Mitrokhin’s blog at the Ekho Moskvi web-site, 03.07.2014 Today is the birthday of Yevgeny Vitishko. If our country was headed by a true patriot, he would have definitely awarded Yevgeny Vitishko with the ‘Hero of Russia’ Star. However, then Vitishko would not have been in a penal colony, and thus part of his heroic […]
Posted: July 8th, 2014 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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YABLOKO’s Suren Gazaryan awarded Goldman Environmental Prize
Press Release, 30.04.2014 YABLOKO’s Suren Gazaryan was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize. The ceremony took place in San-Francisco on April 28.
Posted: April 30th, 2014 under Environmental Policies, Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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YABLOKO conducted picketing against nickel mining
Press Release, 22.04.2014 YABLOKO conducted a series of one-person pickets outside the Natural Resources Ministry against nickel mining in the Voronezh region on the Earth Day, April 22. YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin and Chair of the Voronezh branch of YABLOKO Tatyana Shkred participated in the cation.
Posted: April 22nd, 2014 under Environmental Policies, Protection of Environment.
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Conference “Unsolved environmental problems of Moscow and the Moscow region” took place in Moscow
Press Release, photographs, 05. 04. 2014 The second theoretical and practical conference called “The unsolved environmental problems of Moscow and the Moscow region” where YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin and Chair of YABLOKO’s Green Russia faction Alexei Yablokov participated was conducted in Moscow.
Posted: April 8th, 2014 under Environmental Policies, Protection of Environment.
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Sergei Mitrokhin inspected Northwest chord road and problem construction objects in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district
Press Release, photograph, 25.03.2014 YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin and Deputy Chair of the Moscow branch of YABLOKO Irina Kopkina inspected the Northwest chord and found out that the contraction was frozen. The residents of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district showed the cutover square and an illegal parking space to YABLOKO’s representatives.
Posted: March 27th, 2014 under Protection of Environment, YABLOKO against Corruption, YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power.
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YABLOKO Bureau member conducted picket in support of Vitishko and Gazaryan
Press Release, 26.03.2014 YABLOKO’s Bureau member, the Green Russia faction’s activist Dmitry Rybakov conducted a series of one-person pickets in support of the ecologists Evgeny Vitishko and Suren Gazaryan in Petrozavodsk, on March 25.
Posted: March 27th, 2014 under Evgeny Vitishko case, Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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Charity concert in support of Evgeny Vitishko conducted in Sochi
Press Release, 12.03.2014 A concert in support of Evgeny Vitishko took place in Sochi. His friends and colleagues gathered in an informal setting.The event took place despite the pressure on behalf of the authorities, said the organisers.
Posted: March 14th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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YABLOKO conducted actions in support of Vitishko in the regions of Russia
Press Release, March 7, 2014 YABLOKO’s branches in Volgograd, Voronezh and Sosnovy Bor (the Leningrad region) conducted pickets and actions in support of the imprisoned environmentalist Evgeny Vitishko on March 7. Volgograd
Posted: March 9th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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YABLOKO’s activists participated in international action “Free Evgeny Vitishko!”
Press Release, 03.03.2014 Activists of Amnesty International, Ecooborona and YABLOKO expressed protest against the sentence to Evgeny Vitishko. The international action “Free Evgeny Vitishko!” began on February 28. Rallies, pickets and flash mobs will take place in different cities of the world over a period of seven days. The goal of the action is to […]
Posted: March 3rd, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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Action in support of Evgeny Vitishko conducted in Nizhny Novgorod
Press Release, 05.03.2014 A series of one-person pickets in support of Evgeny Vitishko was conducted in Nizhny Novgorod within the international action week “Free Vitishko!”. YABLOKO’s members and environmental activists participated in the action.
Posted: March 3rd, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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YABLOKO’s member Olga Noskovets was unlawfully fined for resisting police
Press Release, 26.02.2014 Yesterday the Khostinsky Regional court of Sochi fined YABLOKO’s member Olga Noskovets under the article 19.3 of the Administrative Code supposedly for disobedience to the legitimate demands of police officers.
Posted: February 27th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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International action week “Free Evgeny Vitishko!” starts on the 28th of February
Announcement, 27.02.2014 The international action week “Free Evgeny Vitishko!” will start on February 28 #FREEVITISHKO. The actions demanding to free Evgeny Vitishko and stop persecution of Russia’s environmentalists and activists will take place in many European countries and nineteen Russian cities.
Posted: February 27th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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Olympia-Kritiker im Hungerstreik
ARD, 17.02.2014 Der russische Umweltaktivist Jewgeni Witischko befindet sich nach Angaben seiner Organisation im Hungerstreik. Witischko verweigere die Nahrungsaufnahme, seit er am Mittwoch vergangener Woche von einem Berufungsgericht in Krasnodar zu drei Jahren Lagerhaft verurteilt worden sei, teilte die Vereinigung für die Verteidigung der Umwelt im Nordkaukasus mit.
Posted: February 18th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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A message to the IOC about Evgeny Vitishko
ENVIRONMENTAL WATCH ON NORTH CAUCASUS, February 17, 2014 On February, 15 the IOC broke silence over the case of Evgeny Vitishko, who was sentenced to serve three years in a colony this week after his tireless work to expose environmental violations in Sochi. Here is what spokesman Mark Adams told journalists, according to the media: […]
Posted: February 17th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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Sergei Mitrokhin sends a letter to IOC President asking him to speak up on imprisonment of environmentalist Yevgeny Vitishko
Press Release, 17.02.2014 YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin has sent a letter to Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee asking him to speak up on a politically motivated imprisonment verdict to environmentalist Yevgeny Vitishko. According to Mitrokhin, the verdict has a direct linkage to the Olympic Games taking place in Sochi.
Posted: February 17th, 2014 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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