New items of the server - August , 2009
August 31, 2009 |
Ingush YABLOKO submitted signatures for registration
at the municipal elections
Press Release, August 28,
On August 26 the Ingush regional branch
of the YABLOKO party submitted signatures required
for registration of election lists at the campaign.
Now the republican electoral commissions have to decide
whether to let YABLOKO to participate in the elections
that will be held on October 11. It is the first time
in the history of Ingushetia that elections of legislative
bodies on the municipal level are taking place. Regional
branches of political parties have begun actively
campaigning in the republic. Daud Garakoyev, leader
of the Ingush YABLOKO, told about the specifics of
the election campaign in the region
Territorial Electoral Commission refuses to register
YABLOKO at the election in Klin, Moscow Region
Press Release, August 28,
The Territorial Electoral Commission
refused to register YABLOKO at the election in the
Klin district, Moscow Region. The election will take
place on October 11. The decision on non-registration
of YABLOKO’s list was adopted on the night August
26. It should be noted that the decision refers to
all YABLOKO lists for all the cities and settlements
of the Klin district...
On the night when the Territorial
Electoral Commission refused to register YABLOKO in
the race someone broke windows in the office of the
Klin YABLOKO situated in the centre of the city. YABLOKO’s
staff are certain that this case of vandalism is politically
August 27, 2009 |
about poisoning of dogs in Ivolginsky Buddhist temple
in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, confirmed
Press Release, August 27,
The information about poisoning of
dogs in the Ivolginsky Buddhist temple in Ulan-Ude,
Buryatia, specially before President Medvedev’s
visit to the temple is confirmed by the largest newspaper
of the region Inform Polis.“The local authorities
obviously overdid it in their wish to secure President’s
visit. The residents of Verkhnyaya Ivolga village
neighbouring to the temple found themselves in the
transport blockade. From 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. they
could not get out or come to the village. And two
days prior to this, the police had visited every house
and registered all the dwellers, their vehicles and
cattle, they had also found out the names of all their
cats and dogs. And then dogs who commuted from the
village to the temple to get their food became dying.
It turned out that the local veterinary service gave
poison to all the dogs,” runs the paper.
Saratov branch of YABLOKO on the coup d’etat
of August 1991
Press Release, August 24,
A round table talk devoted to the
development of August 1991 took place in the Saratov
branch of YABLOKO last Friday. “democrats of
the first wave” – members of the Memorial
society, YABLOKO, the former SPS party, the Right
Course and Solidarity movement, as well as their colleagues,
opponents and students participated in the discussion.
poisoned in the Buddhist temple in Ulan-Ude for Dmitry
Medvedev’s visit
Press Release, August 24,
Feeding and giving shelter to homeless
dogs and cats is a tradition of any Buddhist temple.
Buddhists respect all the living beings in the world,
as all of them are in the single Sansara Wheel, the
ever going circulation in the world, and each of us,
according to the Buddhism, can come as any living
being in his next life. Moreover Buddhists honour
dogs and cats that have been accompanying man for
thousands of years. And every monastry has dogs and
cats fed by the monks and the believers.
August 26, 2009 |
submits signatures for registration at the Moscow
City Duma election
Press Release, August 26,
Today YABLOKO has submitted about
80,000 signatures to the Moscow Electoral Commission
for registration at the Moscow City Duma election.
Sergei Mitrokhin, YABLOKO’s Chairman and leader
of the party election list, and activists of the Youth
YABLOKO submitted to the Moscow Electoral Commission
ten boxes styled as apple boxes (YABLOKO means “apple”
in Russian).
stops YABLOKO’s motor race
Press Release, August 26,
Road police blocked YABLOKO’s motor
column - 15 cars with YABLOKO’s flags and symbols
– by the Kremlin. The motor race was organised on
the last day of collection of signatures required
for registration of YABLOKO in the Moscow City Duma
election race.The police ordered
YABLOKO’s cars to stop and took all the driving licenses.
Only after that the police explained their actions.
Police officers asked for a permit to conduct such
an action, and when Sergei Mitrokhin came to the site
they accused the activists in “creating traffic obstacles”
and ordered to draw protocols of administrative violations.
August 25, 2009 |
arrests the participants of YABLOKO’s motor
Press Release, August 25,
The road police stopped YABLOKO’s
column – 15 cars with YABLOKO’s symbols
– in the centre of Moscow. The police announced
that the motor race was unlawful and insisted that
it required prior registration with the local authorities.
The police also demanded to take YABLOKO
symbols and flags off the cars, saying that they may
release the column only on this condition. |
YABLOKO organisation in Omsk: “A human rights
activist today and a corpse tomorrow?”
Press Release, August 24,
On August 24 activists from the Omsk
Youth YABLOKO organisation conducted two pickets at
the centre of the city. The activists held placards
“A human rights activist today and a corpse tomorrow?”
and “’No’ to “unacceptable” versions and ‘yes’ to
proper investigation!” The action
was targeted at drawing public attention to the frequent
murders of human rights activists in Russia. Young
activists decided to “visualize” such a situation
for the city residents: people covered with white
sheets were lying by their feet symbolising murdered
human rights activists.
Newsletter, August 2009
A massacre of human rights
The Russian Party YABLOKO, ELDR member,
calls for a cardinal change of the Russian federal
policies in the Northern Caucasus. “The kidnapping
and murder of Zarema Sadulayeva and Alik Dzabrailov
shows the inability of the regional governments to
perform their functions”, Sergei Mitrokhin,
Chair of the party, said.
“It is obvious that the murder of human rights
activists Zarema Sadulayeva and Alik Dzabrailov is
connected with their professional activities”,
he continued. Statement of the YABLOKO party, August
13, 2009.
Italiani party visits Italian prisons
German Liberals heading into hot election period
YDA Convention: LYMEC addresses US Young Democrats
Elections: Rasmussen blows on the dark clouds of Afghanistan
in memory of Natalya Estemirova in St.Petersburg
zaks.ru, August 24, 2009
About two dozens of people gathered
in Chernishevsky Garden in St.Petersburg on August
22 so that to pay tribute to the memory of Natasha
Estemirova. It was the 39th day since Natasha’s
death, which, according to the Muslim tradition, is
a commemoration day. |
August 24, 2009 |
has collected 78,000 signatures
Press Release, August 24,
YABLOKO has collected 78,000 signatures
(as of today) required for registration of the party
in the Moscow City Duma election campaign. We shall
continue collection of signatures until night August
Sergei Mitrokhin, Chairman of the party and leader
of YABLOKO’s election list said, “We shall
continue collection of signatures in the remaining
two days so that to have excess signatures to secure
ourselves from possible fault-finding of the Electoral
Commission”. |
August 21, 2009 |
of the North-Western District of Moscow interferes
with YABLOKO’s collection of signatures
Press Release, August 20,
Police made another provocation against
YABLOKO’s collectors of signatures for registration
of YABLOKO’s list at the Moscow City Duma election
campaign. YABLOKO’s activists planed to collect signatures
by the Planernaya metro station (North-West of Moscow).
Hardly did they began their work when Leutenant Maxim
Seleznyov of the Northern Tushino police department
announced to them that they were detained for unsanctioned
picketing and had to go to the police department with
him. |
celebrated Savior of the Apple Feast Day
Press Release, August 20,
Protection from Arbitrary Rule on
Savior of the Apple Feast Day (Yablochny Spas), such
was the slogan of the YABLOKO’s action conducted on
August 19. A coach with party symbols took YABLOKO’s
activists first to the Kitai Gorog police department
(the one which detained YABLOKO’s collectors of signatures
at the Red Square), then to the court and then to
lay flowers to the memorial cross set at the place
of the church pulled down 45 years ago. |
August 20, 2009 |
will pay the repairs of Sayano-Shushenskaya hydro-electric
power station?
Sergei Mitrokhin’s blog
at the Echo Moskvi radio station web-site
August 18, 2009
All the technogenic disasters in all
the countries have some common roots (natural calamities,
human factor, etc), however, Russia’s disasters
have some specific traits rooted in our policies.
This refers to abrupt and ill-conceived commercialisation
of the spheres that had to be governed with professionalism
and rational conservatism. Thus, for example, there
was not a single professional power engineer in the
RAO Unified Energy System of Russia board since 2002,
the board had only specialists in financial flows. |
to collect signatures at the key Moscow railway stations
Press Release, August 20,
On Friday, August 21, candidates to
the Moscow City Duma from YABLOKO and party activists
will collect signatures required for registration
of YABLOKO’s election list at eight Moscow railway
stations. |
August 19, 2009 |
postponed examination of the cases of YABLOKO’s
collectors of signatures
Press Release, August 19,
Court hearings of the YABLOKO activists
cases (collecting signatures at the Red Square) have
been postponed. The court sent three cases of alleged
“resistance to the police” back to the
police department. The trials were appointed on August
25 and August 27. |
expresses condolences to the relatives of the pilots
and the victims of these accidents stations
Statement of the YABLOKO party,
August 16, 2009
Two tragedies with aircrafts took
place at Ramenskoye, Moscow Region and Kaluga on August
16. Igor Tkachenko, Svetlana Fedoryenko, Anton Khachkovsky
were killed in these accidents. There are casualties
among civilians – residents of Ramenskoye, Moscow
Region.We are grieving and expressing our condolences
to all the relatives of the victims and those injured.
August 18, 2009 |
International. Newsletter. Issue No 148
LI President condemns Burmese court
Lord Alderdice in meetings with Turkish Police Academy
on Kurdish Question
Zille criticises President Zuma on ministerial spending
and corruption
YABLOKO faces difficulties in campaigning
FNF and RELIAL host event on democracy in Latin America
Estonia seeks more budget cuts for euro bid
LI calls for submissions for contribution to the UN
Human Rights Council
August 17, 2009 |
arrests YABLOKO’s activists collecting signatures
at the Red Square, Moscow
Press Release, August 13,
On August 16, members of the Youth
Organisation of YABLOKO and Deputy of the Moscow City
Duma Sergei Mitrokhin came to the Red Square to collect
signatures in support of YABLOKO’s election
list. (Such collection of signatures is required by
law from all the non-parliamentary parties so that
to be registered for running their election campaigns.
The law does not specify the time and place of collection
of signatures).
Several security service and police
officers came to the activists and asked for a permit.
The young people gave to the officers their written
address to the law enforcement bodies where they cited
the law and explained that collection of signatures
at the Red Square does not require any prior permits
or registrations. However, the police was not satisfied
with the explanations.
presents it programme for the Moscow City Duma election
Press Release, August 13,
On August 13 top candidates from YABLOKO
s electoral list for the Moscow City Duma election
Sergei Mitrokhin and Alexei Yablokov presented YABLOKO
s election programme in the Interfax press-centre,
and renown human rights activist and head of the Moscow
Helsinki group Ludmila Alexeyeva told about Public
Council she heads in support of YABLOKO s candidates.
Moscow Region branch of YABLOKO nominated its candidates
to run at municipal elections
Press Release, August 10,
21st conference of the Moscow Region
branch of YABLOKO took place on August 8. The Conference
nominated candidates to run at the municipal elections
in the Moscow Region.
Thus, Misheronsky city in the Shatura
Area will have four candidates. The Klin branch of
YABLOKO headed by attorney Elena Samsonova had the
proxies for nominating candidates in the Klin area.
August 13, 2009 |
of human rights activists represent the results of
the federal policies at the Northern Caucasus
Statement of the YABLOKO party,
August 13, 2009
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO calls to a cardinal change of the federal
policies at the Northern Caucasus. Kidnapping and
murder of Zarema Sadulayeva and Alik Dzabrailov shows
inability of the regional governments to perform their
functions, marks a failure of the federal policies
in Chechnya, where unlimited power was vested to Ramazan
Kadyrov and none of the human rights envisaged by
the Constitution of the Russian Federation are guaranteed,
including the right to life. |
in memory of human rights activists murdered in Chechnya
to take place in St.Petersburg
Press Release, August 12,
An action in memory of Zarema Sadulayeva
and Ali Dzabrailov who worked in the Let’s Save
the Generation nonprofit organisation will take place
on August 12 (at 7 p.m.) by Solovetsky Stone in St.Petersburg. On August 11 Zarema Sadulaeva,
head of the Let’s Save the Generation nonprofit
organisation and her husband Ali Dzabrailov were kidnapped
in midday when armed people came to their office saying
that they represented law-enforcement bodies and took
the activists with them. The next night the bodies
of gunshot activists were found in the trunk of their
of the accident with the Kursk submarine would a step
towards responsible governing
Statement of the YABLOKO party,
August 12, 2009
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO proposes to conduct objective investigation
of the causes leading to the accident with the Kursk
submarine and the actions of the officials during
the rescue operation. We should conduct such investigation
so that to at least to pay tribute to the dead sailors. |
Supreme Court of Dagestan appoints new trial on Farid
Babayev’s case on August 25
Press Release, August 12,
On August 11 Dagestan’s Supreme
Court appointed on August 25 a new trial on the murder
of Farid Babayev, leader Dagestan YABLOKO and candidate
to the Deputy of the State Duma.
Earlier on January 20, 2009, the Supreme
Court of Dagestan ruled out that Rasil Mamedrizayev
was guilty of the murder of Farid Babayev sentencing
him to 16 years of imprisonment. The court acquitted
the second accomplice Seferali Sefemerzoyev. |
August 12, 2009 |
Gazeta switched into a “black PR” campaign
Press Release, August 3, 2009
Press Service of the YABLOKO party
was surprised to see an article entitled Why Yavlinsky
Was Summoned to the Kremlin by Elina Bilevskaya in
Nezavisimaya Gazeta of August 3. The article states
that Yavlinsky made agreement with the Kremlin so
that to secure deputies’ mandates for the party
in the Moscow City Duma election. |
Gazeta, July 27, 2009. Domestic Pain.
Pressure on human rights activists in Russia has been
growing in contrary to the worldwide statements of
Dmitry Medvedev’s about their support
By Boris
Policies targeted at discrimination
of human rights organisations represent one of the
specific traits of Putin’s era.
Since 2004, when Vladimir Putin stated that many non-governmental
organisations worried only about their financing from
foreign funds and could not “bite the feeding
hand”, the Kremlin propaganda has been promoting
a simple thesis: human rights activists are those
who get foreign money and work it out by “harming
Russia’s interests”.
interferes with YABLOKO's collection of signatures
Press Release, July 30, 2009
Police stopped collection of signatures
required for registration of YABLOKO's list at the
Moscow City Duma election. Collection of signatures
has begun today.
At Pushkinskaya square police stopped 15 people engaged
in collection of signatures and took their flags and
cloaks with YABLOKO's symbols. When one of the detained
said that this demand was unlawful, he was arrested
and taken to the local police department as organizer
of the action. YABLOKO's symbols were also taken to
this police department. |
against “people’s garages”
Press Release, July 28, 2009
About 300 people participated in the
protest action against construction of the so-called
«people’s garages” in the Sokolinaya
Gora district, Moscow. The residents of the area whose
garages are to be pulled down so that to construct
“people’s garages” instead participated
in the action. |
to begin collection of signatures for the Moscow Duma
election at the infill plots
Press Release, July 30, 2009
YABLOKO to begin collection of signatures
in favour of its list of candidates for the Moscow
Duma election in the yard of Vavilova 48, where Alliance
Group is going to build an elite block of flats instead
of the sports ground belonging to the condominium
of the block of flats No 48. The right of the condominium
to the sports ground was confirmed by the Court of
Arbitration. |
Electoral Commission attested YABLOKO's election lists
for the Moscow City Duma election and the party can
start collection of signatures
Interfax. July 27, 2009
The lists of candidates to the deputies
of the Moscow City Duma submitted by the YABLOKO party
to the Moscow Electoral Commission were attested and
certified at the Commission meeting on Monday.YABLOKO's
list of 49 candidates was approved by the party conference
of the Moscow branch of YABLOKO on July 22. The list
is topped by Moscow City Duma deputies Sergei Mitrokhin,
YABLOKO's leader and Chair of the Moscow branch of
YABLOKO, and Eugeni Bunimovich, Deputy Chair of the
Moscow YABLOKO. |
August 11, 2009 |
youth organization of YABLOKO commemorates ten years
of Putin’s coming into power
Press Release, August 10,
On August 9 St.Petersburg youth organization
of YABLOKO conducted the Ten Years Under Putin action.
The action took place in the centre of St.Petersburg
(Bolshaya Moskovskaya) under close supervision of
police. |
police demands that YABLOKO should collect signatures
in silence
Press Release, August 6, 2009
On August 5, the police interfered
with collection of signatures by the YABLOKO party
by Tushinskaya metro station. This time collection
of signatures was organized by four groups of businessmen.
The police asked the collectors to take off all YABLOKO’s
flags and coats with party symbols. They also asked
YABLOKO’s activists to show an allowance from
the local authority, however, such an allowance is
redundant for election campaigns. In spite of this
YABLOKO had informed the local authority of the North-Western
district of Moscow of such collection. |
head fired due to violations
Press Release, August 4, 2009
“YABLOKO supports the decision
[of the Moscow Mayor] to fire the head of the North-Western
administrative district of Moscow Viktor Kozlov”,
said YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin. According
to Mitrokhin, such decision of the Mayor of Moscow
demonstrates that he decided to reform his team. Mitrokhin
also added that “the fact that Kozlov was sacked
confirmed that YABLOKO’s criticism of the ex-Prefect
was correct”. |
candidates to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma
to participate in collection of signatures
Press Release, August 3, 2009
On August 3 YABLOKO’s candidates
to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma will participate
in collection of signatures required for enrollment
in the election campaign. |
August 10, 2009 |
Elections to the Moscow City Duma, 2009 -
new theme in Elections
August 6, 2009 |
of the Youth Organisation of St.Petersburg YABLOKO
to conduct Ten Years of Putinism Action
Press Release, August 6, 2009
On Sunday, August 9, activists of
the Youth Organisation of the St.Petersburg branch
of YABLOKO will conduct Ten Years of Putinism action.
That is how young democrats are going to mark the
ten year anniversary of Vladimir Putin coming into
power. On August 9, 1999, President of Russia Boris
Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin acting Prime Minister.
A week later the State Duma officially approved the
appointment. |
August 4 , 2009 |
acquitted YABLOKO’s collectors of signatures
Press Release, August 3, 2009
Judge of the court of the first instance
(Dorogomilovo Moscow court) returned to the police
the case on arrest of two collectors of signatures
of the YABLOKO party who were incriminated “conducting
propaganda in the restricted period”. |
begins collection of signatures for enrollment in
the Moscow City Duma election race
Press Release, July 31, 2009
YABLOKO began collection of signatures
for registration of its list of candidates for the
Moscow City Duma election. However, collectors of
signatures encountered hostile actions from the police.
On July 30, two party activists were arrested by the
Park Pobedi metro station and were detained in the
local police office (Dorogomilovo) for several hours,
after which the case of “administrative violation”
was sent to court. |