Congresses and Docs

Memorandum of Political Alternative, an updated version of 1.03.2019

Memorandum of Political Alternative

YABLOKO's Ten Key Programme Issues


YABLOKO's Political Platform Adopted by the 15th Congress, June 21, 2008

The 18th Congress of YABLOKO

RUSSIA DEMANDS CHANGES! Electoral Program for 2011 Parliamentary Elections.

Key resolutions by the Congress:

On Stalinism and Bolshevism
Resolution. December 21, 2009

On Anti-Ecological Policies of Russia’s Authorities. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 253, December 24, 2009

On the Situation in the Northern Caucasus. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 252, December 24, 2009


YABLOKO’s Political Committee: Russian state acts like an irresponsible business corporation conducting anti-environmental policies


Overcoming bolshevism and stalinism as a key factor for Russia¦µ™s transformation in the 21st century


On Russia's Foreign Policies. Political Committee of hte YABLOKO party. Statement, June 26, 2009


On Iran’s Nuclear Problem Resolution by the Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 6, 2009


Anti-Crisis Proposals (Housing-Roads-Land) of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO. Handed to President Medvedev by Sergei Mitrokhin on June 11, 2009

Brief Outline of Sergei Mitrokhin’s Report at the State Council meeting. January 22, 2010


Assessment of Russia’s Present Political System and the Principles of Its Development. Brief note for the State Council meeting (January 22, 2010) by Dr.Grigory Yavlinsky, member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee. January 22, 2010


Address of the YABLOKO party to President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 9, 2009


The 17th Congress of YABLOKO




The 16th Congress of Yabloko

Photo by Sergei Loktionov

The 12th congress of Yabloko

The 11th congress of Yabloko

The 10th congress of Yabloko

Moscow Yabloko
Yabloko for Students
St. Petersburg Yabloko
Khabarovsk Yabloko
Irkutsk Yabloko
Kaliningrad Yabloko(eng)
Novosibirsk Yabloko
Rostov Yabloko
Yekaterinburg Yabloko
(Sverdlovsk Region)

Krasnoyarsk Yabloko
Ulyanovsk Yabloko
Tomsk Yabloko
Tver Yabloko(eng)
Penza Yabloko
Stavropol Yabloko

Action of Support





Programme by candidate for the post of Russian President Grigory Yavlinsky. Brief Overview

My Truth

Grigory Yavlinsky at Forum 2000, Prague, 2014

YABLOKO-ALDE conference 2014

Grigory Yavlinsky : “If you show the white feather, you will get fascism”

Grigory Yavlinsky: a coup is started by idealists and controlled by rascals

The Road to Good Governance

Risks of Transitions. The Russian Experience

Grigory Yavlinsky on the Russian coup of August 1991

A Male’s Face of Russia’s Politics

Black Sea Palaces of the New Russian Nomenklatura


The Hidden Cause of the Great Recession (And How to Avert the Nest One)

by Dr. Grigory Yavlinsky

On the results of the Conference “Migration: International Experience and Russia’s Problems” conducted by the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (the ALDE party)

Moscow, April 6, 2013

International Conference "Youth under Threat of Extremism and Xenophobia. A Liberal Response"
conducted jointly by ELDR and YABLOKO. Moscow, April 21, 2012. Speeches, videos, presentations

What does the opposition want: to win or die heroically?
Moskovsky Komsomolets web-site, July 11, 2012. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Yulia Kalinina.

Building a Liberal Europe - the ALDE Project

By Sir Graham Watson

Lies and legitimacy
The founder of the Yabloko Party analyses the political situation. Article by Grigory Yavlinsky on radio Svoboda. April 6, 2011

Algorithms for Opposing Gender Discrimination: the International and the Russian Experience

YABLOKO and ELDR joint conference

Moscow, March 12, 2011

Reform or Revolution

by Vladimir Kara-Murza

Is Modernisation in Russia Possible? Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky and Boris Titov by Yury Pronko, "The Real Time" programme, Radio Finam, May 12, 2010

Grigory Yavlinsky's interview to Vladimir Pozner. The First Channel, programme "Pozner", April 20, 2010 (video and transcript)

Overcoming the Totalitarian Past: Foreign Experience and Russian Problems by Galina Mikhaleva. Research Centre for the East European Studies, Bremen, February 2010.

Grigory Yavlinsky: Vote for the people you know, people you can turn for help. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, October 8, 2009

Grigory Yavlinsky: no discords in the tandem. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Radio Liberty
September 22, 2009

A Credit for Half a Century. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Natalia Bekhtereva, Radio Russia, June 15, 2009

Sergei Mitrokhin's Speech at the meeting with US Preseident Barack Obama. Key Notes, Moscow, July 7, 2009

Mitrokhin proposed a visa-free regime between Russia and EU at the European liberal leaders meeting
June 18, 2009

by Grigory Yavlinsky

European Union chooses Grigory Yavlinsky!
Your vote counts!

Reforms that corrupted Russia
By Grigory Yavlinsky, Financial Times (UK), September 3, 2003

Grigory Yavlinsky: "It is impossible to create a real opposition in Russia today."
Moskovsky Komsomolets, September 2, 2003

Alexei Arbatov: What Should We Do About Chechnya?
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Mikhail Falaleev
Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 9, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: Our State Does Not Need People
Novaya Gazeta,
No. 54, July 29, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: The Door to Europe is in Washington
Obschaya Gazeta, May 16, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's speech.
March 11, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's Lecture at the Nobel Institute
Oslo, May 30, 2000



Yabloko: Liberals in Russia

By Alexander Shishlov, July 6, 2009

Position on Some Important Strategic Issues of Russian-American Relations

Moscow, July 7, 2009

The Embrace of Stalinism

By Arseny Roginsky, 16 December 2008

Nuclear Umbrellas and the Need for Understanding: IC Interview With Ambassador Lukin
September 25, 1997

Would the West’s Billions Pay Off?
Los Angeles Times
By Grigory Yavlinsky and Graham Allison
June 3, 1991

Archive for August, 2024

Yabloko in Voronezh supported the candidacy of civil activist Alexander Dudchenko for the post of Mayor of the city

Press Release, 15.08.2024 Photo: Alexander Dudchenko / Photo from Alexander Dudchenko personal archive In August, the Mayor of the city of Voronezh will be elected. Earlier, the head of the city, Vadim Kstenin, resigned. Direct elections of the Mayor were canceled in 2016, and for six years already, since 2018, the Mayor has been “elected” […]

Boris Vishnevsky fined for “participation in the activities of an undesirable organisation”

Press Release, 15.08.2024 Photo: Boris Vishnevsky outside the courthouse / Photo by the regional branch of Yabloko The Vasileostrovsky District Court of St.Petersburg fined Boris Vishnevsky, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko party, 15,000 roubles under Article 20.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the […]

The Novgorod District Court refused to remove Yabloko candidate Ksenia Cherepanova from the register of persons affiliated with a “foreign agent”

Press Release, 14.08.2024 Photo: Ksenia Cherepanova / Photo by the regional branch of Yabloko On 13 August, the Novgorod District Court considered the claim of Ksenia Cherepanova, a candidate in the by-elections of the Novgorod Regional Duma, against the Ministry of Justice. The politician demanded to be removed from the register of “persons affiliated with […]

The Court of Appeal rejected Maxim Kruglov’s claim against the Moscow City Court’s decision to deny the politician registration in the Moscow City Duma elections

Press Release, 13.08.2024 Photo: Maxim Kruglov / Photo by the Yabloko Press Service The First Court of Appeal in Moscow rejected the appeal of deputy of the Moscow City Duma Maxim Kruglov against the Moscow City Court’s decision to deny him registration as a candidate in the Moscow City Duma elections. The panel of judges […]

Yabloko on participation in gubernatorial elections under the conditions of the special military operation and the municipal filter: we offer a political alternative and speak up about peace and freedom

Press Release, 9.08.2024 Photo: Yabloko candidates for the 2024 gubernatorial elections Roman Morozov, Vladimir Dorokhov, and Yaroslav Shcherbakov Yabloko’s election campaigns for the gubernatorial elections have ended. Three candidates from the party in the Kaliningrad, Tula and Chelyabinsk regions did not pass the so-called municipal filter – collection of a certain number of signatures of […]

Yabloko was denied registration in the Tula City Duma elections

Press Release, 8.08.2024 Photo: Vladimir Dorokhov at the Tula Region Electoral Commission / Photo from social media On 7 August, Yabloko presented its objections to the regional electoral commission concerning the results of verification of 2,361 signatures of city residents in support of the Yabloko list of candidates. Yabloko was going to campaign under the […]

Viktor Kogan-Yasny turns 65!

Yabloko sends its warmest congratulations to the Advisor to the Chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the party Press Release, 7.08.2024 Photo by the Yabloko Press Service On 7 August,Viktor Kogan-Yasny, Advisor to the Chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the Yabloko party, head of the public organisation “Regional Civil Initiative – the […]

From an Exchange to a Ceasefire

Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to Zhivoi Gvozd YouTube channel, 6.08.2024 We should not judge superficially about deep and contradictory political meanings of the prisoner exchange. Let us note the most important thing: this exchange literally saved several lives at once. And one more thing: if such a difficult and ambiguous process is possible, during which Moscow […]

Yabloko candidate for Irkutsk City Duma Pavel Kharitonenko defends in court voters’ signatures in support of his nomination

Press Release, 6.08.2024 Photo: Pavel Kharitonenko / Photo from social media Yabloko candidate for Irkutsk City Duma, Pavel Kharitonenko, will seek his registration in the elections in court. Earlier, District Electoral Commission No. 28 invalidated eight signatures out of 67 provided by the Yabloko candidate in support of his nomination, with six acceptable defective signatures. […]

Boris Vishnevsky asked the Vasileostrovsky District Court of St.Petersburg to send a request to the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the law on “foreign influence”

Press Release, 6.08.2024 Photo: Vitaly Isakov and Boris Vishnevsky at a meeting of the Vasileostrovsky District Court of St. Petersburg / Photo by the regional branch of the party Boris Vishnevsky, Deputy Chairman of Yabloko and deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, is challenging the status of “foreign agent” unlawfully assigned to him […]

The Tula Region Electoral Commission rejected signatures for the nomination of Yabloko’s candidates, having made up the data of voters. The party is going to appeal this decision

Press Release, 6.08.2024 The Tula Region Electoral Commission is going to refuse registration of the Yabloko list of candidates for the elections to the Tula City Duma. The working group of the electoral commission, based on the results of checking 2,316 signatures in support of the nomination of the list, considers 256 signatures invalid, i.e. […]

Electoral commissions registered 32 candidates from Pskov Yabloko to participate in 11 election campaigns

Press Release, 6.08.2024 Photo: Chairman of the Pskov Yabloko Artur Gaiduk at the conference on nominating candidates / Photo by the regional branch of the party Registration certificates were handed to Yevgeny Vasiliye, Yablooko’s candidate for the post of head of the Gdovsky district, captain of the first rank in the reserve, head of the […]

“We are guarding the memory of the place where almost 7,000 people found their last refuge.” Yabloko delegation visited Sandarmokh, the place of mass executions and burials during the Soviet period

Press Release, 5.08.2024 Photo: Anatoly Razumov, head of the Centre for Returned Names at the Russian National Library, and Yabloko Chairman Nikolai Rybakov A delegation of the Yabloko party, led by party leader Nikolai Rybakov and head of the party faction in the Legislative Assembly of Karelia Emilia Slabunova, visited the Sandarmokh – the site […]

The Moscow branch of Yabloko nominated candidates for snap elections of the Kurkino district council of Deputies in Moscow

Press Release, 2.08.2024 Photo by the Yabloko Press Service The Conference of the Moscow branch of the Yabloko party decided to nominate seven Yabloko candidates for the snap elections of municipal deputies in the Kurkino district of Moscow. Each of the candidates will have to collect 14 signatures of district residents in support of their […]

In the Moscow Region the authorities are trying to remove Yabloko candidates from the elections with the help of other political parties

Press Release, 2.08.2024 Photo: Delegates of the Moscow Regional Yabloko Conference / Photo by regional branch of Yabloko On 2 August, the Territorial Electoral Commission of Sergiyev Posad will decide to refuse to register the Yabloko list of six people and two candidates in single-mandate constituencies in the elections of deputies of the District Council. […]

Multiple increases in court fees will deprive millions of citizens of access to justice

Statement by the Federal Bureau of Yabloko, 2.08.2024 Photo by Andrei Zhdanov, Kommersant The State Duma has adopted amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which will increase the amount of state fees for court cases for both individuals and organisations. For example, the fee for challenging a decision or action of a […]

The Novgorod Regional Court refuses to remove the “foreign agent” label from Ksenia Cherepanova, Yabloko’s candidate to the Regional Duma

Press Release, 2.08.2024 Photo: Ksenia Cherepanova / Photo by the regional branch of Yabloko Yabloko considers the court’s decision unlawful and unfounded, it will be appealed. At the same time, Ksenia Cherepanova filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation demanding to exclude her from the register of persons “affiliated with a […]

“We can only welcome freedom for people who have not committed any crimes.” Yabloko leaders on the prisoner exchange

Press Release, 1.08.2024 Photo: Footage from the airport in Ankara with planes from countries participating in the prisoner exchange / Photo: a screenshot of the broadcast of the Turkish TV channel NTV The main event of today is the prisoner exchange between Russia, the USA, Germany, Norway, Poland, Slovenia and Belarus. Those to whom we […]

Nikolai Rybakov: There should be no political prisoners in Russia and they should all be released

Nikolai Rybakov’s Telegram blog post, 1.08.2024   Freedom for people who have not committed any crimes, those who have advocated for a better future for the country can only be welcomed.   But in principle, there should be no political prisoners in Russia and they should all be released.

110 years since Russia entered World War I. Yabloko honoured the memory of the victims

Press Release, 1.08.2024 Photo by the Yabloko Press Service 110 years ago, on 1 August, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia and our country entered World War I. More than 10 million servicemen from all sides fell victim to it, over 22 million were wounded. Russia’s losses in the war amounted to over three million […]