Archive for March, 2019
Come to the rally “Free Elections for St.Petersburg!”
Press Release, 19.03.2019 On Sunday, 24 March, a rally “Free Elections for St.Petersburg!” will be held. The rally is marking the 30th anniversary of the first free elections to the Supreme Soviet [parliament] of the USSR. 30 years ago, on 26 March, 1989, the first for the entire Soviet history free elections of deputies were […]
Posted: March 19th, 2019 under Elections, History, Regional and Local Elections 2019.
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Grigory Yavlinsky: Join Yabloko so that to make your voice heard!
Press Release, 18.03.2019 In his interview to Radio Liberty Grigory Yavlinsky on 12 March, Yabloko founder and Chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the Yabloko party, called on citizens of Russia to join the Yabloko party so that to make their voice heard in defending their rights and making the government change their policies. […]
Posted: March 18th, 2019 under YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power, YABLOKO and Other Political Parties, Без рубрики.
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Yabloko Chairperson: Vladimir Putin must change all his plans and visit the village of Tomsino where extreme poverty make people go rogue
Press Release, 18.03.2019 According to Emilia Slabunova, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who announced the Decade of Childhood in Russia, must personally visit the village of Tomsino in Sebezhsky District, the Pskov Region, where fellow villagers harassed and mobbed Tanya Perchikova, 12-year-old girl who wrote a letter to Russian President asking for help. Moreover, the head […]
Posted: March 18th, 2019 under Economy, Russian Economy, Social Policies.
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Nikolay Rybakov: The Alexander Korovainy case is another episode of the authoirties’ struggle against people who want to change the life in the country for the better
Press Release, 16.03.2019 In the Krasnodar Territory, a lawsuit was filed against Alexander Korovainy, deputy of the Yeisk District Council from the Yabloko party, for his repost on Facebook of a MBH-Media’s picture on the rise in prices. Alexander Korovainy was accused of “carrying out the activity of an undesirable organisation” (Article 20.33 of the […]
Posted: March 18th, 2019 under Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Regional and Local Elections.
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Liquidation of local self-government in cities and rural settlements is unconstitutional

Yabloko party statement, 14.03.2019 On 14 March, the State Duma plans to examine draft federal law No 631751-7 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On General Principles of Organisation of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”(in the Part of Improving the Issues of Territorial Organisation of Local Self-Government)”. Adoption of this draft law will become […]
Posted: March 15th, 2019 under Regional policies and Local Self-Governing, Без рубрики.
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Grigory Yavlinsky to meet with the prospective members of Yabloko
Press Release, 14.03.2019 On Friday, 15 March, Grigory Yavlinsky, Yabloko founder and Chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the Yabloko party, will meet with those who have submitted applications for joining the party within the framework of the “Make Your Voice Louder!” campaign launched by Grigory Yavlinsky and calling citizens of Russia to join […]
Posted: March 14th, 2019 under YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power, YABLOKO and Other Political Parties, Без рубрики.
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Acad. Alexei Arbatov: The conflict between India and Pakistan will be local, but will have horrendous consequences for the whole world.
12.03.2019 Interview with Acad. Alexei Arbatov by Fyodor Anaschenkov, special for The international community has been discussing with concern a new border incident between India and Pakistan. The two countries have been in a state of a “smoldering” conflict for 70 years. At the same time, both the sides possess nuclear weapons. Acad. Alexey […]
Posted: March 14th, 2019 under Foreign policy.
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Memorandum of Political Alternative
Decision No 109 of Yabloko’s Federal Political Committee, 12.03.2019 The Federal Political Committee of the party adopted a new version of the “Memorandum of Political Alternative” at its meeting on 1 March. This document is mandatory for signing by party candidates in elections of all levels.
Posted: March 13th, 2019 under Elections, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Judiciary, Memorandum of Political Alternative, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy, Regional and Local Elections 2019, Russia-Ukraine relations, Situation in Crimea, YABLOKO Against Nationalism, Extremism and Xenophobia.
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Sergei Mitrokhin fined 200,000 roubles for participation in the action against infill construction
Press Release, 12.03.2019 The Kuntsevo District Court of Moscow fined Sergei Mitrokhin, member of the Federal Political Committee of the Yabloko party, for 200,000 roubles for his meeting with residents of the Kuntsevo district who oppose the actions of the PIK Group of construction companies.
Posted: March 13th, 2019 under Human Rights, Protection of Environment.
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Grigory Yavlinsky about a trial over Oyub Titiyev, head of the Chechen branch of the Memorial human rights society
Grigory Yavlinsky’s Facebook page, 12.03.2019 Prosecution of human rights activist Oyub Titiyev has been going on in Chechnya for a year now. Nothing defamatory to Titiyev has been found: all the charges look extremely unconvincing, contrived and politically motivated. Oyub Titiyev, Chairman of the Chechen [branch of human rights society] Memorial, is a very strong […]
Posted: March 12th, 2019 under Human Rights.
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On the preparation of proposals for the reform of the electoral system of the Russian Federation

Decision No 107 of Yabloko’s Federal Political Committee, 6.03.2019 In 2018, the electoral system of modern Russia celebrated its 25th anniversary. At this time political organisations, movements and political parties were born. However, today confidence of Russians in elections has dropped to almost a zero level, almost like in Soviet times, when elections were not […]
Posted: March 11th, 2019 under Elections, Political Committee Decisions.
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The Kalmyk branch of Yabloko held pickets for the alternation of power
Press Release, 7.03.2019 One-person pickets for the alternation of power were held in Elista, capital of Kalmykia. Activists of Kalmyk branch of Yabloko demanded that representatives of the pro-government United Russia party should resign from all the bodies of the executive and the legislative power in Kalmykia.
Posted: March 11th, 2019 under YABLOKO Against the Parties of Power.
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Happy International Women’s Day!
8.03.2019 I am pleased to congratulate all women on the International Women’s Day! I wish all of us always be in peace and harmony with ourselves and external circumstances. Wishing you love, beauty and joy! Happy holiday! Emilia Slabunova, Yabloko Chairperson
Posted: March 11th, 2019 under Greetings.
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The Chelyabinsk branch of Yabloko supported residents in their struggle against the construction of the Kruglogorsk mining and processing plant
Press Release, 5.03.2019 Yaroslav Shcherbakov, Chairman of the Chelyabinsk-based branch of Yabloko, spoke at a rally in the city of Miass, at an ecoprotest action demanding to stop the construction of the Kruglogorsk mining and processing plant and prevent pollution of Lake Turgoyak. About 2,000 residents of the city participated in this rally.
Posted: March 11th, 2019 under Protection of Environment.
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Yabloko introduced anti-Stalinist bill to the parliament of St. Petersburg United Russia, LDPR and the Communist Party refused to discuss the bill
Press Release, 6.03.2019 Deputies from United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the LDPR party excluded from the agenda of the plenary session of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg consideration of the legislative initiative of Yabloko “On the prohibition of the memorialization of Stalin and introduction of amendments to certain legislative […]
Posted: March 7th, 2019 under History, Overcoming Stalin's Legacy.
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No to persecution of Moscow municipal deputies
The authorities must abolish reprisals against the dissenting Statement by the Yabloko Bureau, 28.02.2019 Photo: Andrei Morev, municipal deputy from Yabloko and head of minicipality. The Moscow authorities lost the municipal elections in 2017 in a number of [Moscow] districts, and began systematically intimidate municipal deputies. Pressure on municipal deputies is openly criminal and includes […]
Posted: March 5th, 2019 under Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Local and Municipal Elections 2017, Regional and Local Elections.
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