Congresses and Docs

Memorandum of Political Alternative, an updated version of 1.03.2019

Memorandum of Political Alternative

YABLOKO's Ten Key Programme Issues


YABLOKO's Political Platform Adopted by the 15th Congress, June 21, 2008

The 18th Congress of YABLOKO

RUSSIA DEMANDS CHANGES! Electoral Program for 2011 Parliamentary Elections.

Key resolutions by the Congress:

On Stalinism and Bolshevism
Resolution. December 21, 2009

On Anti-Ecological Policies of Russia’s Authorities. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 253, December 24, 2009

On the Situation in the Northern Caucasus. Resolution of the 15th congress of the YABLOKO party No 252, December 24, 2009


YABLOKO’s Political Committee: Russian state acts like an irresponsible business corporation conducting anti-environmental policies


Overcoming bolshevism and stalinism as a key factor for Russia¦µ™s transformation in the 21st century


On Russia's Foreign Policies. Political Committee of hte YABLOKO party. Statement, June 26, 2009


On Iran’s Nuclear Problem Resolution by the Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 6, 2009


Anti-Crisis Proposals (Housing-Roads-Land) of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO. Handed to President Medvedev by Sergei Mitrokhin on June 11, 2009

Brief Outline of Sergei Mitrokhin’s Report at the State Council meeting. January 22, 2010


Assessment of Russia’s Present Political System and the Principles of Its Development. Brief note for the State Council meeting (January 22, 2010) by Dr.Grigory Yavlinsky, member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee. January 22, 2010


Address of the YABLOKO party to President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Political Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 9, 2009


The 17th Congress of YABLOKO




The 16th Congress of Yabloko

Photo by Sergei Loktionov

The 12th congress of Yabloko

The 11th congress of Yabloko

The 10th congress of Yabloko

Moscow Yabloko
Yabloko for Students
St. Petersburg Yabloko
Khabarovsk Yabloko
Irkutsk Yabloko
Kaliningrad Yabloko(eng)
Novosibirsk Yabloko
Rostov Yabloko
Yekaterinburg Yabloko
(Sverdlovsk Region)

Krasnoyarsk Yabloko
Ulyanovsk Yabloko
Tomsk Yabloko
Tver Yabloko(eng)
Penza Yabloko
Stavropol Yabloko

Action of Support





Programme by candidate for the post of Russian President Grigory Yavlinsky. Brief Overview

My Truth

Grigory Yavlinsky at Forum 2000, Prague, 2014

Grigory Yavlinsky : “If you show the white feather, you will get fascism”

Grigory Yavlinsky: a coup is started by idealists and controlled by rascals

The Road to Good Governance

Risks of Transitions. The Russian Experience

Grigory Yavlinsky on the Russian coup of August 1991

A Male’s Face of Russia’s Politics


The Hidden Cause of the Great Recession (And How to Avert the Nest One)

by Dr. Grigory Yavlinsky

What does the opposition want: to win or die heroically?
Moskovsky Komsomolets web-site, July 11, 2012. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Yulia Kalinina.

Lies and legitimacy
The founder of the Yabloko Party analyses the political situation. Article by Grigory Yavlinsky on radio Svoboda. April 6, 2011

Algorithms for Opposing Gender Discrimination: the International and the Russian Experience

Is Modernisation in Russia Possible? Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky and Boris Titov by Yury Pronko, "The Real Time" programme, Radio Finam, May 12, 2010

Grigory Yavlinsky's interview to Vladimir Pozner. The First Channel, programme "Pozner", April 20, 2010 (video and transcript)

Overcoming the Totalitarian Past: Foreign Experience and Russian Problems by Galina Mikhaleva. Research Centre for the East European Studies, Bremen, February 2010.

Grigory Yavlinsky: Vote for the people you know, people you can turn for help. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, October 8, 2009

Grigory Yavlinsky: no discords in the tandem. Grigory Yavlinsky’s interview to the Radio Liberty
September 22, 2009

A Credit for Half a Century. Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Natalia Bekhtereva, Radio Russia, June 15, 2009

Sergei Mitrokhin's Speech at the meeting with US Preseident Barack Obama. Key Notes, Moscow, July 7, 2009

Mitrokhin proposed a visa-free regime between Russia and EU at the European liberal leaders meeting
June 18, 2009

by Grigory Yavlinsky

Reforms that corrupted Russia
By Grigory Yavlinsky, Financial Times (UK), September 3, 2003

Grigory Yavlinsky: "It is impossible to create a real opposition in Russia today."
Moskovsky Komsomolets, September 2, 2003

Alexei Arbatov: What Should We Do About Chechnya?
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Mikhail Falaleev
Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 9, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: Our State Does Not Need People
Novaya Gazeta,
No. 54, July 29, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky: The Door to Europe is in Washington
Obschaya Gazeta, May 16, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's speech.
March 11, 2002

Grigory Yavlinsky's Lecture at the Nobel Institute
Oslo, May 30, 2000



Position on Some Important Strategic Issues of Russian-American Relations

Moscow, July 7, 2009

The Embrace of Stalinism

By Arseny Roginsky, 16 December 2008

Nuclear Umbrellas and the Need for Understanding: IC Interview With Ambassador Lukin
September 25, 1997

Would the West’s Billions Pay Off?
Los Angeles Times
By Grigory Yavlinsky and Graham Allison
June 3, 1991


Bodies of the YABLOKO Party

Nikolai Rybakov Chairman of the Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko.
Environmentalist, member of the Federal Political Committee and the Federal Bureau of the party

Deputy Chairpersons

Boris Vishnevsky Deputy Chairman of the party, member of the Federal Political Committee and the Federal Bureau of the party. Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Political writer, political scientist.  Candidate of Technical Sciences. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia Award.

Vladimir Dorokhov Deputy Chairman of the party, Chairman of the Tula regional branch of the party, member of the Federal Bureau, Yabloko representative in the Central Electoral Commission of the RF.

Sergei Ivanenko Deputy Chairman of the party. Economist, Candidate of Economics. Member of the Federal Political Committee of the party. Chairman of the Moscow branch of Yabloko.

Maxim Kruglov Deputy Chairman of the party, head of the Yabloko faction in the Moscow City Duma. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow regional branch of the party. Candidate of Political Sciences.

Anna Cherepanova Deputy Chair of the party, head of the Yabloko faction in the City Duma of Veliky Novgorod. Chair of the Novgorod regional branch of the party. Member of the Federal Bureau. Candidate of Economics.

Lev Shlosberg Deputy Chairman of the party, member of the Federal Council, the Federal Political Committee, and the Federal Bureau of the party, Deputy Chairman of the Pskov regional branch of the party. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia Award.

Federal Political Committee

Grigory Yavlinsky Chairman of the Federal Political Committee. Founder and the first Chairman of the party. Doctor of Economics, Professor at Higher School of Economics.

Alexei Arbatov Head of the Centre for International Security at the Institute of the World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Academician).

Igor Artemyev President of the Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange. Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Ivan Bolshakov Head of the Analytical Department of the party. Political scientist, member of the Russian Political Science Association.

Valery Borschyov Co-Chair of the Moscow Helsinki Group. Co-Chairman of the Human Rights Faction of the party.

Yevgeny Bunimovich Deputy of the Moscow City Duma. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Honoured Teacher of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Boris Vishnevsky Deputy Chairman of the party, member of the Federal Political Committee and the Federal Bureau of the party. Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Political writer, political scientist.  Candidate of Technical Sciences. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia Award.
Svetlana Gannushkina Human rights defender. Chair of the Civil Assistance Committee.
Alexander Gnezdilov Theatrical director, artistic director of the Gnezdo artistic union.
Yevgeny Gontmakher Doctor of Economics. Professor.

Yelena Dubrovina Head of the Centre for Legislative Initiatives of the party. Honoured Lawyer of Russia, Candidate of Juridical Sciences.

Sergei Ivanenko Deputy Chairman of the party. Economist, Candidate of Economics. Member of the Federal Political Committee of the party. Chairman of the Moscow branch of Yabloko.

Dmitry Konnychev Director of the Foundation for the Support of Innovative Education. Candidate of Political Sciences.

Alexei Melnikov Economist, political writer.

Sergei Mitrokhin Deputy of the Moscow City Duma. Candidate of Political Sciences.

Nikolai Rybakov Yabloko Chairman. Member of the Federal Political Committee and the Federal Bureau of the party.

Emilia Slabunova Chair of the Yabloko branch in the Republic of Karelia. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia. Honoured teacher of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Lev Shlosberg Deputy Chairman of the party, member of the Federal Council, the Federal Political Committee, and the Federal Bureau of the party, Deputy Chairman of the Pskov regional branch of the party. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia Award.

Alexander Shishlov Coordinator of the Federal Political Committee, Chairman of the St.Petersburg branch of Yabloko. Head of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St.Petersburg. Candidate of  Physical and Mathematical Sciences.


Yabloko Bureau

Boris Vishnevsky Deputy Chairman of the party, member of the Federal Political Committee and the Federal Bureau of the party. Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Political writer, political scientist.  Candidate of Technical Sciences. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia Award.

Anatoly Golov Head of the Social Democratic Faction of the party, Deputy Chairman of the St.Petersburg branch of the Yabloko. Co-Chair of the Consumers Union of the Russian Federation.

Valery Goryachev Lawyer, attorney. Executive Secretary of the Party Bureau.

Vladimir Dorokhov Deputy Chairman of the party, Chairman of the Tula regional branch of the party, member of the Federal Bureau, Yabloko representative in the Central Electoral Commission of the RF.

Vasily Yeryomin Deputy Chairman of the Tomsk branch of Yabloko. Deputy of the Tomsk City Duma. Candidate of Economics.

Alexander Yefimov Entrepreneur. Member of the Volgograd regional branch of the party.

Ruslan Zinatullin Chairman of the Yabloko branch in the Republic of Tatarstan

Sergei Ivanenko Deputy Chairman of the party. Economist, Candidate of Economics. Member of the Federal Political Committee of the party. Chairman of the Moscow branch of Yabloko.

Olga Kolokolova Chair of the Perm regional branch of the party. Deputy of the Duma of the Krasnokamsk City District of the Perm Territory.

Maxim Kruglov Deputy Chairman of the party, head of the Yabloko faction in the Moscow City Duma. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow regional branch of the party. Candidate of Political Sciences.

Andrei Morev Deputy Chairman of the Moscow branch of Yabloko.

Ruslan Mutsolgov Chairman of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Ingushetia. Member of the editorial board of the newspaper “Public Tribune of Ingushetia”.

Maxim Petlin Member of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the party.

Dmitry Rybakov Deputy Chairman of the Green Russia Faction of Yabloko. Head of the Yabloko faction in the Petrozavodsk City Council. Candidate of  Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.

Nikolai Rybakov Chairman of the party. Environmentalist. Member of the Federal Political Committee and the Federal Bureau of the party

Konstantin Smirnov Chairman of the Ryazan branch of the party. Journalist.

Alexei Firsov Chairman of the Kolchugino local branch of the party, the Vladimir region.

Anna Cherepanova Deputy Chair of the party, head of the Yabloko faction in the City Duma of Veliky Novgorod. Chair of the Novgorod regional branch of the party. Member of the Federal Bureau. Candidate of Economics.

Olga Tsepilova Chair of the Green Russia Faction of Yabloko. Deputy Chair of the St.Petersurg branch of Yabloko. Candidate of Social Sciences.

Lev Shlosberg Deputy Chairman of the party, member of the Federal Council, the Federal Political Committee, and the Federal Bureau of the party, Deputy Chairman of the Pskov regional branch of the party. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia Award.

Yaroslav Shcherbakov Chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch of the party.

Audit Commission

Dmitry Kushpita Chairman of Vladimir regional branch of the party. School director in Vladimir. Advisor of the head of the city on education, physical training and sports.

Kirill Lysenko Deputy Chairman of the Council on Informatization and Digital Economy of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly. Lecturer at Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economy and Public Administration

Vadim Monin Chairman of the Astrakhan regional branch of the party. Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Astrakhan Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economy and Public Administration.
Tatyana Pchyolkina Chair of the Orenburg branch of the party. Lawyer.

Andrei Talevlin Deputy Chairman of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the party.  Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Procedure in Chelyabinsk State University.

Tatyana Shkred Chair of the Voronezh regional branch of the party. Self-employed entrepreneur.

Arbitrary Commission

Olga Pokrovskaya Deputy Chair of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the party. Expert of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg
Yuri Sheyn Member of the regional Bureau in the Moscow branch of the party.
Olga Shtannikova Member of the Regional Council of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the party. Coordinator of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg
Kirill Yankov Head of the Regional Economic Forecasting Laboratory at the Institute of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Forever in YABLOKO

Farid N. Babayev

Human rights defender, Chair of the Dagestan branch of YABLOKO. Murdered during the election campaign to the State Duma of the fifth convocation on 27 November, 2007.

Alexander M. Karasyev

Well-known human rights defender in Tatarstan, Chair of YABLOKO branch in Chistopol. Murdered in the night of 4 September 1998.

Timur Kh. Kuashev

Journalist, human rights defender, public person. Found dead on 1 August, 2014.

Yuri Shchekochikhin

On 19 December, 1998, Yuri Shchekochikhin was elected Deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation in a federal district, YABLOKO’s candidates list. Yuri Shchekochikhin died suddenly on 3 July, 2003 (the official diagnoses: rare allergic Lyell’s syndrom caused by an unclear “agent”)

Larisa A.Yudina

Editor-in-Chief of the Sovietskaya Kalmykia Segodnya newspaper. She was murdred on 7 June, 1998.



Decision-Making Bodies of the YABLOKO Party in 2019 – 2023


Decision-Making Bodies of the YABLOKO Party in 2014 – 2019