Grigory Yavlinsky: Anti-civilization terrorism is a terrible threat both to Europe and Russia
Grigory Yavlinsky sent to President of France Francois Hollande and Jean-Maurice Ripert, Ambassador of France to Russia, a telegramme of condolence in connection with the attack on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo:
“I express my deepest condolences to the people of France suffering the consequences of falgitious act of terror in the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine.
This is our common pain and common problem, and its solution requires our immediate, serious and joint efforts.
Creation of conditions for such work is one of the priorities for Russian politicians.
Anti-civilization terrorismis a terrible threat both to Europe and Russiaas a part of Europe.
We are bearing a shared responsibility for the protection of our world.
I am grieving for the vicitims.
Grigory Yavlinsky
Posted: January 7th, 2015 under YABLOKO Against Terrorism.