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Consultations of democratic organisations on the threashold of the Moscow City Duma elections go on

Press Release

April 25, 2013

Yesterday, representatives of democratic parties and organisations gathered for their second meeting in one of Moscow clubs to discuss nomination of a single list in the Moscow City Duma elections.

Representatives of from the YABLOKO party and YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin, RPR-Parnas (Vladimir Ryzhkov), Democratic Choice (Vladimir Milov), the Civil Initiative (Nikolai Alekseyev), the Solidarity (Michael Schneider) and the Coordinating Council of the opposition (Gennady Gudkov) participated in the meeting. This time new participants joined the meeting: representatives of the The Party of December 5 (Denis Bilunov and Sergei Davidis), the Civil Initiative, the Civil Federation movement and The White Ribbon joined the consultations.

The participants agreed to conduct regular meetings so that to coordinate candidates in single-mandate electoral districts and actions targeted at the increase of voter turnout, as well as possible agreements on the general list. A working group comprising one representative from each organisation was formed. The tasks of the working group are to formulate the agenda and possible solutions for the next meeting in an expanded format. The YABLOKO party delegated Galina Mikhaleva, First Deputy Chair of the Moscow branch of the party, to the working group. The first meeting of the working group will be held this Saturday, on April 27.

In March 2013 YABLOKO proposed to create a broad democratic and civil coalition at the Moscow City Duma elections in 2014. YABLOKO proposed to conduct primaries, where all the Muscovites could participate; whereas the winners in the primaries would be included into the YABLOKO party list of candidates and in single-mandate electoral districts. YABLOKO has been organising regular meetings with the registered participants to the primaries - candidates and campaigners.

In addition, YABLOKO declared its readiness to include representatives of other parties into the "party" part of the list, if such agreements are reached. The first meeting of the democratic parties and organisations willing to discuss an electoral coalition was held on the initiative of the party in YABLOKOs office on April 10, 2013.

See also:

Moscow City Duma Elections 2014

Democrats discussed the Moscow City Duma Elections. Press Release, April 11, 2013

Sergei Mitrokhin called Muscovites to change the Moscow government. Press Release, March 2, 2013

Half of YABLOKO’s candidates for the Moscow City Duma elections will be determined by Muscovites in primaries. Press Release, February 17, 2013

YABLOKO to call for nomination of candidates from a united democratic opposition for the Moscow City Duma elections. Press Release, February 14, 2013

Regional and Local Elections 2013


April 25, 2013

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