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Sergei Mitrokhin called Muscovites to change the Moscow government

Press Release

March 2, 2013




YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin called the participants of the Social Manifestation to "change the authorities at the next elections to the Moscow City Duma," rather than ask the Mayor of Moscow team for some "handouts". "We offer the entire civil society to unite for the Moscow City Duma elections and agree to provide our party candidates list for this purpose, and we give half of the list for civil society activists," Mitrokhin said at a rally on Sakharov Square.

Mitrokhin showed YABLOKOs Manifesto 2014 to the rally.

"If we can do it, than we will win the mayoral election. And then we'll come and say Sergei Sobyanins (the present Moscow Mayor) team: Moscow is not your city. This is our city! " said YABLOKO leader.

Mitrokhin also said that the policies of the Moscow authorities was "authoritarian and incompetent in many areas, but extremely self-confident and based on the most profound contempt for the Muscovites". "The Sobyanins team acts as if they came to some kindergarten rather than Moscow. They know what is better for us, and we should wait with our mouths open when they bring happiness to us," Mitrokhin said.

Clearing off small businesses in favour of large networks, depriving migrants of their rights to improve their living conditions in favour of investors, tiling [the entire Moscow], construction works in the parks, mindless expansion of roads here is this happiness, but not for the Muscovites, it is for officials and oligarchs at the expense of suffering of ordinary people.

According to Mitrokhin, today each Muscovite should ask a question "what is happening and why?" And give an answer until it is not too late.

The rally on Sakharov Square was preceded by a manifestation along the boulevards. YABLOKOs column together with other political forces columns marched from Pushkin Square along the boulevards to Sakharov Square. Muscovites who know YABLOKO well as the party helped them to stand up for their rights, joined the party column.

YABLOKO activists held a banner The Moscow authority must be controlled by Muscovites!

YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin heading the column

Galina Mikhalyova, First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow branch of YABLOKO

More photographs


See also:

Human Rights

Freedom of Assembly

Elections to the Moscow City Duma 2014




Press Release

March 2, 2013

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