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Yavlinsky warns of a new revolution in Russia and proposes to call a Constituent Assembly

April 7, 2011

One of the founders of the YABLOKO party and its former leader Grigory Yavlinsky believes that Russia for its full-fledged developmens needs to turn back to the experience of the Constituent Assembly that existed in 1917.

"We need to continue and complete the political transformation we began in the spring of 1917 which was stopped by the coup d’etat. The Constituent Assembly can become a fundamental event in the construction of the modern Russian state. It is the Constituent Assembly (in particular, in the form of the Constitutional Assembly, as stipulated in the Constitution) which is able to restore genuine Russia’s statehood, " runs the article by Grigory Yavlinsky published at the website of the YABLOKO party.

According to the founder of the party, "we are facing the challenge so that every citizen (except for completely fringe people) should feel involved in this work either directly or through their representatives – who should not be “made up” like those who are now sitting in the Duma (the Russian parliament) and the Public Chamber, but real and legitimate."

He also notes that "the preparation of the Constituent Assembly will be very complicated and lengthy."

"Very few people believe that this can happen in the foreseeable future. However, the rejection of such a process leads to a situation when future changes can be even more radical, and probably even damaging. That is why, despite of all, we should actively work over implementation of a non-violent and constructive option,” Yavlinsky notes.

Assessing the current situation in Russia, Yavlinsky stated that "the present Russian political regime, which emerged after 1991 and shaped during in the past decade, has failed to create a modern state resulting in an ongoing and steadily deepening and insurmountable gap between the government and people, the state and the society."

"I think that the situation which has developed by the spring of 2011, begins threatening the very existence of Russia. The government has been losing the remnants of formal democratic legitimacy [which is demonstrated by their] systematic election fraud. People do not vote for the United Russia not because they do not support this party, but because people do not care about it, and because it is a normal thing [to abstain from voting]," runs Yavlinsky’s article.

According to Yavlinsky, "lies and propaganda have remained the key factor of the system; political thinking has become frozen on the level of the beginning of the past century; there has been no unequivocal condemnation of the state terror; attempts in the line of Realpolitik to justify it have been constantly made; the frameworks of the Soviet foreign policy thinking model impede the development of such breakthrough projects as the Russian-European missile defense; the majority of "elite" discussing this subject thinks about the past rather than future."

"The roots of this situation prone of a national disaster lie in the nature and specifics of the Russian political system. It is based on the bureaucratic nomenclature, a substitute for the political and the business elite, which concentrated in its hands power and property, and is inclined to fulfill only one function of the government – keeping watch and ward," believes Yavlinsky.

"It is not important politically who will be defined and inaugurated as the President: Putin, Medvedev, or someone else. The main thing is that the system will remain unchanged - illegitimate, politically and economically inefficient, humiliating for the citizens and depriving them of the rights. Social life is characterised by the lack reality, it is substituted endless "simulators”. Diversity of opinions and style is substituted by the tandem, modernisation by the Skolkovo village (the Russian Silicon Valley), games and championships, a multiparty system is replaced by the most boring Kremlin projects ", - writes the former leader of the YABLOKO party.

According to Yavlinsky, "a disbalance in politics, law, social situation, industry and infrastructure may lead in some time to such consequences that will surpass the turmoil of 1991," and, therefore, "there a fundamental, qualitative change of this system is needed."


See also:

Modernisation in Russia


April 7, 2011

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