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The murderer of the leader of the Dagestan YABLOKO sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment

June 3, 2010

According to Interfax, the Supreme Court of Dagestan sentenced Rakhil Mamedrezayaev to 15 years of imprisonment in the colony of strict regime, the Jury found Mamedrezayaev guilty of murder of Farid Babayev, the leader of the Dagestan YABLOKO, and unlawful keeping of guns.

The state prosecution asked the court to sentence the accused to 12 years of imprisonment in accordance with Article 105 of the Criminal Code (murder) and to additional five years of imprisonment in accordance with Article 222 of the Criminal Code (unlawful weapons-bearing and keeping of guns). Considering this fact, the Jury acknowledged the accused deserving leniency, the prosecutor asked to give him 16 years in total.

The second of the accused charged with complicity of murder, Seferali Sefemerzoyev, who lived with Mamedrezayaev in the same village, was acquitted by the Jury on May 21 and released from custody in the court hall. The Supreme Court of Dagestan confirmed this decision.

YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin was satisfied with the decision of the court as regards Mamedrezayaev. “The positive thing is that the [Supreme Court] left the sentence to the murderer virtually unchanged, reducing the sentence by one year only with regard to the Jury decision. However, I think that there was a great threat of its considerable mitigation or even abrogation,” Mitrokhin said.

However, the politician expressed his disagreement with acquittal of the second figurant of the case. According to him, “Sefemerzoyev is an obvious culprit in the murder, judging both from the witnesses’ testimony and other materials of the investigation, and again he escaped responsibility.” The person convicted by the court was actually the one who executed the murder, and another one, who was undeservedly acquitted was the organiser of the murder, Mitrokhin said.

In addition, YABLOKO’s leader told that “during examination of the case by the Jury they had to confront clear threats from the side of the defendants,” also there were threats to the witness who, consequently, changed his testimony.

We should note that this is already the second examination of the case on the murder of Farid Babayev. In January 2009 the Supreme Court of Dagestan acknowledged Mamedrezayaev guilty of murder sentencing him to 16 years of imprisonment in the colony of a strict regime. The sentence, as in the present case, based on the Jury’s verdict.

The Jury considered that Mamedrezayaev was really the one who had murdered Babayev and had been acting as a part of a specially organised group. However, the Jury considered that the fact that the murder was made for remuneration was lacking enough evidence. Sefemerzoyev accused of complicity was also acquitted.

After these the prosecution made a cassation appeal on this decision to the Supreme Court of Russia. Mamedrezayaev’s attorney also appealed against this decision. Consequently, in June 2009 the Supreme Court of Russia abrogated this previous sentence and forwarded the case to the Supreme Court of Dagestan for a new trial with another composition of the court.

We should also note that leader of Dagestan YABLOKO Farid Babayev was number one in YABLOKO’s list of candidates in Dagestan at the State Duma elections in 2007. On November 21, several days prior to the voting, he was gunned in the entrance of his house. Doctors fought for his life foe three days, but on November 24 Babayev died.

Mamedrezayaev and Sefemerzoyev were caught and arrested in March 2008. During preliminary investigation they stated that Abbas Abbasov, the son of the head of Dokuzparinsky district Kerimkhan Abbasov, whom slained Babayev repeatedly criticised in public, had ordered the murder. However, later they went back on their testimony.

At present the investigation considers Abbasov’s political opponent Sedredin Kanberov be the one who ordered the crime. Kanberov is hiding from the investigation and is on the wanted list.


See also:

The Murder of Farid Babayev

The court once again recognised the killer of the leader of the Dagestan YABLOKO guilty or murder. Interfax, May 22, 2010

On pressure on the witnesses in the case of Farid Babayev, the murdered leader of the Dagestan YABLOKO.
Statement by the Bureau of the YABLOKO party. May 20, 2010


June 3, 2010