[previous] [CONTENTS]
The inclusion of most enterprises
in all initial groups, indicating that they all have common
problems, enables us to use one form for them all. If the
problems of enterprises do not overlap, several forms for
larger groups of enterprises can be devised. However, this
will complicate considerably the collection and processing
of information and raise the problem of generalising data.
Forms should be precise, preferably in
the form of tables, to standardise the process of collecting
initial information and its processing. At the first stage
both the essense of questions and their form can be specified.
Subsequently, however, the form should remain unchanged
for a certain period (for example, a quarter). The period
depends on the rates of change in the general situation
and specific tasks of the form. They could include speical
questions just once or for a short period of time, in order
to specify certain situations at enterprises. But they should
not be made too complicated. There should be no more than
10-12 questions, and all additions and amendments should
be included in such a way that the general idea is not destroyed,
keep the form comparable and ensure the fullest possible
reflection of changes to have taken place.
Polls will be held every month. Their findings
will be
presented by the tenth day of the following month. To be
able to compile forecasts and devise quick measures,
information should be provided regularly from all
of Collecting of Information
Information can be collected at enterprises
by structures
dealing with economic and labour issues. The collection
accumulation of information can be controlled by public
organisations incorporating enterprise managers. For
example, in Nizhni Novgorod Oblast, this function can be
fulfilled by the Nizhni Novgorod Association of Enterprises
and Organisations (Russian abbreviation NAPO).
of Collected Information
Initial information should be sent to the
department of
economy and forecasting at the regional administration,
be used as the basis for an analytical report. The results
could be used to assess the general economic situation in
the region, forecast developments (above all on the labour
market), and draft recommendations on the choice of
emergency measures to be applied by the local authorities.
Initial information should also be presented to the
Employment Centre to specify redundancy forecasts and draft
an employment programme.
[previous] [CONTENTS]