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Books by Grigory Yavlinsky
Economics and Politics in Russia
The Center for Economic and Political Research (EPIcenter)
Nizhni Novgorod-Moscow, 1992

4.1 Entrepreneurship and Property

4.1.5 The State Property Protection Service

The creation of a state service to protect property (principally private property) is an attempt to reverse the trend toward rapid criminalisation of the entire economy by concentrating a maximum number of functions for the protection of the interests of entrepreneurs within the jurisdiction of a state agency possessing the appropriate powers, trained staff, weapons, and other necessary means.


Sequence of steps

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At the first stage, the internal affairs and security agencies (internal affairs and security ministry departments in the oblast) are given the right to sign contracts with associations of entrepreneurs. The content of these agreements includes recommendations by the entrepreneurs' associations for the planning and implementation of the usual functions of the given agencies. Examples: partial amendment of the surveillance plan, or of the personnel's time and place of duty, the concentration of forces and means on standard operations (verification of passports, business regulations, etc.). The second step involves the creation of special subdivisions within the internal affairs department and the security ministry and the granting to them of the right to sign contracts for the execution of special functions, not only with associations, but also with separate enterprises and individuals:

- the safeguarding of workplaces, production sites, and other premises, material valuables, money, and private individuals;

- the protection of commercial, financial, credit, production, and technological confidentiality;

- the rendering of legal services; and

- the elaboration and introduction of technical security programmes.

The third stage involves the establishment (on the basis of special subdivisions) of 100% state-owned joint stock companies, and their provision of services permitted for private agencies. To contribute workplaces, vehicles, weapons and other means, and other property at the disposal of the special subdivisions of the internal affairs and security agencies, as statutory capital. Such joint stock companies will implement the following functions: - effective servicing of entrepreneurial structures, combatting criminal infringement, and resistance against racketeering and mafia gangs; and - the coordination of the activity of private security, criminal investigation, and other law enforcement agencies.


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