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Books by Grigory Yavlinsky
Economics and Politics in Russia
The Center for Economic and Political Research (EPIcenter)
Nizhni Novgorod-Moscow, 1992

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The measures proposed by specialists from the Centre for Economic and Political Research during their work in Nizhni Novgorod oblast (from June-September 1992) are based on a change in the actual approach to the economic and political reforms in Russia. We suggest that the new conditions require the adoption of a "problem - solution" plan. In other words, one should proceed from the actual problems confronting the bodies of power. The first part of this work attempted to show that the ability to resolve a problem and responsibility for its solution are shifting from the federal level to that of the Russian regions. "Reform from above" has exhausted itself, and new radical reform policies may only be implemented by transition to a formula of "creation from below". Consequently the practical part of this work is presented mostly in the form of recommendations to the local authorities and administrative bodies, and a rational policy proposed for the territories. These recommendations should be realised on a voluntary basis, representing the conscious choice of the people living in the region. Even if the proposed range of solutions to vital regional problems are accepted or rejected, we believe that the local authorities are accountable to the population for the solution of these problems in one way or another. This work will focus on the possibilities available to the region's political leaders. Use of this potential depends to a large extent on the goals and activities of those authorities.

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