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YABLOKO to create Fund for Donations for provision of elections transparency

Press Release

January 16, 2012


Photo: Ludmila Alexeyeva, Sergei Mitrokhin and Grigory Yavlinsky.

The YABLOKO party is going to complete creation of a fund for citizens donations for organisation of election monitoring and encourages people to become observers on the election day March 4.

"Today we are initiation creation of a special fund, which we are calling the Fund for Promotion of Public Control over Elections", said Sergei Mitrokhin, YABLOKO Chairman, a press conference in the Interfax office on Monday.

He also proposed a brief name for the fund - "Transparent Elections". According to Mitrokhin, the establishment of this fund is in its final stage already.

"We will address the citizens of Russia with a proposal to send donations to the fund. The money will go exclusively to cover the cost of work of lawyers engaged in litigation, as well as training of observers," Mitrokhin said.

He also stressed that it would be a public fund, not affiliated with any party. "And we are establishing a Supervisory Board consisting of representatives and leaders of the most influential non-governmental organisations of our country and mass media so that to ensure transparency of the spending of these funds," he noted.

According to Mitrokhin, the Supervisory Board, would, in particular, include Lyudmila Alexeyeva, head of Russia's oldest human rights organisation the Moscow Helsinki Group, Oleg Orlov, Chairman of the Memorial Human Rights Centre and Dmitry Muratov, Editor-in-Chief of Novaya Gazeta.

"I think these people do not need any recommendations, their public weight allows to provide guarantees of absolute honesty and transparency in spending of electoral funds", Mitrokhin added.

Ludmila Alexeyeva who was present at the press conference, supported the establishment of the Fund and expressed her confidence in its success. According to Alexeyeva, "an initiative coming from below should get clear organisational forms."

"We are creating a machinery for [public] control over elections, which sooner or later will control all 96,000 polling stations in the country. And it would be fair and honest," said Grigory Yavlinsky about the establishment of the fund. According to Yavlinsky, the fact that "the courts today deny satisfaction of complaints means marginalisation of the state. This means that a citizen can not find satisfaction in court, he added.
Sergei Mitrokhin urged the Russian citizens to come to the polling stations on the voting day March 4, as well as become public observers on election day.

"If people come to the polling stations and become observers at these polling stations, provided they have had training as observers before, this means they will be qualified observers and, in fact, this is the solution to the problem of fair elections," Mitrokhin said.

In this situation, the election fraud will be virtually impossible, Mitrokhin noted.

Mitrokhin also called on all the parliamentary political parties to unite and file a lawsuit in the Supreme Court so that to recognise the parliamentary elections of December 4, 2011, null and void. He said that after the elections he proposed to the parties several solutions so that to remedy the unfair results. In particular, according to Mitrokhin, he proposed to the parliamentary opposition factions to refuse their deputies' mandates, as well as demand resignation of Vladimir Churov, member of Central Electoral Commission.

"However, no one has taken our advice yet. Perhaps they feel some pressure, so we propose one more option - to unite and file a joint claim to the Supreme Court on recount of the votes and possible cancellation election results," he said.

Mitrokhin also reiterated that in 2003 the YABLOKO party and the Communist Party filed a joint lawsuit in the Supreme Court.

According to Mitrokhin, if today all parties do this, it will be a powerful sign of disagreement with the results of parliamentary elections of December 4, 2011.

Answering journalists questions Grigory Yavlinsky mentioned Vladimir Putins article in the newspaper Izvestia and outlined his vision of the fundamental problems of the modern state and the key issues of its future functioning.

Yavlinsky also told that the future [state] must be built on very solid foundations: legitimate power, its support by citizens and citizens belief into its legitimacy.

He also added that a legitimate power can not emerge at the present scope of lies and fraud.

Yavlinsky said that the key issues for Russia in the future should be freedom of an individual and protection of human rights, modern non-oligarchic economy which would not depend on world energy prices and a modern democratic nature of the state.

Yavlinsky also spoke of his electoral program "Land-Housing-Roads" saying that the programme was even more political than economic.

Yavlinsky has a detailed program of action for ten years. He proposes this program for presidential elections as a democratic candidate and on behalf of the democratic forces in Russia.

"In today's discussion we can clearly see that that the stance of the Russian authorities lags behind the modern global and European development. Such a lag, especially when it becomes critical, leads to a collapse, " he said.

"2011-2012 are the years determining Russias destiny in the 21st century," he concluded.

Speaking about the collection of 2 mln of voters signatures for registration as a candidate in the presidential election campaign, Yavlinsky said that the decision of such registration would be political and neither he nor YABLOKO could know whether the Central Electoral Commission would register Grigory Yavlinsky despite of collected signatures.

"Submitting signatures to the Central Electoral Commission is a very important step on our part, moreover it is our public and civil step, and now there will be a political decision who can be allowed to participate in elections, and we should not think that there is some clarity on this issue now. As far as I understand the situation, there is not any clarity yet, " Yavlinsky noted.

"Our support - and the signatures showed this is very large today, so the decision [on our participation in the presidential elections] will not be adopted easily, he said.

"I can firmly tell you that all the signatures collected by YABLOKO are real signatures of real voters," he added.

He also recalled that the Central Election Commission should examine 20% of the total number of signatures, i.e., 400,000 signatures, and such examination will take them a few days. Yavlinsky also noted that he should be registered if the number of defected signatures does not exceed 5%.

"This means virtually unlimited possibilities to remove candidates, which actually is not related to a number of signatures or their quality," Grigory Yavlinsky said.


See also:

Presidential Elections 2012

YABLOKO collected 2.1 voters signatures for registration of Grigory Yavlinsky in the presidential election campaign. Press Release, Janaury 16, 2012.


Press Release

January 16, 2012

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