2,100,000 people signed up for registration of Grigory
Yavlinsky in the presidential election campaign. As expected
Grigory Yavlinskys electoral head-quarters received large
quantity of sheets with signatures these days. Today, on the
last day of collection of signatures, the head-quarters will
receive about 100,000 signatures.
According to the law, the number of signatures submitted
to the Central Electoral Commission should not exceed 2.1
mln. On January 17, the staff of the head-quarters will pass
2.1 mln signatures to the print shop for binding.
On January 18 the signatures will be submitted to the Central
Electoral Commission.
The present law obliges only candidates from non-parliamentary
parties (as YABLOKO) and independent candidates to collect
2 mln signatures for registration in the election campaign.
YABLOKO, which even according to the official data received
2 mln votes at the parliamentary election, attracted for collection
of signatures only volunteers. Collection of signatures was
conducted in all Russian regions, as well as among Russian
citizens working or living in nine European countries, the
USA and Canada.
See also:
Elections 2012