YABLOKOs leader Sergei Mitrokhin applied
to Public Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to determine the
sources of financing of a black PR campaign launched against
YABLOKO and ecologists fighting against constructing of oil
shipment terminals in Novorossiysk and Tuapse, the Black Sea
After loud public protests against construction of hazardous
facilities in the resort cities and his meeting with environmentalists
President Medvedev ordered (on June 8) the regional authorities
to conduct consultations with public organisations and activists.
Such a meeting was held in Krasnodar yesterday, on July 18.
However, not all the environmentalists and representatives
of public organisations were allowed to be present. Thus,
according to a personal order of the anchor of the event,
well-known Russian journalists Vladimir Soloviyov, the security
did not allow Suren Gazaryan, activist of YABLOKO and North
Caucasus Environmental Watch to pass to the premises were
the even was held.
However, Gazaryan got
hold of a document entitled Action
Plan for Creation of Broad Public Resonance in Connection
with the First Public Consultations". According to
the document, the goal of the PR campaign is "to achieve
generally positive reaction from the Internet community on
the decision to launch the terminals in Tuapse and Novorossiysk."
The unknown PR technologists also set up the task to "discredit
environmentalists" fighting against this project endangering
the environment in the region.
The document also offers draft open letter to President Medvedev
from the workers of the terminals demanding to include the
YABLOKO party and North Caucasus Environmental Watch into
the "list of terrorist organisations whose activities
are prohibited."
The document also indicates the resources which should publish
articles against YABLOKO and environmentalists, including
a number of federal electronic media, popular blogs and popular
regional forums. In addition the campaign organisers plan
to engage some "media persons" and well-known bloggers
in the campaign.
The budget of the campaign for demonizing YABLOKO and environmentalists,
according to the document, totals RUR 424,000, a considerable
amount in Russia.
See also:
Against Corruption
of Environment
crash Putins seaside palace. France 24, The Observers
July 5, 2011
Mitrokhin: tortures in the name of Christ. Sergei Mitrokhins
blog at the Echo Moskvi web-site, July 5, 2011
YABLOKOs activists
arrested by Putins country cottage at the Black Sea Coast.
Press Release, June 25, 2011.
Tuapse printing
facility refused to print YABLOKOs bulletin for the rally
obeying the order from the authorities. Press
Release, June 24, 2011.
activists get imprisonment verdicts, Press Release, February
28, 2011
YABLOKO activists hang a banner Freedom to Political Prisoners!
opposite of the Kremlin. Press Release, March 3, 2011.
Oligarch Buys 'Putin' Palace . The Moscow Times, March 4,