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Izvestia, October 6, 2003

The State Duma May Resume its Investigation into the Events of October 1993

By Natalya Golubyeva

On October 6 the Duma Council intends to discuss the need to restore the institute of parliamentary investigation. Two statements on the need to give a new legal and political assessment to the tragic events of September-October 1993 will also be examined as part of this issue. One statement was submitted by deputies Dmitri Rogozin and Sergei Glazyev, while the other was submitted by the YABLOKO faction.

"We believe that these events require an additional investigation into all the circumstances surrounding these developments and punishment of the guilty. We should restore the true picture of events, the true number of casualties, the true role of the statesmen and political figures who took part in the route of the Russian parliament," believes Rogozin. The initiators of the draft statement consider it necessary to request that the prosecutor-general's office launch a repeated investigation, while the Duma should form a special commission. Rogozin and Glazyev also suggested that the government examine the possibility of paying material compensation to the families of those killed during those days and make October 4 the Day of the Memory of the Defenders of the Constitution (this decision was passed through the previous Duma but was blocked by the previous Federation Council).

The investigation needs to be resumed for one simple reason - the Duma special commission created in 1998, as it follows from the texts of the statement, failed to bring the case to the end. The current Duma and Federation Council are devoid of any elements of control over the authorities. The restoration of such a commission is also a very good pretext for restoring the institute of parliamentary investigations as such.

"To enable the mechanism of authorities' responsibility to start operating at full capacity, we should expand the rights of parliamentary control," believes Glazyev. However, on the eve of elections, the Duma will hardly risk stirring up the past, the more as not all faction leaders showed up at the memorial functions held in front of the White House. "Their own conscience must help the deputies make the right decision," believes Glazyev.


See also:

The State Duma of the RF will discuss the draft statement on the events of 1993 prepared by deputies from the YABLOKO faction. RIA Oreanda. October 6, 2003

Izvestia, October 6, 2003

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